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them, was even tempted to have him supreme power, intrusted him with arrested; but he passed over into the military dispositions, which avere France, and settled near Toulon, calculated at the same time to s cura which at the same time yielded to the their own success, and to dimaish English he was then nothing more the effusion of blood, through thet than an officer of artillery. Salicetti, salutary terror which was produced a who knew him, painted him out to the assemblies of the sections of Paris, Barras, as a person who would serve by the firing of cannon charged with usefully at the siege of this place, powder only, till a very late hope of where he soon made himself remarked the night. Bonaparte retained the by the commander in chief, Dugom. - command of Paris for some time after mier, who one day said to the repre- the instalment of the directory, and sentatives: Let this young man fix then married madame Beauharnais, your attention; if you do not advance Being appointed a few days after to him, I will answer for it that he will the chief command of the army of contrive to raise himself." The cool- Italy, he alone did not appear asto ness and intrepidity which he shewed nished at this sudden elevation, and in at the defence of fort Pharon, where answer to those who made observations many gunners perished, and of which on his youth, he said, " In six he served the battery almost alone, months I shall be an old general, or I furnished the representatives of the shall be dead." He opened the campeople with an opportunity for this paign on the 22d of Germinal, year advancement. Accordingly Barras 4, (17th of March, 1796,) shewing and Freron promoted him to the rank to his army, from the top of the of general of brigade. He contri- mountains, the fertile plains of buted greatly to the re-taking of Tou Pémont and of Lombardy, as a vast lon, but was less fortunate against field of glory, and of resources against Ajaccio, which was then occupied by the wants of every kind to which they the English, and whence he was re- were a prey. This appeal to courage pulsed by his cousin Masseria, who was not deceived at Montenotte, at had embraced the cause of England. Millesimo, at Dego, nor at Mondovi. Napoleon Bonaparte retired to Nice, The brilliant success of these days where he again gave himself up to the struck terror into the armies of Ausstudy of the military art, but in the tria, separated the king of Sardinia midst of these occupations the con- from the coalition, and secured to ventionalist Beffroi had him arrested France, Savoy and the counties of without cause, towards the end of Nice, of Tende, and of Beuil, by the 1794, in consequence of the re-action cession of Tortone and Coni, Without of Thermidor. He did not long lackening in the pursuit of the enemy, remain the victim of this injustice, and the promptitude of his marches enabled went to Paris, where he remained for him to pass the Po near Placentia, some time without being employed, almost without obstacle, and the duke and vainly solicited Aubry, who was of Parma also saw himself forced to then charged with the military depart accept an armistice, which he obtainment in the committee of public safety. ed on condition of delivering up two Young Bonaparte conceived so much millions of money, 700 horses, proviregret at it, that he requested to go sions, &c. The austrian general Beauto Constantinople, but was not per- lieu thought he could defend the pas mitted. He was at Paris on the 12th, sage of the Adda better, but the en13th, and 14th of Vendemiaire, year thusiasm of the troops, already so 4, (9th, 10th, and 11th of October, powerful, and the impetuosity of the 1795.) Barras, invested with the generals at the head of the columns, R 2


rendered vain the defence of the bridge of Lodi by thirty pieces of artillery, which swept its whole extent of one hundred fathoms. This victory made the duke of Modena also buy a peace; he paid ten millions to France, and gave up twenty pictures, chosen from his gallery. Bonaparte then entered Milan and Pavia, of which he soon had to punish the revolt. He at first sent the archbishop of Milan to try means of conciliation, which were rejected. Immediately the gates of the city were forced open by a cannonade, and the municipality shot on the spot. After this expedition he had to march to new dangers, which he contrived to diminish beforehand by exalting the courage of his troops. After the battle of Lodi, the enemy having retired behind the Mincio, the French army passed it in their presence, and thus completed the victory of Borghetto, carried their out-posts as far as the Tirol, and invested Mantua; Bonaparte then occupied Tuscany, expelled the English, and obtained from the grand-duke 6000 fire-locks, and a heavy contribution. The pope after wards submitted to conditions nearly similar, and put Bologna, Ferrara, and the citadel of Ancona into the hands of the French. Lastly, Bona parte also secured the king of Naples, and carried the influence of his arms from the strait of Sicily to the passes of the Tirol. Fortune appeared for a moment to be abandoning him, but he soon fixed her by the ascendant of his genius and of his activity. Old marshal Wurmser had succeeded Beaulieu in the command of the army, which had been just re-inforced with 25,000 men. That of Bonaparte, on the contrary, had been weakened by an immense line, and the occupation of a great number of attacked places, on every point of the two banks of the lake of Guarda; it was repulsed for an instant. Its general immediately changes his plan; he suspends the works already advanced for the siege


of Mantua, and hastily abandons his intrenchments and 140 pieces of artil. lery. The battles of Salo, Lonado, Castiglione, the retaking of Peschiera, the occupation of Trente, and of the straits of the Brenta, obtained by gaining the battles of Roveredo and Bassano, soon restored to the French their superiority and their former positions. It was at this period that ge neral Bonaparte made himself remarked for an instance of coolness and presence of mind that characterizes him too well to be passed over by the historian. He had advanced with 1,200 men only as far as Salo and Gavardo ; a hostile general, at the head of a body of 4,000 men, believed for a moment that this body, so inferior to his own, was in his power, and summoned it to yield. "Go and tell your chief," answered Bonaparte himself, "that if he meant to insult the French army, am here, that it is himself and his body who are prisoners, and that if he has not in eight minutes laid down his arms, I will put his troo; s to the sword." The terrified messenger communicated his fears to the general of the enemy, who desired a parley, but some movements of troops having added to his alarm, he accepted the capitulation. In the midst of his defeats, Wurmser executed the bold project of throwing himself into Mantua, which he defended till the second of February, 1797. A new army of 50,000 men then re-appeared under generals Alvenzi and Davidowich, to join the remnant of that of Wurmser, which had retired into the Tirol. The bloody battles of St. Michael and of Segonzano, that of Arcola, as celebrated as that of Lodi, for the exertions of the generals, and that enthusiasm of glory which carried Bona parte to seize a standard, and place himself at the head of the columns, reduced this army also, which the ef forts of the court of Vienna again afterwards increased with 45.000 men, The battles of Rivoli, of the Corona.



of Anguiari, were again decisive, and the total defeat of general Provera, under the walls of Mantua, which he was coming to succour, adorned the triumph of Bonaparte with the standard embroidered by the hands of the empress for the volunteers of Vienna. At the same time some intercepted letters excited some suspicions of the court of Rome; general Bonaparte broke off the truce, seized the march of Ancona and fort Urban, and after some slight skirmishes with the troops of the pope, forced Pius VI. to send him negociators, who concluded the of Tolentino. It is treaty of peace remarked, that in this negociation, the pope was always treated by Bonaparte with great respect; he also at the same time authorized the French emigrant priests to remain in Italy. Shortly afterwards Mantua yielded, and terminated this campaign, which was rendered illustrious by fourteen victories in pitched battles, and seventy battles in which the French had made 100,000 prisoners, and taken 2,500 pieces of canon, &c. &c. Bonaparte being then convinced of the necessity of going to extort peace, even in the Austrian capital, from the emperor, who alone was left of the coalition, prepared to cross the mountains of the Tirol; and the passages of Piave and of Tagliamento were soon forced. The battles of Cassasola, of Clausen, of Tarvis, of Hundermak, &c. where Prince Charles made vain efforts to rally the Austrian army'; and the subsequent seizure of the passes of Inspruck, of the two Carinthies, and of Carniola, opened the hereditary countries on all sides to the French army, which was now only thirty leagues from Vienna. It was then that Francis the Second demanded to negociate, and that the preliminaries were signed at Leoben, which were afterwards converted into a treaty of During peace at Campo-Formio. insurrection had this invasion, an broken out in the rear of the French


army, being either organized by the Venetian government, or the unfore seen effect of a spontaneous commoAs soon as the French had tion. ceased to pursue the Austrian army, one of their divisions entered Venice and Verona, where 300 French had been slaughtered: the lion of St. Mark was every where overthrown, and the place of the ancient senate was filled with a municipality; but at the definitive treaty, France yielded the spoils of this republic to Austria. Bonaparte afterwards employed himself for a short time in organizing the new government of the Cisalpine republic; the.. he went to Paris, in December, 1797, to present to the directory the of Campo-Formio, treaty of peace which gave occasion for a pubilec ceremony, in which broke forth the testimonies of the national joy and gratitude. Being appointed plenipotenti. ary at the congress of Rastadt, he soon suspected, by the slowness of the discussions, that peace was not desired there, and immediately returned to Paris to prepare the Egyptian expedition.

In the dangers and uncer tainties of this operation, in which the remainder of the French naval force, and the flower of the troops and the generals were employed, all Europe saw only the design on the part of the directory of removing, at the price of the greatest sacrifices, Bonaparte, whose influence they dreaded; but the importance of this expedition, and the effects (much better appreciated since the loss of Egypt) which it was to produce on the English commerce in India, have since shewn that this project was entirely of his own choice. As the directory had given him, after the treaty of Campo-Formio, the command of the army of England, he reminded the troops in his procla mation of the 21st of Floreal, that they formed one wing of that army. The squadron, composed of 194 vessels, which sailed from Toulon on the May, 30th of Floreal, year 6, (19th of

May, 1798,) came, on the 21st of Prairial, within sight of the island of Gozo, and joined the convoys sailing from Civita-Vecchia and different ports of Italy. On the refusal of the grand-master of Malta to permit them to take in fresh water at the springs of the island, the troops were landed, and after a slight cannonade, and a sally of the besieged, performed with great circumspection, this important place surrendered on the 23d. The commander, Dolomieu, was very useful in this operation. Bonaparte left 3000 men in the town, and set sail on the 1st of Messidor. It was out at sea, and a week before his arrival in Egypt, that he acquainted his army with its destination. Nelson had reached Alexandria three days before him, but, being deceived by the delay which the taking of Malta had caused, and thinking himself mistaken about the aim of the expedition, he returned to Malta and Sicily. Bonaparte then approached the coast of Egypt, and gave orders for the landing of the troops on the very night of his arrival before Alexandria, notwithstanding the contrary winds and the obstacles of a surging sea. The army immediately fell upon Alexandria, and after a contest which lasted the whole day, this town was taken. Bonaparte revived the inhabitants by a proclamation, which was followed by an agree. ment between him and the mufti and principal scheiks, by which their property and their political and religious institutions were secured. Bona parte caused the soldiers killed at the taking of the town, to be buried at the foot of Pompey's pillar, and their names to be engraven on it.

Four days after he turned his course towards Cairo by the difficult way of Demanhour, ordering one division to seize Rosetto, and to ascend the left bank of the Nile. The battles of Rasmanie and Cheibresse served to enable Bonaparte to form a just estimate of the enemy, and to fix the manner of fight ing them, The commander in chief

being come within six leagues of Cairo, learnt that the twenty-three beys had assembled, with all their forces, on the heights of Embabe, which were defended by sixty pieces of cannon. Bonaparte first animated the courage of his troops by this grand idea, "Consider that forty centuries contemplate us from the top of these pyramids ;" and he then disposed bis army as in the preceding actions, that is to say, in square battalions, by di visions reciprocally flanking each other. The Mamelukes covering the plain, overwhelmed all the wings, and sought for a weak point to penetrate; they were every where suffered to approach within fifty paces, and then a double side and front fire carried disorder into the ranks of this cavalry, on the superiority of which MuratBey was accustomed to rely. The entrenchments of Embabe were immediately after carried, and the enemies made their retreat with so much precipitation, that a part threw themselves into the Nile. During this action, a French fleet, which had ascended the Nile, had a very warm fight to sur tain with that of the Mamelukes, whose admiral it blew up. This battle cost the enemy 2000 horsemen, 4000 camels, and 50 pieces of artillery ; and it must have convinced them of the superiority of European tactics. Cairo yielded, and the two principal beys having separated themselves, general Desaix was commissioned to repulse Murat-Bey into Said, while Bonaparte drove Ibrahim-Bey beyond the desert which separates Syria from Egypt. At the same time he wrote to the government concerning the disaster of the French fleet at Aboukir, and attributed to the fault which admiral Brueis had committed in not having gone to Corfu. In his report, general Bonaparte expressed an opinion that this misfortune would put an end to the hesitations of the Porte, and would throw that power into the arms of the English.

(To be Continued.)


Memoirs of J. G. DANTON,

One of the Members of the French Convention.

J. G. Danton, an advocate to the Council, was born at Arcis-sur-Aube, on the 26th of October, 1759, and beheaded the 5th of April 1794. His height was Colossal, his make athletic, his features strongly marked, coarse, and displeasing; his voice shook the domes of the halls, his elocution was vehement, and his images gigantic.

tropolis increased yearly; in 1792 ho was one of those who organized the events of June 20th, and prepared those of August 10th, by appearing on the 8th at the bar of the assembly, to declare if the king's depositions were not decreed, the section of the Cordeliers would rise, and trample on the government. Louis XVI. having been removed from the throne on the 10th, Danton became a member of the provisional executive council, obtained the appointment of administrator of Justice, and usurped the nomination of agents to the army, and to the departments, which gave him opportunities of engaging many to his interests. Gold poured on the minister from all sides, and by him was abundantly distributed to reward atrocitie!, and purchase adherents. Prudhomme gives the following account of his elevation to the ministry :

"On the 11th of August, at three o'clock in the morning, Fabre and Camille Desmoulins went to his bedside, to inform him that he was the administrator of Justice; this is not all," added Fabre, You must make me keeper of the seal,' And me,' said Camille, one of your secretares.' But,' replied Danton, who was but half awake, are you quite sure that I am appointed minister?'

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These qualities contributed to give him influence in the districts towards the beginning of the revolution; and he ever tenaceously adhered to his original intention, which was the same with Robespierre's, to obtain the dictatorship. He was successively the friend of Mirabeau, of Marat, and Robespierre, whose victim he became. In 1790 he called on the National Assembly, in the name of forty-eight sections of Paris, to require Louis XVI. to give up his ministers, who had lost the confidence of the nation. In February, 1791, he was elected member for the department of Paris. After the arrest of Louis XVI. at Varennes, he presided at the meeting in the field of Mars, when the king's deposition was demanded. In consequence of this, he was forced to remain some time concealed; but, he re-appeared with more boldness than ever. He proposed to the Jacobins to compel the payment of the national debt by the wealthier part of the community; and, in case of their recording to the desire of these two pa fusal, to take the same steps against them as the nobles and the priests. An attempt was made to arrest him in the meetings of July, of which he was appointed elector; but Damiens, the officer charged with the execution of this order, was himself arrested as a violator of the majesty of the people. In November, Danton was appointed deputy.attorney for the commune of Paris. His power in the me

O yes,' answered the two candidates, and we will not leave you without the promise of these two places.' Very well,' said Danton, be it so;' and all was arranged ac

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triots." No sooner was he admitted into the ministry, than he caused the gates of Paris to be shut, and declared against domiciliary searches, and the sending of armed men to the frontiers. He explained to the legislature the necessity of producing a sensation in the heart of Paris, and through Paris in the departments, in favour of the revolution, which had recently been brought about, and he powerful

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