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His literary productions are numerous and in particular remarkable for their pure and elegant diction, formed upon the style of Cicero, which he made his constant study; as well as for their erudition and justness of criticism, "argutun judicis acumen," by which he is eminently distinguished from the multitude of editors and commentators. Among the principal are, the collection of his Latin Letters and Prefaces, which rank among the very best modern writings in that language; his Italian Letters; Commentaries on Ciceto's Epistles, Rethorical, and Philosophical works, and on his Orations; Notes on Virgil; four trearises on Roman Antiquities, viz. De Legibus, De Senata, De Comitus, and De Civitate Romana He also translated the Philippics of Demosthenes, and wrote other treatises which accompanied some of his editions.

Orange Atrocities.

IN the beginning of the year 1797, a year before the rebellion, a party of militia commanded by 1 fellow of the name of Hepenstal, but better known as the walking gallows, entered the village of Moyvore in the county Westmeath, according to their accustomed manner of persecuting the humble and defenceless, they forced themselves into a cabbin belonging to a poor aged man named Smith, who was sitting at the fire combing his reverend locks. Two young men his sons were in bed, as was the wife of the aged father. The ruffans, in their usual privileged phraseology began to insult the father with the appellations of rebel

and papist, from words they proceeded to blows, they struck the old man to the floor where he lay bathed in his blood, they then dragged the two youths from their beds, and naked as they were, forced them into the street, where they put cords about their necks, and Hepenstal, by turns suspended them over his shoulders, (being a man of considerable stature) until they were dead, next morning he had the father tied in the street where he compelled him to be a spectator, of his dead children, whose feet were bound to a carr, and had their mangled bodies dragged through the village until the military monster had satiated himself to the fullest extent of his dreadful and atrocious taste for murder and cruelty.

A certain gallant officer now in this country, and of considerable rank, made it a general rule in his district, in the time of the rebellion of 1798, not to suffer any of his prisoners who were to suffer death, and happened to be Catholics, the consolation or assistance of a priest, though we remember himself under sentence of death in America, and his life spared at the intercession of the late unfortunate Queen of France. Had he honour or gratitude, who owed his life to a papist, he would not refuse the harmless comfort in the moment of an ignominious death, the consolation of religion to another papist. A man of the name of H-y was under arrest on suspicion of being a rebel, and as no trained informers or other evidence was convenient at the time to prosecute, the gal lant officer, lest his game should escape, by public advertisement, offered a reward to any person who would undertake to prosecute. A wretched prisoner on similar char


ges, accepted of this constitutional invitation, and the unfortunate gentleman, was tried and sentenced to death, the minutes of the court martial were as usual sent up to Dublin, for the inspection of Lord Cornwallis, their chief governor, his Lordship by some means learned the truth of this stratagem, and as Mr. Curran describes it, his Lordship struck his pen across the odious record, and ordered the liberation of the prisoner.

The house of Mr. Kavanagh of Dorris, was attacked by a small party of rebels, who were repulsed by a company of militia stationed in the house, for the purpose of protecting it, the rebels in the confusion attending defeat, left one of their companions behind them dangerously wounded. In the morn ing after the conflict, the neighbouring military and other gentlemen came to the scene of action, and while they were conversing on the subject, some person discovered the wounded rebel concealed in an adjoining ditch. The wretch was brought before the crowd, who ung voce sentenced him to be roasted; this manly expedient was as promptly prepared and the man was bound to a stake, which they suspended before an ardent fire in the kitchen, they had given him but one turn, when his groans had reached the ears of a lady, who hastily demanded the occasion of such an unusual tone of voice; under some apprehension of causing disgust that might never be removed, were the roasting business done in the kitchen, a Captain H proposed taking the fellow from the spit, and to pike him with the pikes found on the lawn, this plan, where cleanliness gct the better of humaity, was adopted and they immediately piked him, then cut off his

head, and the crowd amused thenselves, among whom was the advertising commander, by making a foot ball of it until they literally knocked it to pieces.


The vicinity of the village of Clonegal in the county of Wexford, was severely scourged, particularly the labouring poor, by a ferocious villian of the name of excise officer, so familiar was this monster to murder that at length he converted it into a sporting creation. He frequently left his house, in company with two or thre of his companions, on murdering excursions, and in the space of four hours, he has frequently expended 40 rounds of ball-cartridge, on such casual game as stumbled in his way; men, women, and children, without any regard to age or sex he destroyed, whether in the fields, roads or dwellings. He has frequently shot poor females at their spinning wheels, suckling their infants, dressing their victuals, and at, other domestic occupations. When beating the fields for pray, and that game did not offer in sufficient number to gratify his avidity for blood, he and his confederates have frequently quarrelled for the first shot when only one poor wretch could be had at a time, and usually settled the disputed point, by the toss of a halfpenny.

To the disgrace of this unfortu nate country that gave him existence, this monster would frequently violate the chastity of such females as excited his desires, and after gratifying his beastly appetites never left the poor victim, until he dispatched her, by shooting her through the head, nor did he affect to conceal these enormities, they were the subjects of his mirtlı among his convivial associates he has often confirmed the truth of


exploits over female honour, by exhibiting the most unequivocal proofs, which decency compels us to bury in silence: yet this atroci ous fiend, was the companion, and the pride of all the neighbouring gentry, who considered his crimes as only the trifling Bagatelles of a loyal man, advocating the cause of religion and order!!!

In the year 1798, two unfortunate men, suspected of rebellious practices, were arrested in the neighbourhood of Drogheda, into which they were conducted, and there without any form of trial whatever, immediately executed. When half hanged, the heads were severed from their bodies, by the joint operation of F. an Attorney and B- a Master Coal-Porter, both yeomen, and fastened on pikes prepared for the purpose: the heads still reeking with gore, were thus carried through the public streets at the head of the yeomanry corps, who to the disgrace of human nature, were led on by the Captain and another active gentleman Jacky H- →, whose principles of liberality had been imbibed from the pure source of a charterschool education. From the horror of this shocking and unexpected sight, many delicate females suffered miscarriage, which in three cases proved fatal. During this bloody procession, the spirit of which was kept alive and fostered by the appropriate music of the Boyne Water, Miss P a young lady of respectable connexions, forgetting or disdaining the characteristic mildness of the sex, approached the windows of her drawing room; and, shocking to relate! within the view and hearing of the public, joined the band in playing the favourite air on a musical instrument: The captain has been

since raised by his worthy fellowcitizens to the most exalted situation they could bestow, and the pupil of the incorporated society continues to give such striking proofs of his abilities in calumniating Catholics, particularly clergymen,' that no doubt is entertained of his enjoying similar rewards!!!

During the worst moments of that accursed persecution which raged with such relentless violence through the ill-fated county of Armagh, Mr. Bernard Coile, one of its most respectable Catholic inhabitants was marked out as a victim of party vengeance by an Orange Magistrate; a conspiracy was formed to take away his life: he was arrested and imprisoned, but not brought to trial, until the Dogs of War satiated their malice by destroying a great property which he had pa tly sunk in buildings, and partly employed in carrying on and improving useful manufactures on a very extensive scale. Having thus narrowly escaped with his life from this wicked conspiracy, and suffered a loss of his entire preperty, this gentleman had still spirit enough to look for redress, and was so fortunate as to be able to expose the system effectually to the nation: he commenced the prosecution against the magistrate, had him convicted, on the clearest evidence, of the most culpable partiality in the administration of the laws, and sentenced to six months imprisonment.-His dismissal from the magistracy followed of course; but shortly after, as if to sport with the feelings of every good man in society, he was reinstated by the late Lord Clare in the office of magistrate, and enjoys it this moment in that very county which was the scene of his former disgrace. A few

3 A

A few days since, however, the


THERE is no branch of our domestic manufacture that requires the interference of the legislature so much as this trade, nor any trade that has returned such evident and immense profits to the manufac


The brewers of Dublin enjoy a steady opulence and display an ostentatious exhibition of carri ages, country houses, and corresponding splendour, unknown to any other tradesman in the island.

This general prosperity of the brewers must be owing to some hidden species of fraud in the che mical ingenuity practised in the making of drink, in which the most shocking and disgustful ingredients are substituted for the genuine corn; which is almost ba nished from breweries, nothing but the name, or such a trifling proportion used, that scarcely the most discerning taste can discover through the ingenious compounds any more than a scanty vestige.

unhappy magistrate deputed a re- On the Imposition of Brewers in spectable friend to wait on the gentleman he had persecuted, praying forgiveness, and declaring at the same time, that he had been set on that bad act by men high in power. On the borders of that distracted county another occurrence took place about the same time, than which nothing could excite more general disgust. Jemmy D-of Cwas appointed a magistrate, who had not an atom of property of any sort, and was scarcely able to write his name: , a wretch at whom the finger of scorn was constantly pointed for his violation of every honorable principle, and for the depraved habits of a life spent amongst the very pick-pockets and chimney-sweepers. One of the latter description being young and active, and therefore able to make sweeping excursions thro' the country, generally returned with such a purse as ensured an entire month's amusement for the happy pair. They eat, drank, and slept toge ther, often for forty successive days and nights; for which the squire to-be, prepared himself, by previously locking up watch, buckles, and every article of value he possessed, except his clothes.-But the men in power of that day, who had objects in view very different from the happiness of the people, stood in need of such vile instruments; and, as his usual conduct on the drunken anniversary orgies of the 1st and 12th of July, coupled with the more base acts of constantly calumniating the most respectable Catholic Clergy and Laity, (in which he took a conspicuous lead) recommended him to their particular notice, they therefore took him by the hand and got him promoted. (To be Continued.)

To preserve the public health and to give a sound and nourishing malt drink to the people, was the inten tion of the legislature when they imposed from time to time such heavy duties on spirits, as constderably diminished their consump tion to enlarge that of ale and porter.

By the inertness of the laws, or the studied and artful obscurity with which brewers have disgnised the process of their manufacture, the purpose of the legislature has been rendered dangerously useless for a poison more deleterious, and at immense profit is given to the public, under the name of porter,


in any spirituous liquors ever used, as by the process of distillation a disguised adulteration could not escape the immediate detection of the


If the public health or morals were of no consideration, and that every fraudulent practioner might with impunity distribute his poisons, public utility demands the vigilance and impartiality of the laws. A combination of brewers have openly written their names and impudently raised the price of this beverage from fifty shillings to three pounds a hogshead, this unprecedented imposition on the public for a species of drink, that were the public to know the ardent poisons that compose it, and the filthy manner they are incorporated, it would so shock the public feelings and excite such dreadful disgust, that our proud brewers would quickly witness their equipages, horses, dogs and villas, under the sheriff's hammer, and the name of porter would be justly struck out of the list of human aliments.

In the space of one week the combining brewers have added ten shillings a hogshead to the price of what they term porter, and on the eve of the finest appearance of an abundant harvest; they plausibly justify themselves on the great advance on labour and grain within the last twenty years, during which time no rise had taken place on the price of porter, this would appear to any person not versed in the modern manner of making porter as a reasonable act of the brewers, and their twenty years forbearance as an extraordinary evidence of their public spirit.

Though they did not hazard their characters by immoderate exactions, they prudently indemnified themselves by the aid of chemistry,

Science, among this lettered race, had such charms that they took her into partnership, and the laboratory was substituted for the granary. The mineral kingdom yielded its hidden treasures, while the vegetable world lay nearly ne glected, except in some cases where a voyage was undertaken to the western hemisphere to obtain timber substitutes for Kentish bitters.

It is humbly submitted to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, whether an investigation into the nature of the brewing trade, by officers properly qualified, and regulations adopted by law to manage the trade of a brewer as that of a baker, would not tend to the extension of the revenue as well as serve as a protection to the community against the unrestrained avidity of the brewers.

They have raised their porter in one week ten shillings a hogshead, an addition of above sixteen per cent, before this augmentation they lived in as great splendour and luxury as any of our nobility, and if they are allowed to continue this extraordinary levy on the public we may expect to see them at the head of the state.

Perhaps it may be deemed an object of finance, that the state might divide the additional charge of ten shillings with the brewers, and that one five shillings should remain with them and the other to go to the exchequer; this would be no mean acquisition to the public funds, for on inquiry it will be found that not less than 4,800 hogsheads of porter are sold in Dublin each week, which at five shillings each would leave a sum of 12001. a week to public purposes, or 120,0001. per annum. This application of the five shillings may cause the brewers to lay aside the flattering

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