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tations. Before a body of them begin plundering, they send one of their troop to the top of a rock or tree, to give the alarm in case any person should approach. When a number of them are together, they defend themselves from wild beasts by throwing a cloud of sand behind them, which blinds their pursuers. It is a tractable, frolicksome animal, easily tamed, but unpleasant in its smell, dirty in its habits, and so mischievous, that it breaks and destroys every thing that lies in its way.


THE Baboon differs from animals of the ape kind, in external appearance, in temper, and in disposition.— Fierce, untractable, and libidinous, its nature seems to partake of the hideous and disgusting character of its outward figure. Its body is compact, and nervous, and its strength so prodigious, that one of them can easily overpower two or three men who are unprovided with weapons. In Siam they frequently sally forth in multitudes to attack the villages, and plunder them of provisions, while the labourers are absent. Neither art nor caresses can render the Baboon in any degree docile or obedient. It seems to be continually chafing with rage, and seeking every opportunity of showing its savage propensities. In a state of captivity, it must be kept closely confined: and even in that state, we have seen one shake the bars of his cage so powerfully with his hands, as to excite the utmost terror in the spectators.

This animal is from three to four feet high, very strong built in the upper parts, but slender towards the middle, with large callosities behind, which are quite naked and red. Its tail is crooked, and about seven or eight inches long. Its snout is long and

thick; and on each cheek is a pouch, for receiving its superfluous provisions. It is covered with long thick hair of a reddish brown colour; and walks more commonly on all fours than erect. Its hands as well as its feet are armed with long sharp claws.

The Baboon inhabits some parts of Asia, and the hottest parts of Africa; and feeds on fruits, roots, and other vegetables. Numerous troops sometimes make their appearance, plundering gardens and cultivated grounds. They are extremely dexterous in throwing the fruit from one to another, and by this means will do incredible damage in a very short time.

The female brings forth only one young at a time, which she carries in her arms, and suckles at her breast; but she never breeds in temperate climates.

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THE Ribbed-Nose Baboon, or Mandrill, is equally remarkable for its variety of colour, its singularity of appearance, its immense strength, and its unconquerable savageness.

"Under its projecting forehead,"

says Mr. Bingley, "are two small and vivid eyes, situated so near to each other that their position alone gives to the physiognomy an air of ferocity. An enormous muzzle, indicative of the most brutal passions, terminates in a broad and rounded extremity of a fiery red colour, from which continually oozes a mucous humour. The cheeks, greatly swollen, and deeply furrowed, are naked, and of a deep blue colour. A narrow blood-coloured ridge extends down the middle of the face, and terminates in the nose." Round the neck the hair is very long. On the sides of the head it joins that at the top, and the whole terminates in a somewhat pointed form. Each hair of the body is annulated with black and yellow; so that the whole fur has a greenish brown hue.

When standing upright, the Mandrill is in height from three feet and a half to five feet. It is to be found on the Gold Coast, in several other parts of Africa, and also in the East Indies, and the Indian Archipelago. Its voice bears some resemblance to the roaring of a lion. No art or kindness can in the least subdue its brutal propensities; and its great strength renders it an object of perpetual dread to its keepers. Yet it is not, strictly speaking, a carnivorous animal; for, though it will eat meat that has been cooked, its usual food is fruits and nuts.

The PIG-TAILED BABOON, so termed from its short, naked, piglike tail, is the least of all the Baboon kind; it has a large thick muzzle, naked face and ears, and is of a flesh colour; the hair on the head and back is of a deep olive: it has hazel eyes, and callosities on the buttocks, which are naked, and of a red colour. -It is a native of Sumatra and Japan.

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THIS animal, which is between four and five feet high, and inhabits various parts of Africa and Asia, is distinguished by a longer tail than the rest of its kind; in this respect, it seems to bear some affinity to the monkey, and has been classed under that denomination by several naturalists.-Its head is large, muzzle long and thick, eyes small, face naked, and of an olive colour; the hair on its forehead is separated in the middle, and hangs down on each side of the face; from thence down its back as far as its waist it is long and shaggy, of a bluish gray colour, freckled with dark spots; the hair on the lower part of the body is short; and its buttocks are bare and red. It lives in troops, commits great depredations in gardens, and cultivated grounds, and is exceedingly strong, vicious, and impudent.

The URSINE BABOON is not unlike the last, but rather less. Its nose is long, head large, ears short, forehead high and prominent, terminating in a ridge; the body thick and strong, covered with long dusky hair, which gives it the appearance of a young bear; its tail is half the length of the body; its buttocks red.

-This animal is very numerous about the Cape of Good Hope. Troops of them make expeditions for the sake of plunder, in which, to prevent being surprised, they place a sentinel, which, upon sight of a man, gives a loud yell; when the whole troop retreats with the greatest precipitation; the young ones leaping on the backs of their parents, and clinging closely to them. When the Ursine Baboon sees a single person sitting and eating in the fields, it will steal behind him, snatch his food from him, retire to a little distance, and begin to devour it; now and then holding it out in its paws towards the loser, with many laughable grimaces, as if offering to restore the prize. It may be tamed, and will then guard its master's property with all the sagacity and fidelity of a dog.

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MONKEYS Swarm in nearly all the tropical climates, and the varieties of them are almost innumerable. All the kinds of them being smaller than the baboon, are endued with less powers of doing mischief. Indeed, the ferocity of their nature seems to diminish with their size; and they are sooner tamed, and more easily taught to imitate man than the former: but, at the best, if not kept under by the influence of fear, they are the most insolent and headstrong animals in nature.



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