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"Vehemens in utramque partem es nimis." TER.

THIS Gentleman had the misfortune of having one of the most indulgent fathers, who suffered his son to launch into every species of extravagance to which he might be prompted either by caprice or inclination.

At the age of three-and-twenty he was sent to study the law at Gray's-Inn; but though he had there very good chambers, he put his father to the expence of taking for him elegant private lodgings in Bedford-Row: while the old gentleman, who was immensely rich, honoured all his extravagant bills upon him, and let him want for no one luxury of life; not reflecting that he had three young daughters, whose fortunes, by this prodigal partiality, he was most considerably in juring.

A Sketch.

Opposite to the lodgings of young Meadowes lived a beautiful servant girl: her father, a country shopkeeper, had failed, and taken it so much to heart, that he fell sice ynd died. The rich inhabitants of the village made a collection for the mother, and set her up again in a little shop; but her daughter, her "blue-eyed Patty," obtained the place of upper housemaid to a lady who lived in London, and whose sister had been, since her father's death, her mother's best friend.

Nothing could surpass the perfect beauty of this young creature she had not only the most lovely complexion in the world, with regular features, but the sweetness and sensibility of her countenance were irresistible, while her form had every charm of grace and symmetry.

The lady, her mistress, was very anx

The Danger of keeping a handsome Maid.

ious and careful about this lovely servant; she repented having brought her into the house: her husband was a man of an amorous complexion, and very handsome; and he would roll his large black eyes, with much meaning expression, over the face and form of the blushing Patty as she waited at table: while his wife, (whether from jealousy, or any other cause, though she gave her handsome wages, made her many pretty presents, and nursed her like a tender mother, if she was sick,) made the poor girl little better than an household drudge; for, notwithstanding she was called upper-housemaid, and paid accordingly, she had to do every thing in common with the lowest servant; to clean the street door, open and close the parlour outside shutters, and many such kind of offices.

While her well-turned arms have been trundling a mop, or fastening back the

Love makes him neglect the Law.

shutters, Young Meadowes has been gazing at his windows*, and, unused to control any one inclination, he felt assured that nothing but the possession of his adored Patty could ever restore him to any prospect of happiness. His chambers were given up, and the study of the law, so requisite for a gentleman of fortune, totally neglected. He was a fine handsome young man, of a very dashing and gentlemanly appearance. Patty could not be ignorant of the motives which brought him so often to the window; nor could she help admiring his fine


* "Come per acqua, ò per cristallo intero

"Trapassa il raggio, e nol divide o parte;
"Per entro il chiuso manto osa il Pensiero
"Si penetrar ne la vietata parte;
"Ivi si spatiæ, ivi contempla il vero
"Di tante maraviglie à parte à parte;
"Poscia al Desio le narra e le descrive
"E ne fà le sue fiamme in lui più vive."


A Resolution upon Oath.

person; and, with all the imprudence of seventeen, she used, in the absence of her mistress, to take her needle-work and seat herself in the drawing-room windows.

Young Meadows never stirred from home, except to take an hasty dinner at the Gray's Inn Coffee-House and Tavern ; he began to make use of signs, held up letters, &c.: Patty took no notice of them. At length seeing her one Saturday evening, after a very hard day's work, attired in a coarse, dark, stuff gown, checked apron, and all the other insignia of drudgery, but in which habiliments she looked that night, if possible, more lovely than ever; after she had washed the door, not without some apparent symptoms of fatigue, he swore to himself the most sacred oath that she should never be employed in so menial an office again.

He soon saw her master and mistress

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