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And the Lieutenant-Generals De Us. soon and De Tesse, Commanders in Chief of the Irish Army, on the other and the General Officers hereunto subscribing.

I. THAT all persons without any exceptions, of what quality or condition soever, that are willing to leave the kingdom of Ireland, shall have free liberty to go to any country beyond the seas (England and Scotland excepted) where they think fit, with their families, household stuff, plate, and jewels.

II. That all general officers, colonels, and generally all other of ficers of horse, dragoons, and footguards, troopers, dragooners, sol, diers of all kinds that are in any garrison, place or post, now in the hands of the Irish, or encamped in the counties of Cork, Clare, and Kerry, as also those called Rapparees, or volunteers, that are willing to go beyond seas as aforesaid, shall have free leave to embark themselves wherever the ships are that are appointed totransport them, and to come in whole bodies as they are now composed, or in parties, companies, or otherwise, without having any impediment, directly or indirectly.

III. That all persons above inentioned, that are willing to leave Ireland and go into France, shall have leave, to declare it at the times and places hereafter mentioned, viz. the troops in Limerick, on Tuesday next in Limerick; the horse at their camp on Wednesday, and the other forces that are dispersed in the counties of Clare, Kerry, and Cork, on the 8th instant, and on none other, before Monsieur Tameron, the French intendant, and Colonel Withers; and after such declaration is made the troops that will go into France

must return under the command and discipline of their officers that are to conduct them thither; and deserters of each side shall be given up, and punished accordingly.

IV. That all English and Scotch officers that serve now in Ireland, shall be included in this capitulation as well for the securiy of their estates and goods in England, Scopland, and Ireland, (if they are willing to remain here,) as for pas sing freely into France, or any other country to serve.

V. That all the general French officers, the intendant, the engi neers, the commissaries at war, and of the artillery, the treasureɩ, and other French officers, strangers, and all others whatsoever, that a.c in Sligo, Ross, Clare, or in the army, or that do trade or commerce, or are otherways employed in any kind of station or condition, shall have free leave to pass into France, or any other country, and shall have leave to ship themselves, with all their horses, equipage, plate, papers, and all their effects whate ver; and that General Ginckle will order passports for them, convoys, and carriages, by land and water, to carry them safe from Limerick to the ships where they shall be embarked without paying any thing for the said carriages, or to those employed therein, with their horses, cars, boats, and shallops.

VI. That if any of the aforesaid equipages, merchandize, horses, money, plate, or other moveable household-stuff, belonging to the said Irish troops, or to the French officers, or other particular persons whatsoever, be robbed, destroyed, or taken away by the troops of the said Geneal, the said General will order it to be restored, or paymert to be made according to the value


that is given in upon oath by the person so robbed or plundered: and all other persons belonging to them, are to observe good order in their march and quarters, and shall restore whatever they shall take from the country, or make restitution for the same.

VII. That to facilitate the transporting the said troops, the General will furnish fifty ships, each ship's burthen two hundred tons ; for which, the persons to be transported shall not be obliged to pay, and twenty more, if there shall be occasion, without their paying for them; and if any of the said ships shall be of lesser burthen, he will furnish more in number to countervail; and also give two men of war, to embark the principal officers, and serve for a convoy to the vessels of burthen.

VIII. That a commissary shall be immediately sent to Cork to visit the transport ships, and what condition they are for sailing: and that as soon as they are ready the troops to be transported shall march. with all convenient speed, the nearest way, in order to embark there: and if there shall be any more men to be transported than can be carried off in the said fifty ships, the rest shall quit the English town of Limerick, and march to such quarters as shall be appointed for them convenient for their transportation, where they shall remain till the other twenty ships be ready, which are to be in a month; and may embark on any French ship, that may come in the mean time.

IX. That the said ships shall be furnished with forage for horse, and all necessary provisions to subsist the officers, troops, dragoons, and soldiers, and all other persons that are shipped to be transported into France; which provisions shall

be paid for as soon as all are disembarked at Brest or Nantz, upon the coast of Brittany, or any other part of France they can make.

X. And to secure the return of the said ships (the danger of the seas excepted) and payment for the said provisions, sufficient hostages shall be given.

XI. That the garrisons of Clare castle, Ross, and all other foot that are in garrisons in the counties of Clare, Cork, and Kerry, shall have the advantage of this present capitulation; and such part of those garrisons as design to go beyond seas, shall march out with their arms, baggage, drums beating, ball in mouth, match lighted at both ends, and colours flying, with all the provisions, and half the ammunition that is in the said garri sons, and join the horse that is to be transported; or if then there is not shipping enough for the body of foot that is to be next transported after the horse, General Ginckle will order that they be furnished with carriages for that purpose, and what provisions they shall want in their march, they paying for the said provisions, or else that they may take it out of their own magazines.

XII. That all the troops of horse and dragoons, that are in the counties of Cork, Kerry, and Clare, shall also have the benent of this capitulation; and that such as will pass into France, shall have quarters given them in the counties of Clare, and Kerry, apart from the troops that are comnianded by General Ginckle, until they can be shipped; and within their quarters they shall pay for every thing, except forage and pasture for their horses, whish shall be furnished gratis.

XIII. Those of the garrison of
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Sligo that are joined to the Irish army, shall have the benefit of this capitulation; and orders shall be sent to them that are to convey them up, to bring them hither to Limerick the shortest way.

XIV. The Irish may have liberty to transport nine hundred horse, including horses for their officers, which shall be transported, gratis: and as for the troopers, that stay behind, they shall dispose of themselves as they shall think fit, giving up their horses and arms to such persons as the General shall appoint.

XV. It shall be permitted to those that are appointed to take care for the subsistence of the horse that are willing to go into France, to buy hay and oats at the King's rates wherever they can find it, in the quarters that are assigned for them, without any let or molestation, and to carry all necessary provisions out of the city of Limerick; and for this purpose, the General will furnish convenient carriages for them to the places where they shall be embarked.

XVI. It shall be lawful to make use of the hay preserved in the stores of the county of Kerry, for the horses that shall be embarked; and if there be not enough, it shall be lawful to buy hay and oats wherever it shall be found, at the King's rates.

XVII. That all prisoners of war that were in Ireland the 28th of September, shall be set at liberty on both sides; and the General promises to use his endeavours, that those that are in England and Flanders be set at liberty also.

XVIII. The General will cause provisions and medicines to be furnished to the sick and wounded officers, troopers, dragoons, and soldiers of the Irish arniy, that cannot pass into France at the first embark

ment; and after they are cured, will order them ships to pass into France, if they are willing to go.

XIX. That at the signing hereof, the General will send a ship express to France; and that besides, he will furnish two small ships of those that are now in the river of Limerick, to transport two persons into France that are to be sent to give notice of this treaty, and thatthe commanders of the said ships shall have orders to put ashore at the next port of France, where they shall make.

XX. That all those of the said troops, officers, and others, of what character soever, that would pass into France, shall not be stopped upon the account of debt, or any other pretext.

XXI. If after signing this present treaty, and before the arrival of the fleet, a French packet-boat, or other transport-ship, shall arrive from France in any other part of Ireland, the General will order a passport, not only for such as must go on board said ships, but to the ships to come to the nearest port to the place where the troops to be transported shall be quartered.


XXII. That after the arrival of the said fleet, there shall be free communication and passage tween it and the quarters of the above said troops; and especially, for all those that have passes from the chief Commanders of the said fleet, or from Mons. Tameron the intendant.

XXIII. In consideration of the present capitulation, the two towns of Limerick shall be delivered and put into the hands of the General, or any other person he shall appoint, at the time and days hereaf ter specified, viz. the Irish town, except the magazines and hospital, on the day of the signing of these present articles; and as for the En


glish town, it shall remain, together with the island, and the free passage of Thomond bridge, in the hands of those of the Irish army that are now in the garrison, or that shall hereafter come from the counties of Cork, Clare, Kerry, Sligo, and other places above mentioned, until there shall be convenience found for their transportation.

XXIV. And to prevent all disorders that may happen between the garrison that the general shall place in the Irish town, which shall be delivered to him, and the Irish troopers that shall remain in the English town and the island, which they may do, until the troops to be embarked on the first fifty ships shall be gone for France, and no longer; they shall entrench them selves on both sides, to hinder the communication of the said garrisons; and it shall be prohibited on both sides, to offer any thing that is offensive; and the parties of fended shall be punished on either


XXV. That it shall be lawful for the said garrison to march out all at once, or at different times, as they be embarked, with arms, baggage, drums beating, match lighted at both ends, bullet in mouth, colours flying, six brass guns, such as the besieged will chuse, two morter-pieces, and half the ammunition that is now in the magazines of the said place; and for this purpose an inventory of all the ammunition in the garrison shall be made in the presence of any person that the General shall appoint, the next day after these present articles shall be signed.

XXVI. All the magazines of provisions shall remain in the hands of those that are now employed to take care of the same, for the subsistence of those of the Irish army that will pass inte France and if

there shall not be sufficient in the stores, for the support of the said troops, whilst they stay in this kingdom, and are crossing the seas, that upon giving up an account of their numbers, the General will furnish them with sufficient provisions at the King's rates; and that there shall be a free market at Limerick, and other quarters, where the said troops shall be; and in case any provision shall remain in the magazines of Limerick when the town shall be given up, it shall be valued, and the price deducted out of what is to be paid for the provisions to be furnished to the troops on ship-board.

XXVII. That there shall be a cessation of arms at land, as also at sea, with respect to the ships, whether English, Dutch, or French, designed for the transportation of the said troops, until they shall be returned to their respective harbours; and that, on both sides, they shall be furnished with sufficient passports both for ships and and men; and if any sea commander, or captain of a ship, or any officer, trooper, dragoon, soldier, or any other person, shall act contrary to this cessation, the persons so acting shall be punished on either side, and satisfaction shall be made for the wrong that is done; and officers shall be sent to the mouth of the river of Limerick to give notice to the commanders of the English and French fleets of the present conjuncture, that they may observe the cessation of arms accordingly.

XXVIII. That for the security of the execution of this present capitulation, and of each article therein contained, the besieged shall give the following hostages and the General giveXXIX. If before this capitula


tion is fully executed, there happens any change in the government, or command of the army, which is now commanded by General Ginckle; all those that shall be appointed to command the same, shall be obliged to observe and execute what is specified in these articles, or cause it to be executed puntually, and shall not act contrary on any account. Oct. 19:


ciety, instead of oppulent merchants and animated tradesmen. Halifax posses soldiers, intead of bales of merchandize, its streets are filled with piles of bullets, the Exchange of this wretched town is a barrack. The vigilance of centinels, and the murdering signal of morning guns, drums, and horns, while they de clare the trade of death, the exclusive occupation of a city, remind the unhappy degraded provincialist, that any consideration of theirs towards applying their means and geographical position to industry, would be suffocated in the thunder

Description of Halifax, tn North of military execution. The Catho


THE town of Halifax the capital of the British province of Nova Scotia, is situated on Chebucto bay, 44.45 Northern latitude, about 800 miles N. E. of New York. It contains about 9,000 inhabitants, about four-fifths of whom are Catholics, mostly from Ireland. The principal employment is fishing, for which it is very advantageously situated being within a few days sail of Newfoundland. It carries on no other trade being restricted by the mother country, from entering into commercial intercourse with the neighbouring free and independent American states, or any other country not a dependency of Great Britain, through which medium the people subject to her, must receive, such articles of luxury or necessity as are used by them. The consequence is, that Halifax admirably placed for trade, is as dull and inactive, as any country village in Ireland. Instead of the busy and opulent appearance and chearfulness which all the neigh bouring towns of the United States exhibit, a disgusting gloom, a sickly inactivity, pervades every class of so

lic faith in the province, is in the most flourishing state. The native Indians are entirely in communion with the church, and are so at tached to it that they frequently convey the dead bodies of their friends a distance of three hundred miles to the burial ground in Halifax, where they are daily employed ornamenting the graves of their friends with Crucifixes, or in acts of prayer and piety that evince their regard for the deceased and their intimacy with our holy religion.

The Rev. Mr. Jones who lately died in this city, for more than thirty years had the care of the Mission in Nova Scotia, and with a most exemplary industry manag ed his numerous flock with the most apostolic zeal and example. As the Indian natives profess the Catholic faith, planted in this extensive region by the French, while they held it, then called Acadia, it became a political expedient of the British government to encou rage Catholic ecclesiastics of their own subjects, to be intrusted with the management of a people who could not be reconciled to new masters without indulging them in the exercise of a faith they would


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