Parliamentary Papers, Том 14H.M. Stationery Office, 1928 |
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Страница 4
... IRAQ ... 120 400 ... ... 120 400 NUMBER TO BE VOTED ( a ) Includes Army personnel attached to the Royal Air Force 32,500 ( a ) 33,000 Vote A. Numbers . This Vote fixes the total number 4 [ Vote A. ] AIR ESTIMATES , 1928 .
... IRAQ ... 120 400 ... ... 120 400 NUMBER TO BE VOTED ( a ) Includes Army personnel attached to the Royal Air Force 32,500 ( a ) 33,000 Vote A. Numbers . This Vote fixes the total number 4 [ Vote A. ] AIR ESTIMATES , 1928 .
Страница 4
... in aid is due to the revised arrangements under which only the extra cost of the Royal Air Force in Iraq , Palestine and Trans - Jordan will be recoverable from Civil Votes . VOTE 1 . PAY , & c . , OF 46 [ Vote 1 ] AIR ESTIMATES , 1928.
... in aid is due to the revised arrangements under which only the extra cost of the Royal Air Force in Iraq , Palestine and Trans - Jordan will be recoverable from Civil Votes . VOTE 1 . PAY , & c . , OF 46 [ Vote 1 ] AIR ESTIMATES , 1928.
Страница 6
... Iraq the rate is Rs . 1 As . 8 a day , together with free rations for the servant , and in Malaya 60 cents a day . Colonial Allowance . This allowance is issued in aid of extra expenses incurred by officers serving in certain overseas ...
... Iraq the rate is Rs . 1 As . 8 a day , together with free rations for the servant , and in Malaya 60 cents a day . Colonial Allowance . This allowance is issued in aid of extra expenses incurred by officers serving in certain overseas ...
Страница 7
... 1,905,000 1,903,000 British and Indian Army personnel attached or temporarily lent to the Royal Air Force in Iraq and Aden . 14,000 7,000 14,000 7,000 Carried forward 1,919,000 1,910,000 AIR ESTIMATES , 1928 . [ Vote 1. ] 7.
... 1,905,000 1,903,000 British and Indian Army personnel attached or temporarily lent to the Royal Air Force in Iraq and Aden . 14,000 7,000 14,000 7,000 Carried forward 1,919,000 1,910,000 AIR ESTIMATES , 1928 . [ Vote 1. ] 7.
Страница 9
... Iraq , due to a reduction in numbers and in the rate of the allowance , is offset to some extent by increased provision for Aden , for additional numbers borne for training , and for badge pay . C. - MARRIAGE ALLOWANCE . Marriage ...
... Iraq , due to a reduction in numbers and in the rate of the allowance , is offset to some extent by increased provision for Aden , for additional numbers borne for training , and for badge pay . C. - MARRIAGE ALLOWANCE . Marriage ...
Други издания - Преглед на всички
Често срещани думи и фрази
accommodation Accounts Aden Aerodrome Air Council Air Ministry Air Service Clerks Air Votes Aircraft Apprentices Airship Allowance of Officer Appropriations in Aid Assistant Auxiliary Air Force Brought forward buildings cadets Carried forward charges Civil Aviation civilian staff Civilian Subordinates Clerical Officers Contributions Corps Department Depot Director Education Officer ENDING 31ST MARCH Engineers Expenditure Fees FINANCIAL YEAR 1928 Fleet Air Arm Flight Lieutenant Flying Officers Grade Grant Gratuities Indian Instructors Iraq Medical Meteorological Military Non-Commissioned Officers Numbers officers and airmen pay and allowances Pay and Personal pay of civilian payment pension Personal Allowances personnel Quarters for Married rates and scales rates of pay receipts reduction regard to rates Regimental Repayments Reserve respect retired pay Royal Air Force Royal Aircraft Establishment Royal Army Salaries scales of pay School Squadron Leader stations subhead Surplus Technical Officers Territorial Army Total varying inclusive rates Vote 9 Wages of Civilian Warrant Officers Wing Commanders