Change the complexion of her maid-pale peace Her pastures' grass with faithful English blood. North. The king of heaven forbid, our lord the king Should so with civil and uncivil arms Be rush'd upon! Thy thrice-noble cousin, destruction of the Athenian youth was a fatality like cutting off the spring from the year." Warburton. Dr. Warburton reads-light in peace, but live in peace is more suitable to Richard's intention, which is to tell him, that though he should get the crown by rebellion, it will be long before it will live in peace, be so settled as to be firm. The flower of England's face, is very happily explained. Johnson. The flower of England's face, I believe, means England's flowery face, the flowery surface of England's soil. The same kind of expression is used in Sidney's Arcadia, p. 2: "-opening the cherry of her lips," i. e. her cherry lips. Again, p. 240, edit. 1633: - the sweet and beautiful flower of her face." Again, Drayton, in Mortimer's Epistle to Queen Isabell: "And in the field advance our plumy crest, 66 And march upon fair England's flow'ry breast. Steevens. 9 Her pastures' grass-] Old copies-pastors. Corrected by Mr. Theobald. Malone. 1 And by the buried hand of warlike Gaunt;] Dr. Warburton would read And by the warlike hand of buried Gaunt; and this, no doubt, was Shakspeare's meaning, though he has affectedly misplaced the epithets. Thus, in King John, we have: "There is no malice in this burning coal," instead of "There is no malice burning in this coal." Again, in A Midsummer Night's Dream: "But earthlier happy," instead of "earthly happier." Again, in King Henry VI, P. II: "These hands are free from guiltless bloodshedding." instead of "These guiltless hands are free from bloodshedding.". Again, ibid. in P. III: "Until my misshap'd trunk that bears this head," And by the worth and honour of himself, K. Rich. Northumberland, say, thus the king re turns; His noble cousin is right welcome hither; [To AUM. Aum. No, my good lord; let 's fight with gentle words, Till time lend friends, and friends their helpful swords. K. Rich. O God! O God! that e'er this tongue of mine, That laid the sentence of dread banishment instead of "Until my head that this misshap'd trunk bears." Again, in Antony and Cleopatra: "We cannot call her winds and waters, sighs and tears," instead of "We cannot call her sighs and tears, winds and waters." and in the same play we have proof of harness, for harness of proof; as elsewhere, miserable most, for most miserable; desperately mortal, for mortally desperate; action of precept, for precept of action; &c. 2 Ritson. commend -] i. e. commit. See Minshieu's DICT. in v. Malone. 3 With words of sooth!] Sooth is sweet as well as true. In this As is my grief, or lesser than my name! Aum. Northumberland comes back from Bolingbroke. mit? The king shall do it. Must he be depos'd? • place sooth means sweetness or softness, a signification yet retained in the verb to sooth. Johnson. ▲ My good apparel, &c.] Dr. Grey observes, "that King Richard's expense in regard to dress, was very extraordinary." Holinshed has the same remark; and adds, that he had "one cote which he caused to be made for him of gold and stone, valued at 30,000 marks." Steevens. Stowe, in his Survey, says, "to the value of three thousand markes." So, also, in Vita Ricardi Secundi, published by T. Hearne, p. 156. Malone. 5 Or I'll be buried in the king's highway, Some way of common trade,] So, in Lord Surrey's translation of the second Book of Virgil's Æneid: "A postern with a blind wicket there was, "Limen erat, cæcæque fores, et pervius usus, The phrase is still used by common people. When they speak of a road much frequented, they say, "it is a road of much traffick." Shakspeare used the word in the same sense in King Henry VIII: "Stand in the gap and trade of more preferments. Steevens May hourly trample on their sovereign's head:" North. My lord, in the base court he doth attend To speak with you; may 't please you to come down? R. Rich. Down, down, I come; like glistering Phae ton, Wanting the manage of unruly jades. 6 [NORTH. retires to BOLING. - on their sovereign's head:] Shakespeare is very apt to deviate from the pathetick to the ridiculous. Had the speech of Richard ended at this line, it had exhibited the natural language of submissive misery, conforming its intention to the present fortune, and calmly ending its purposes in death. Johnson. 7 - Bolingbroke says-ay.] Here is another instance of injury done to the poet's metre by changing his orthography. I, which was Shakspeare's word, rhymed very well with die; but ay has quite a different sound. See a note on The Merry Wives of Windsor, Act V, Vol. III, p. 148, n. 3. Tyrwhitt. In some counties ay is at this day pronounced with a sound very little differing from that of I. Malone. 8-base court-] Bas cour, Fr. So, in Hinde's Eliosto Libidinoso, 1606: " - they were, for a public observation, brought into the base court of the palace." Again, in Greene's Farewell to Follie, 1617: "began, at the entrance into the base court, to use these words." Steevens. In the base court? Base court, where kings grow base, To come at traitors' calls, and do them grace. In the base court? Come down? Down, court! down king! For night-owls shriek, where mounting larks should sing. [Exeunt, from above. Boling. What says his majesty? North. Sorrow and grief of heart Makes him speak fondly, like a frantick man: Enter King RICHARD, and his Attendants, below. Boling. Stand all apart, And show fair duty to his majesty. My gracious lord, [Kneeling. K. Rich. Fair cousin, you debase your princely knee, To make the base earth proud with kissing it: Thus high at least, [touching his own head] although your knee be low. Boling. My gracious lord, I come but for mine own. K. Rich. Your own is yours, and I am yours, and all. Boling. So far be mine, my most redoubted lord, As my true service shall deserve your love. K. Rich. Well you deserve:-They well deserve to have, That know the strong'st and surest way to get.- Boling. Yea, my good lord. K. Rich. Then I must not say, no.o [Flourish. Exeunt. Then I must not say, no.] "The duke with a high sharpe voyce bade bring forth the kings horses, and then two little nagges, not worth forty franks, were brought forth; the king was set on the |