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or continuing one moment longer info damnable a Sin. This the fays is impoffible for her to do; a Lover's Impoffibility is no more than a very great Difficulty, which is for the most part rendred infuperable only by their own Will, and obftinate Refolution, not to advert to any of thefe Arguments which wou'd fway 'em again their beloved Paffion: If then the does not ask our Advice in vain, without being beforehand refolv'd never to take it, let her calmly confider what follows, and call back her mind while fhe is doing fo, as often as ever it wou'd relapfe to the Thoughts of the Criminal Object. Let her confider the lofs of her Honour, the abufe of her Love, the mortal Torment as well as bafenefs and meanness of a Woman's flighted Paffion, for a falfe Man to whom he has facri fic'd more than all the had in the World, who already grows weary of her, and who in all probability will very foon leave her, if the does not prevent it by first leaving him. But beyond all this, beyond the Punishment and Infamy which the Law inflicts, and wherewith it brands those who are guilty of that Crime he has fo long liv'd in, and which the only efcapes by Concealment, as Thieves and Murderers; befides all this, let her confider that Dishonour, Infamy, Punishments, nay, Death it felf, fuppofe the most bitter imagina ble, wou'd all be inconfiderable, and not worth mentioning, in comparifon of that which certainly and infallibly waits for her, if The continues impenitent. The Breach of the Seventh Commandment is no Venial Sin, whatever tome Perfons wou'd perfwade us,

who pretend hugely to Penance and Mortification; for after our Saviour had fent away the Woman who was guilty of it, and according to the Law of her Countrey, was to have been fton'd to Death, he bids her fin no more, left a worse thing come upon her ;worfe even than that dreadful Death of Stoning; which being the highest Punishment appointed. for her Crime in this World, his Threatning muft relate to another, to that which the Rabbies talk of, and the Holy Spirit allo defcribes in both Teftaments, the Deftruction or Damnation of Soul and Body in the other World. Nor can this be avoided, by pretending the Woman was guilty of a greater Sin than the Querift lives in, because the fame Punishment, eternal Absence from God, or, as the Rabbies exprefs it, Exclufion from any part in a better Life, is alfo plainly denounc'd against Fornication Not to heap up many Texts, see 1 Cor.6. 9. Neither Fornicators, nor Adulterers, &c. nor Thieves, nor Drunkards, &c. fhall inherit the Kingdom of God.


Fornication is here firit mention'd, and only refum'd of all the reft in the following Verfes, because esteem'd only a light Sin by the Heathens, v. 18. Flee Fornication; for which the Apostle brings a reafon, because our Bodies are the Temples of the Holy Ghoft; they are by our Saviour's Death ranfom'd, dedicated, and confecrated to God, who himfelf has faid, I Cor. 3. 17. If any Man defile the Temple of God, hin 'tis in the Original [s] If any. one whether Man or Woman) him, or them, fhall GOD DESTROY. And 'tis worth a Remark, that the


Apoftles Argument here bears even against a fingle Act, fuppos'd unrepented, much more againft an inveterate habit. From these plain Confiderations, the Querift and others may see the abfolute neceffity of their reforming from this Sin, how difficult foever it may at first appear, as ever they expect to avoid eternal Mifery; nor are there wanting powerful and handfome Arguments on the other fide to perfwade 'em to Penitence: The Pleasure, the Honour, the Satisfaction of a pure, a clean and a Holy Life, the recovery as much as is poffible, of their lost Honour and Vertue, and washing away the foul Stains of their Vice by Tears of Repentance, as Magdalen and others have done before 'em And lastly, The unfailing Retribution prepar'd for the Religious in that better World, that happy Place where no unclean thing fhall enter. This Question we have thus at large difcours'd on, because the Disease is fo Epidemical, and endeavour'd to manage it fo as to obviate most of the Objections and Pretences usually brought by thofe who are fo unhappy as to be infected with it.

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a Labour fhortned, and the in'finite Volumes of Contradi'ctions reconcil'd. There have 'been fome Philofophers who have affirm'd all things equally difputable, and that the diffe rence only lyes in the Advantage of well managing the Argument; indeed it appears to me, that 'there are many things in most Sciences difputable enough; 'which if brought to a juft and happy Iffue, wou'd bid fair for "the most confiderable Advancement that has been made in Learning these many Years.

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'Tis a patronizing of Error, and highly tends towards the fettling of it, not to fee what has been already faid upon Subjects, but to impofe crude and indigefted Notions upon the World: It alfo tends to the Propagation of it, to difpute Extempore of things; fince the 'ftrongest Objections can't be brought on a fudden, nor a juft and vigorous Defence made for Truth, and thus weak Defendants, and trilling Opponents, leave the Cafe worfe than they found it. Now I think an Attempt,

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tempt which can be free of thefe • Disadvantages, wou'd not be difpleafing to you; therefore, Gentlemen, I prepofe an Honourable Challenge, as a Pledge of Friendship, upon feveral difpu <table things, which you have advanc'd in all Parts of Learning: And if the Controverfie be manag'd with that calm and Inge· nuous Procedure, which Prudence and our Reputation calls for, it might contribute fo far to our own Improvement and Satisfaction, as wou'd infinitely out-ballance the Severity of the Exercife. I promise my self an Anfwer at your Convenience, and am


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Your very Humble Servant.

T. B.

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the many ways, which either my own Obfervation, or that of my Friends, whom I've confulted in this Business, fuggefts, I find thefe following to be most ufual An Intereft is to be made at Court by difcreet, &c. at the Universities by able Drinking; in the City by a Trial of Skill at Canting; in the Country by over-buying the next Prefentation -It's fuggefted to me, that befides this, there may be hopes of fomething from the Seal, by large Fees to under Officers; from Colleges, by promising to be a Benefactor; from the Nobility, by marrying my Lady's Abigail; from the Gentry, by keeping the Squire company, or Sometimes, &c. or kiffing the Niece, or courting the Chambermaid, or bandfomly entertaining bis Worship's Guests at ones own Coft I am fure by a wellmade Intereft, and a good Summ of Money almost any where; but by found Learning, ferious Piety, and true Defert, truly my Obfervation does not furnish me with one Inftance of Preferment. My Request is, which of these ways you'd direct me to, or what other that you think more likely to fucceed, or lefs difhonourable? For I've but little Intereft, and less Q. Your Answers concerning Money; and the Boys don't prothe CLERGY in your last mife any thing extraordinary, eiOracle, gave me fuch great fatis- ther as to Parts or Acquirements, faction, that I am encouraged (if and I'm unwilling to put 'em upon it be not troublesome) once more any thing difhoneft, or unworthy to beg your Advice on that Sub- the Character of a Clergyman. jea I have two Sons, pret-Your Speedy Answer will oblige, ty big Boys, at School, I defign &c. them both for Clergy-men; and I A. The Querift writes fo keenly, have made it my business for fome and feems to be fo much in eartime to confider how I may difpofeneft, that one wou'd almoft think of 'em, fo ds to be in the readieft he had mifs'd what he wou'd get way to Preferment: New among for his Sons, we mean Preferment:


WE E approve of the Defign

and accept your Offer, defiring you in your next to propofe your Subjects, and to give us Directions how to fend to you; which is all at prefent from



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However there's no hurt, in bearti- | dom. As for the Nobility and

Gentry, we are not much acquain-
ted with 'em; but however we
know they are Englishmen, and
are not all fo mean to be capable
of fuch Actions. After all, tho'
perhaps there mayn't be many more
four'd than fome of our felves in
thefe Matters; yet we can't be fo
unjust to our Country as this Gen-
tleman is, but muft own we have
feen many excellent Perfons pre-
ferr'd, in our fhort time of know-
ing the World, meerly for found

Defert, while others of lefs Merit
have been justly neglected-
on which Head a certain more In-
genious than Pious Gentleman of
the Clergy, of late, was heard
frankly to acknowledge, That he
must not expect Preferment under
this Government, because he saw
Perfons were now rais'd for their

ly wishing he were mistaken in all his Obfervations, as fure he is in fome of 'em, particularly for the Court; tho' 'tis no wonder, if good Examples don't work now fo ftrongly as bad did formerly; yet'tis to be hoped he has forgot his Almanack, and is wander'd back two or three King's Reigns in his Imagination, it being as clear as Light, that never were fuch a Set of excellent Perfons preferr'd in the Church by any Court, fince that glorious one of Queen Eliza-Learning, ferious Piety, and true beth. For the Universities,what ever the Practice may be, we are fure the Laws are very severe a gainst Intemperance,and that they are fometimes put in Execution; nor is't poffible for the Governors to know every thing, or be every where; yet this is commonly feen, that a vitious Life has been a valid Objection against a Perfon's Pre-Deferts, ferment, and many thereby mifs or lofe what they might otherwife obtain or enjoy. In this City, and whatever other Places wherein Popularity and Number carries it, 'tis impoffible but that the lefs wife, which the greater part is likely to be, fhou'd often prevail; tho' even here too, we see in many Cafes, Heads prevail againft Hands, and a few prudent Men in a Parish manage the reft fo as to perfwade 'em to make wifer Choices than perhaps they'd otherwife do; of which there needs no clearer Evi dence to any confidering Man, than a fhort Reflection on the Manners and Learning of the Bo-fee Knaves and Fools vaunt before dy of the prefent London Clergy, whom even their worft Enemies are forc'd to confefs more confiderable, both for Loyalty and all other Kertues, than asy in the King

If then the Querift's Children have thefe Accomplish. ments, if they are endu'd with a fufficient Portion of Piety, Prudence, and Learning, and a little Patience withal; if they are not for running themfelves into the World before they are fit for that, or that for them; notwithstanding all the Corruptions in Court, Country, University, City, &c. they'll in all probability meet with fuch Preferments as they may comfortably live upon: But if they thou'd mifs of it, and only wear out a troublefome Life in want, or expectation, which o'th' two is the greatest Torment: If they fhou'd

em, and they still trudge afoot through the World, gaping after this Lord's Promift, t'other's wife, and the third's good Ward; yet if they have true Prety at the bottom,


they'll chearfully through all, and be well fatisfy'd and happy in trufting their Preferments to another World- and if they have not these Qualifications, if they are either lewd or dull, never think of a Gown for 'em, nor spoil a good Soldier or Cobler to make a bad Parfon.

Q. I have kept my Father this feveral Years upon Charity, he being old, and not able to work for his Living; and by reason of the deadnefs of Trade, I have found it hard upon me, my other Charge being very great. I would not be wanting in my Duty towards him; I have been as good a Husband in my Expences abroad as poffible I think; 1 have not kept any Company that Should occafion it, but fuch as are my Cuftomers; and I have spent no more than what I have thought necessary, and never to any Ex travagancy at all, jet notwithftanding I do find that my Trade will not answer my Charge; and 1 do fear that if I continue to keep 4 him, it may occafion me to be in Some measure uncapable to pay every Man his own; and if I turn him out of Doors, he must of neceffity beg, be having no other Friend in the World; and that you know, Gentlemen, is very hard for me to fee, or hear of; and no Parif is obliged to keep him that I know of, by reason of his often removing. More might be faid, but this is the Summ of it, for I fear I have been too tedious already, therefore pray give me your Advice what I must do in this Cafe; and in fo doing, you will very much oblige your humble Servant.

A. We think (unless you are

willing to let go all your Pretenfions to the Profeffion, or Rewards of Chriftianity,) that you are oblig'd in Confcience, and for your own Reputation, to continue what you call Charity. We are affur'd from Sacred Writ, that Charity is the way to get an Eftate, rather than grow poor: So that if you find your Trade and Concerns in the World not to answer your Expectation, it is not owing to the Charge of your Father's Maintenance, but from fome other Reafons; as a not right understanding of your Trade; for want of an ob liging prudent Carriage towards your Cuftomers; or being fettled in an ill Place, or fomething else: But as for the maintenance of your Father, we think it a Debt you highly owe him, as being next under God the Author of your Being, and who provided for you from your Childhood, and put you into a Capacity of providing for your felf.

We read in Pliny's Natural Hiftory, of fome Fowls and Brutes that provide for their aged Parents; and why a rational Creature fhou'd hefitate, and hardly comply with a Duty that a meaner Claffis of Creatures teach him, is fomethir g ftrange, efpecially in a Country where the Chriftian Religion flourifles.

Q. A Perfon of fome Estate and Family having bad High Treafon Sworn against him, tho falfely and maliciously, so that inevitably he must de for the fame, and his Family be ruined; meeting this Man on the Road, and having a fair Opportunity, falls on and kills him, in hopes to prevent that which would otherwife inevi tably befall himself: Query, If this Man is guilty of Murder be


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