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IN addition to the following index, you will find in the Cata-
logues, many generas, species and varieties of plants, not particularly
mentioned in the body of the work; but from the extraordinary
pains taken in classing each kind according to the nature of its
culture, you can be at no loss therefor.

[blocks in formation]

317, 513, 549

Aletris, 345, 346, 461

Alkekengi, 344

Allamanda cathartica, 449

Allspice, Carolina. See Calycan-
thus floridus

Almond, fruit-bearing, 38, 206,
243, 433, 457


double-flowering dwarf, 99,

[blocks in formation]

Anise, 199

Annual flowers, tender, 154, 290,
342, 343, 388

hardy, 150, 290, 343, 388,
Antirrhinum, See Snapdragon

Aloes, 83, 158, 171, 353, 355, Antholizas, 159, 420, 499

394, 500, 539

Althea Frutex, or Hibiscus sy- Apocynum androsœmifolium, 440

riacus, 250, 267, 293

Alyssum, sweet, 344

Amaranthus tricolor, 154, 290,

342, 344, 388, 416

tree, 344, 416

Anthyllises, 444

Apple-tree, 17, 128, 206, 208,
325, 515, 553, 568

spike, 344, 416

globe, 344, 416



sowing kernels of, 149, 251,

gathering and preserving

the fruit of, 519

Apricot, 21, 128, 206, 433

Amaryllis, scarlet, 71, 350, 388, Arbors, rural, 67


[blocks in formation]

Arbor Vitæa, common, 264, 283,

Chinese, 52, 265, 283, 329
Arbutus Unedo, or Strawberry-

tree, 52, 347, 353, 539
Arcades, rural, 67

Arethusa ophioglossoides, 72
Art of improving different soils,


Artichokes, garden, common care
of, 14, 127, 428, 452



Babianas, 159, 499

Balm, common, 198, 512
Moldavian, 344

of Gillead, 355

spring dressing of, 195, Balsam, double striped, 154, 172,

290, 344, 416

making new plantations of, Banqueting-house, rural, 64

[blocks in formation]

spring dressing of, 184, 314,
making new plantations of,
185, 314

sowing seed of, 186, 314
method of cutting, 184
ordinary care of, 314, 371,
399, 452

winter dressing of, 511,

Asters, hardy herbaceous kinds,
72, 151, 291, 344, 417

China, 291, 344, 416
Aucuba japonica, 355, 444, 562,
Auriculas, common care of, 72,
151, 287, 337, 387, 442, 459,
491, 527



Bark-stove, 84

Basil, sweet, 199, 317, 374
Bay, sweet, 54, 347
Beans, early Mazagan, windsor,
&c. 126, 179, 311, 365

sowing seed of, 152, 287,646
description of a fine double,

compost suitable for, 239
new potting of, 339, 387,

slipping for propagation,

339, 387, 442, 459
preparation for winter pro-
tection of, 558, 573
Avenues, 63

Azaleas, or upright American
Honey-suckles, 268, 293.

-to top when in blossom, 365
Beans, kidney, to force, 97, 117,
172, 577

in the open ground, 320,
367, 399, 426, 453

Lima and Carolina, 368,
400, 455
Bear's-foot, 493

Beech-tree, 68, 256, 293, 526
Beet, red, 125, 187, 200, 214,
314, 371, 400

green and white, 187, 371
to preserve in winter, 547
Bignonias, 285, 405, 449
Belladonna Lily, 408, 420, 460,

Belvedere, or Summer Cypress,

Benjamin-tree, 293
Berberries, 38, 226, 518
Blackthorn, or Sloe-tree, 259
Bladder-nut, 140, 293
Bladder-senna. 293
Bladder Ketmia, or Hibiscus tri-

onum, 344

Blossoms of early wall fruit-trees,
to protect, 212, 326
Board-edgings, 71
Borage, 199, 374
Borecole, or Scotch Kale, 184,
308, 363, 397, 422, 451, 546
Bowers, rural, 64, 67
Box edgings, common care of,
71, 417, 442, 495, 537.
-planting, 294, 348, 495, 538
clip or trim, 348, 417, 442,
495, 538
Bridges, ornamental, 61, 65

Broccoli, Italian or Cauliflower, Campanulas, in sorts, 291, 292
nettle-leaved, 345

183, 310, 364, 398


to preserve for winter use, Candytuft, 151, 291, 344

Brawallia, 154, 344, 388

Canker in trees, to prevent or

cure, 134, 135

Brussels sprouts, 309, 364, 397 Canna indica, 355
Buckthorn, sea, 283
Budding or Inoculating, 406,
420, 430. 433, 457, 464,489
methods of, 434

Canterbury-bells, 151, 291, 292,

Buddleias, 355
Bulb-glasses, 76

Bulbs, planting various sorts of,
76, 286, 437, 494, 533, 557,


[blocks in formation]


Cape Bulbs, 159, 356, 420, 499
compost for, 499

Capparis, or Capre-shrub, 355
Capsicums, 200, 319, 372, 402,


[blocks in formation]

Cascades, 61

Cassia, hardy sorts of, 72

chamæcrista, 344
marilandica, 345, 461
Catalogue of Kitchen-garden
esculent plants and herbs, 579
of aromatic, pot, and sweet
herbs, 583

of plants cultivated for
medicinal purposes, 583


of select fruit-trees, 584
of hardy deciduous trees
and shrubs, 588

of hardy evergreen trees
and shrubs, 596

of hardy bulbous and tube-
rous-rooted flowering-plants,


of hardy perennial and
biennial fibrous-rooted flower-
ing-plants, 600

of hardy annual-flowers, 607
of tender annual flowers,

of hardy aquatic herbacious.

perennial plants. 611

best method of procuring
good Cauliflowers in the
southern states, 506

Caves, rural, 64

Cedar, red, 140, 257, 329

of Lebanon, 52, 265, 329
white, 264, 329

Celandine, 198

of Green-House trees and Celeriac, of turnep-rooted celery,
shrubs, 611

of Green-House succulent
and herbacious perennial and
biennial plants, 624

of Green-House bulbous
and tuberous-rooted plants, 624 -
of Hot-House trees, shrubs,
and succulent plants, 627

of Hot-House herbaceous
perennial plants, &c. 637

of Hot-House bulbous and
tuberous rooted plants, 638

of grasses and other plants
used in farming, 639
Catalpa-tree, 262, 293
Catchfly, perennial, 151, 292
Lobel's, 291, 344
double, 493
Caterpillars on fruit trees, to
destroy, 379
Caterpillar-plant, 291, 344
Cauliflowers, care of autumn
sown plants, 12. 119 176,
506, 545, 565

sowing seed of, in winter
and spring, and subsequent
treatment of the plants, 12, 119,

120, 176, 307

183, 547

Celery, 122, 183, 313, 370, 398,
423, 452, 471

to raise early, in the open

ground, 314

to preserve, for winter use,

Celsias, 355
Centaureas, 355

Chamomile, double, 151, 198,
292, 461, 512
Chelone glabra, 345, 461
Cherry-tree, 19, 128, 206, 208,
515, 553

double flowering, 99, 156,

Chervil, 191, 317, 374, 471
Chesnut, Spanish, or sweet, 38,
226, 263, 293, 525
Chironias, 72
Chrysanthemum, 416
Chrysocoma, 355
Christmas-rose, 493
Chives, 190, 315, 514
Cineraria lanata, 444
Cinerias, 355

Cistuses, 52, 355
Citron-tree, 464

[blocks in formation]

Barnes's, 218

Compost, for Carnations and
Pinks, 287

for Auriculas and Polyan-
thuses, 339

for Cyclamens, 409

for Pine-Apples, 446
for Tulips, 528
for Hyacinths, 530

[blocks in formation]


planting, 30, 214, 552
propagating, 54, 142, 284,

sowing seed of, 552

Cuttings, to propagate trees and
shrubs by, 54, 142, 282, 329,
490, 524, 537

for Ranunculuses and Ane- Cyanella, 159. 499

mones, 532, 533

for the generality of Green
and Hot-House plants, 502
Comptonia asplenifolia, 293
Conservatory, 82
Convolvuluses, 291, 344
Coreopsis, 72, 345, 346, 417
Coriander, 191, 317, 374
Cork-tree, 270
Corn, Indian, 362
Cornsalad, 453, 471, 544
Coronilla, 353, 355, 419
Corosive solution, 134
- Cottages, rural, 64
Cotyledons, 539
Crab and Apple-tree hedges, 556
Crassulas, 350

Crocuses, spring, 71, 156, 386,
408, 460, 494, 534

autumnal, 387, 408, 460
Crown Imperials, 71, 386, 408,
437, 460, 494, 534

Cyanus, 291, 344, 461
Cycas revoluta, 500, 539
Cyclamen, 355, 409, 420

propagating by seed, 409, 647
indicum, 409, 647
Cypress, deciduous, 264

evergreen, 52, 347, 539
Cypripediums, 72, 346, 461

Daffodils, 534

Daisies, double, 99, 156, 289,
346, 535, 558, 573
Daphne odora, 539, 562
Dens Canis, or Erythronium
Dens Canis, 386, 437, 494, 534
Dictamnus, or Fraxinella, 346
Diervilla, 283, 293
Dill, 199, 317, 513, 549
Dodecatheon Meadia, 346, 461
Dog's-bane, tustan-leaved, 440
Dogwood, 293

Dolichos, purple, 344, 355

sowing seed of, 460
white, 344, 355
Cucubalus steliatus, 345, 461 Dracocephalums, 72, 151, 345,
Cucumbers, in hot-beds, 3, 6, 346, 417, 461, 493
110, 114, 173,175, 305, 358 Draining of land, 39, 101
seedling beds for, 4 Drawing-frame, for flowering
stopping or topping, 113 plants, 343
impregnating the female Dry Stove, 95

flowers of, 174



in the Hot-House, 98, 172,

under bell or hand-glasses,

in the open ground, 320,
360, 421

for late pickling, 422, 454
serpent, 344

squirting, 344

of, 136


Early crops, prepare for, I
Edging-iron, 70

Edgings, methods and time of
planting, 294, 348, 538

of boards, 71

Egg-plant, or Solanum, Melonge-
na, 319, 373, 401, 429

particular account of, 319
Elder, 258, 283

Curculio, to prevent the ravages Elm-tree, 63, 256, 293, 524

Elecampane, 513

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