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lieving it the result of a flattering the answer to this question is bopreference, so diversly constituted is the human mind, it sometimes happens, that a female in paying an exact respect to the laws imposed on such occasions, misses an opportunity of establishing herself for life, and thus becomes the martyr of propriety in becoming the victim of the prejudices entertained against temale celibacy.

Let us now turn our eyes to the old bachelor who may be considered the chief cause of the celibacy of females.

However exceptionable in principle, or however tainted in conduct by fashionable view, the old bachelor meets with indulgence, and his company sought after. He makes one of the party at the card table; he fills a chair at the dinner and supper table; he gives lessons to young misses emancipated from the boarding school, in the science of flirtation; be attends matrons to the play-house, church, and places of public resort: now 1 shall ask any dispassionate person which of the two descriptions of persons is the more respectable? the antiquated virgin of irreproachable conduct, who makes herself as useful as her situation will allow, in domestic life; or the hoary batchelor, who, unwilling to wed, because he cannot meet a female possessed of fortune, connexion, and other qualifications, equal to what he considers himself intitled to; abandons himself to a promiscuous intercourse with the profligate part of the other sex, or roams about corrupting innocence, or seducing the insuspicious from the paths of virtue, until at length he attaches himself to some unfortunate impure, whom he makes the partner of his illicit pleasures during the unexpired remnant of a vicious life, and who may perhaps bring him a spurious offspring to record his guilt,

A vindication of the remarks on the charge of the Bishop of Durham by COYNE, 154, Capel-Street.

This controversial pamphlet which we announced in our last number has made its appearance.-Fame speaks highly of the talents of the supposed author of the pamphlet nor are his readers disappointed in its perusal.-Controversy had for centuries been covered over and rendered disgustful by the rust and dust of the technical school terns; its sprit had been hid under the barbarous jargon and heavy stile of the followers of Scotus and St. Thomas Aquinas. But for our age it was reserved to shake off this ancient unpleasing garb and to dress it in those habiliments and charms which it as well as every other kind of composition is capable of wearing-Voltaire in one of his Anti-christian fits complained, (unfortunately with some justice) that amongst the thousands and hundreds of thousands of sermons which issued in all ages from the clergy of France, there were only a few (those of Massillon) which a gentleman could bear to read-like him though not with the same views, we may declare that there is scarcely a work of contro versy in the English language which a man of taste must not fling from him in disgust before he can wade through the mire of ten pages.-It is happily now the fashion to despise the old form and tedious method of argumentation and men of acknowledged learning and genius such as Porrens, Milnor, Sturges, Fletcher &c. have established a new era in con


troversial writing; it was pitiable that this most useful of all knowledge, the knowledge of true religion, should, by the manner in which it was taught, be held in such disrepute for so long a period-our regret happily ceases when we take up a work of this sort like that before us, written in the elegant, pure stile of Addison, and hung with all the attractive graces of composition-the circumstances which gave rise to the VINDICATION were briefly theseShute, the Protestant Bishop of Durham whilst the howlof "No POPERY" yell'd dismally thro the land, delivered a charge to the clergy of his diocese; than which charge there could not be a more foul misrepresenting in. vective against the Doctrines of the Roman Catholic church, Coming from so respectable an individual as a dignitary of the Established church, the poisonous calumnies it contained might have had a destructive effect on the minds of many, if some antidote was not immediately prepared -There appeared accordingly REthe Bishop's CHARGE which were replied to by three literary coadjutors of the Bishop's who it would appear was ashamed of continuing to do the dirty work himself) Messrs. LE MESURIER, FABER and an anonymous clergymanTehse replies were so caluminous and repeated so barefacedly the assertions of the Bishop that a VINDICATION of the REMARKS was thought necessary, This Vindication is the work before us and in it may be found the most, satisfactory information by those who wish to see the objections of our adversaries refuted by all who wish honestly to know what is the true, doctrine what the real tenets of the Roman Catholic Church.



With an introductary preface on the state Ireland for the last twenty


FITZPATKICK, 4, Capel-Street.

WE have just seen this pamphlet which is reprinted by the Author, in consequence of, and as an antidote to the late Editor of the Bishop of Cloyne's famous publication, the Present State of the Church of Ireland

The merits of the unbiassed Irishman have been so well known and so justly appreciated by the public ever since its first appeared that any remark of ours on it at present would be entirely useless. This Editor has however accompanied it by an introduction of such peculiar excellence as an historical and political masterpiece of writing, that we cannot, in justice to the Author, to our own character, as directing a truly Irish print, nor in jussice to our country, pass it by unnoticed-We have seen many instances of the Rebellion and of the previous eventful years— Feeling as Irishmen should feel, 'we were fired with honest rage at the Calumnies and insolent falsehood which pervaded those sent into the work by one party and we regret ted the temporizing, dastardly spirit which concealed or weakened truth in those published by the other, PLOWDEN was hired by an English minister to write such a history as would make the Union palatable to the Irish', HAY did not tell half the facts for which he had documents in his possession; GORDON was a prejudiced clergyman of the Established church with sometimes the appearance of liberality, and MusGRAVE was an historical Cur. We wanted such an able and bold writer


as the Author of the Unbiassed Irishman' to rescue our unfortunate country from calumny and to draw the conduct of the English ministry (or if any one pleases, the English nation) to it in its true colouring. And yet this introduction which condenses into a small compass with wonderful combining power, the history of twenty years, only tends to shew, what we might expect from the Author if he went at large into the subject. No man appears to have known better the state of parties or to have understood the view of the faction which harassed Ireland for so

long, a period and no one could evince a deeper feeling for her suffer. ings-He tells the plain, blunt truth; and exposes in a manner never before attempted, the infamous system of the nefarious Pitt and his associates. We should rejoice to have it in our power to dwell on the merits of this finely written and spirited Introduction but we must for want of time conclude our remarks by presenting our readers with an extract, which is at once a specimen of the Author's elegant style and singular correctness of political thinking.

AFTER tracing Mr. Pitt's conduct towards Ireland, through the greatest part of his long administration, it may be observed that the work of division carried on by calumny and persecution, with one or two interludes of liberality, form the piece: that the plot gradually thickens from a boxing-match, or the writing of a paragraph to the arraying of whole descriptions of people against each other; first in politica! hostility, then in real warfare, and then to tortures, conflagrations, blood, and carnage of every kind: the unravelling of the plot is the Union For that tragical event, the nation was as well prepared as human means could effectuate. People of every description, of every rank, of every condition, harassed and teased, and worried; many ruined, many materially injured in person and in property, all under alarms; all panting for repose; even Mr. Pitt's best friends tired of fighting!- Under these circumstances, Mr. Pitt introduced the Union as the sovereign and only remedy for all our ills; as that which could alone give us a full participation of the British Con stitution: though we had been declared, near twenty years before, a tree and iudependent people; independent in external as well as internal legislation: but Mr. Pitt wished to rest the force of his argument on the manner in which the solemn compact of Irish independence had been observed; rather than upon the spirit aud principle of it. Every other benefit was to flow from the Union, Emancipation would be its natural consequence; but ministers did not rest bere: they gave the most solemn promises and strongest assurances of emancipation.-The people shrunk from the deadly poison which was offered, after they had undergone so cruel a preparation. The Orangemen stung to the quick, saw in the union that which alone was disagreeable to them, their own degradation and impoverishment; they thought it the most ungractful return po sible for their extraordinary services; to an impartial observer their folly appeared as great as their wickedness. The Irish parliament, with very few exceptions corrupt and base, and profligate, took the alarm, assumed lofty tones, threatened and stormed. But Mr. Pitt, who knew them well, received their nienauce and murmurs with adequate contempt. He knew they were long noted for their hostility to the people; and that in the late business of dragooning and persecuting, they outran even his own agents Some enlightened and patriotic members, seeing the full extent of the danger, and its near approach, thought of moving for Catholic emancipation, as the surest means of uniting the people and the legislature in one cause; but they found that on such a motion, they would be left alone: ascendancy in parliament and ascendancy out of parliament resolved, that of two evils they would chuse the lesser, Mr. Pitt's douceurs were at the same time distributed at an enormous expence to the nation: the stern patriots were softened into compliance, and the Irish parliament ended its inglorious career by committing su cide.


The established clergy gave all their influence and all their support to this fatal measure; and as it promised emanciparion to the Catholics it was a matter of surprise to many that they did It since appeared probable that they were acquainted with the intentions of ministers: and there can be little doubt from their subsequent conduct, but ministers intended to cajole the Catholics, and then neither to keep faith nor promise with them. Some of those honourable men after asserting in their public speeches on the union, that they could not consider that measure as beneficial to Ireland, unless it brought about emancipation, did not blush to declare afterwards that they would oppose Catholic claims with their last brea:h

It may be here offerred in extenuation of Mr. Pitt's conduct towards Ireland, that the ascendancy of that country, pesecution, and insult; that their present representations went to assure him that the measures he adopted ware absolutely necessary for the government of the Irish, for that they were of a base and perverse nature, unlike the rest of mankind. But Mr. Pitt, as a statesman, ought to have seen, through these representations, the confined ideas and base views of their au hors It is true his love of fame seemed to prevail lattterly; he seemed to get ashamed of the petty persecuting plans of the Irish ascendancy: he talked of enlarged systems in which natural justice would assume its place, in which evil would be partial and good universal. But he only talked of these things: he continued the same agents in Ireland, who were as mischievous in the execution of the laws, as they were by their petty plans and nefarious plots.

The Union with all its blessings did not silence calumniators. The calumniating system had acquired full grown strength and deep-rooted stabiliy. It now manifestly appeared that the calumniators did not mean to stop at the Union; that they had a further object in view, and were advancing towards it with a bold and rapid pace. Their zeal and activity seemed to increase, for they have received uncommon support and encouragement. Men in high offices, civil and military, joined in the holy crusade, and became missionaries; and it was not unusual to hear the consoling declaration: I can do nothing for you, unless you read your recantation.

Though from a view of the past, and a consideration of the present, the evil consequences which were likely to ensue in times to come, became apparent to to every discerning eye: yet, strange to tell! the Catholics remained silent, and seemed unconcerned under a load of calumny which threatened their very existence, and which could only injure by being disregarded. Posterity will scarce believe, that the leading men among them, whose duty it was to take up the business. seemed rather to co-perate with their enemies, in stifling every information which directly went to counteract the plans of the calumniators; and in thus fitting the Catholics of Ireland for every bad treatment which calumny might point out. That a people sunk in ignorance and barbarism, or so dispersed as to be wholly unconnected, should thus neglect their public concerns, would appear very natural; but that a nation of several millions, civilized and enlightened through every gradation of society, from the peer to the peasant, should thus appear regardless of what concerns them all, is one of those political problems which are not easily solved, and which require for their solusion a greater number of data than his present limits would allow the author to collect. Let the train of facts be observed and adhered to and it will lead us to proper conclusions. The calumnies, as might be expected still rose higher it was set forth, that Popery was the cause of all the misfortunes that befel this unhappy country for centuries past; and there seemed to be an intention of putting it down with armis very different from those of the gospel. In a neighbouring diocese, a dozen new churches were erected, and for the twelve churches one tolerable congregation could not be formed. An English lawyer placed at the head of the law department in Ireland, began to utter such strange things of Popery, and especially of the Catholic hierarchy in Ireland, that the people of this country were inclined to imagine he spoke of some unknown region beyond the line; yet his ideas went directly to bring things to that issue at which the Catholic Christian thinks it his duty to lay down his life rather than submit to compulsion. And if we take a view of the calumniating system, in all its bearings: if we consider its extent, its variety, its activity, its success, its progress, its power, its influence; a reasoring man will scarce doubt but the last degree of violence and intolerance would have been resorted to, if the circumstances of the times, disheartening beyond example, had not for the present stayed our very unwise politicians.



July 27, 1803.

Ald. Marlay do you know I have information on oath against

Examination of Mr. Marlay, for high you, for killing Lord Kilwarden,


Alderman James's Office ornamented with desks, blunderbusses, pistols, manacles, whips and picketing staves.

Alderman dressed in blue, with orange cuffs, and coliar.

Bulbrooks an old drum major his principal assistant.

Bulbrooks. Please your worship, Marlay is in custody and remains tyed in the hall.

Ald. Bring forth the body, (on this solemn demand Marlay is brought forward by three fellows armed with cutlasses)

The alderman points a large blunderbuss at the prisoner, and desires him to remain quiet, until he is searched. After much pains taken to get pikes, paper and cannon on Marlay's person, to no purpose.

The alderman proceeds to examine


Ald. Where did you find this rebel?

Bul. We found him please your worship, roasting a leg of mutton.

Ald. Roasting a leg of mutton? why a leg of mutton is never roasted, this is rank treason?

Bul. Yes your honor it is rank and high treason, and please your worship, the mutton was hung up by orange listen strings.

Ald. More treason, as sure as I live. A rebel dinner, to commemorate some of their victories let me have an almanack.

The alderman reads an almanack. The battle of Prosperous is not noticed here, nor Kilcellen, nor Ross, or Oulart, that is a great neglect in these books, I might convict this "ogue, if I had dates to correspond with this rebel feast, no matter I will settle it hereafter. It certainly must be a battle.

taking the magazine, the barrack, and pigeon house garrison. You remem. ber, Marlay you had a picture of me printed in the bottom of chamber pots, you gave me, the nickname of alderman Level low.

Answer Sir, for your treasons, or I shall send you off to the doctor at Kilmainham? Speak traitor, do you know who I am? That I am a magistrate, and can picket, flog or thumb screw you?

Marlay. I know you for a series of years, I remember, in my boyish days, what tricks I played on the mouth of your cellar, having often upset your cabbages, when you vended such vegetable merchandize, and rolled them to the foot of your truckle in your subterraneous bedchamber, a much more serious of fence, at that time of your life, than even putting you in the chamber pots. As for the picketting you promise, the season for such Orange amusments is declared over, by Lord Hardwicke, so, I can tell you on the score of torture, your power is not worth a quill full of needles.

Ald. I cannot bear this audacious


Bulbrooks, dont you know the prisoner.

Bul. I do, please your honor, his name is Patrick Marlay, he is a master tailor. When I was a prisoner, in the rebel camp, employed making cartridges, this man, carried to me, all the balls, that facher Murphy caught, in the battle. I know him as well, as I do your honor, besides, one night, as I was about sleeping, I heard the protestant ghost, of Will, Wallabout, one of our company, crying for vengeance against Patt. Aarlay for piking him, of which I made affidavit before Hawtry White, Esq.


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