Laws of the State of New York Passed at the Sessions of the Legislature

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Страница 69 - Seventh. To exercise by its board of directors, or duly authorized officers or agents, subject to law, all such incidental powers as shall be necessary to carry on the business of banking; by discounting and negotiating promissory notes, drafts, bills of exchange, and other evidences of debt; by receiving deposits; by buying and selling exchange, coin and bullion; by loaning money on personal security; and by obtaining, issuing and circulating notes according to the provisions of this Title.
Страница 228 - Such as shall be requisite for its immediate accommodation in the convenient transaction of its business; or, 2. Such as shall have been mortgaged to it in good faith, by way of security for loans previously contracted, or for moneys due ; or, 3.
Страница 394 - ... unless the same be accompanied by an immediate delivery, and be followed by an actual and continued change of possession...
Страница 318 - ... ought to have been made, the said corporation shall not, for that cause, be deemed to be dissolved ; but it...
Страница 237 - ... to carry on the business of banking by obtaining and issuing circulating notes in accordance with the provisions of this act; by discounting bills, notes, and other evidences of debt; by receiving deposits; by buying and selling gold and silver bullion, foreign coins, and bills of exchange; by loaning money on real and personal security...
Страница 395 - Every mortgage filed in pursuance of this act shall Evory yoar. cease to be valid as against the creditors of the person making the same, or against subsequent purchasers or mortgagees in good faith, after the expiration of one year from the filing thereof; unless, within thirty days next preceding the expiration of the said term of one year...
Страница 420 - ... from time to time to fix, regulate and receive the tolls and charges by them to be received for transportation...
Страница 429 - ... to transport, take and carry property and persons upon the same by the power and force of steam, of animals, or of any mechanical or other power, or of any combination of them...
Страница 146 - ... determine which of the said persons so having an equal number of votes shall be the director or directors so as to complete the whole...
Страница 354 - ... a body corporate and politic, in fact and in name, by the name of "The Society of the Lying-in Hospital of the City of New York...
