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Cheyne, Dr. George, prevalence
of scurvy, 87-88.
Chickenpox, alias smallpox, 366-

China, vaccination introduced, 386,

Chinese method of variolation, 16,

Chincough, Watt's treatise, 439.
Christ's Hospital, smallpox from,

15; mortality of smallpox
among inmates, 23, 32, 524.
Christie, Dr. Thomas, Ceylon, 392.
Chiswell, Sarah, 8, 10.
Cholera, 1831-32, 448.
Church-rates, compulsory, 542,
560, 593.

Clarence, Duke of, (William IV.)
171, 191, 219.

Clarke, Dr., advocates compulsory
vaccination, 305.

Cline, Henry, letter describing
first vaccination, 128; advises
Jenner to come to London,
129; witness for Jenner, 189;
apology for Walker, 227; Na-
tional Vaccine Establishment,
Cobbett, William, shuffles of quack-

ery, 20; in Gray's Inn, 81;
denounces potatoes and tea,
89-90, 316; power in common
sense, 304; vaccination fury,
305; addresses Wilberforce on
compulsion, 305; endowment

of vaccination, 307, 311; its
proved failure, 308; spurious
cowpox dodge, 309; foresees
invaccination of syphilis, 309,
531; Advice to Young Men, 312;
smallpox-made-milder dodge,
313; had Cobbett followed
Jenner, 314; children vario-
lated, 315; sanitary science
undiscovered, 316; honour-
able prejudices, 317.
Cockburn, Lord Chief Justice, un-
vaccinated infants, 77; re-
peated prosecutions, 551.
Cockermouth and Dr. Walker, 220,

Codd, Philip, son vaccinated by
Jenner takes smallpox, 312.
Cole, James, infected with horse-
grease, 115.

Collins, William, painter, 448.
Collins, Dr. W. J., opponent of

vaccination, 543, 547; evi-
dence House of Commons' com-
mittee, 1871, 554.

Collins, Dr. W. J., 583.
Colchester, itch and vaccination in
85th Regiment, 126, 277.
Coldbath Fields Smallpox Hospital,


Colliander, Dr., Swedes decline
variolation, 408.

Cologne Anti - Vaccination Con-
gress, 1881, 581.
Combe, Andrew, 427.
Combes, The, 449.
Common-sense defined, 303.
Condamine, La, 59.

Coningham, William, 529.

Connah, Mr., Seaford, rarity of
smallpox, 83.

Connell, Ira, 545.

Constable, H. Strickland, writings,

Constantinople, practice of variola-
tion, 1, 8, 11, 12, 18.

Convulsions, enormous death-rate
in London, 80.

Cook, Turkey merchant, 15.
Cook, Captain, and Jenner, 92.
Cooke, C., cowpox did not prevent
smallpox, 165.

Copenhagen, smallpox and vacci-

nation, 420.

Copland, Dr., scepticism as to vac-
cination, 478.

Corfield, Dr., "the falsest of false-
hoods," 86.

Cornwallis, Marquis, 398.
Corrigan, Sir Dominic, evidence

House of Commons' commit-
tee, 1871, 560-561, 567.
Corry, Mr., withdraws 1866 vacci-
nation bill, 532.

Cortez, Mexican smallpox, 511.
Corvisart and Jenner, 400.
Cother, Mr., variolates Jenner's
child, 357; resulting scandal,

Cough, Whooping, Newcastle, 429,
430; Glasgow, 439-443; Eng-
land and Wales 1838-40, 505.
Courtney, Mr., amazing estimate,


Covent Garden grave-yard, 82.
Covington, F., evidence House of
Commons' committee, 1871,

Cowper, William, 80, 576.
Cowper, W. F., 496; operates in

House of Commons for Epi-
demiological Society, 497; ex-
treme docility, 498; answer to
Mr. Duncombe, 499; simple-
minded defence of compulsion,

Cowpox, Jenner's cases in Inquiry,
104-108; assures absolute se-
curity from smallpox unaffect-
ed by time, 105, 121, 141;
incommunicable to those who
have had smallpox, 106; taken
repeatedly, 107, 108, 141;
action in conjunction with
smallpox, 150; cowpox and
smallpox modifications of same
disease, 166; description of in
cow and man, 109; generation
in horsegrease beyond possibi-
lity of denial, 100, 110, 112;
reasons for this belief, 154;
difficulty of proof, 100; indis-
tinguishable in effects from
horsegrease, 156, 157; an un-

common and erratic disease,
75; probable extinction, 111;
when it ought to be taken, 111;
its inflammation always erysi-
pelatous, 143; sores eat into
flesh, and action checked with
escharotics, 157; recommended
as an expulsive irritant, 123.

Mr. Knight attests common
faith, 132; notorious belief in
its prophylaxy, 94, 136-139,
179; Jesty and Nash's claims,
94-95, 204-206; unnoticed in
Cheshire, 133; well known in
south and unknown in north
of England, 137; known in
Gloucestershire not to prevent
smallpox, 95, 165; inquiry of
Ingenhousz in Wilts, 130; un
known in New England, 375;
unknown in bulls, 144, 272.

Discovered, 1799, in Lon-
don, 145; distributed by Pear-
son, 146; its diverse action,
149; Jenner's views discrimi-
nated from Pearson's 153, 178,
198, 203, 347.

Spurious Cowpox, 99, 113;
various definitions by Jenner,
240; in Spain, 401; disowned
by Jenner, 239, 336, 454; a
dodge, 278, 356; Birch's in-
quiry, 277-278; Cobbett, 309;
Hamernik's opinion, 519-522.
Crewe, Lady, and Jenner, 231.
Crichton, Dr., vaccination and
enforcement in Russia, 406-

Croft, Dr., faith in cowpox in Staf-
fordshire, 137.

Cross, John, the Norwich epidemic,
1819, 432-439.
Crow, Dr. E. J., 590.
Cumberland, Duke of, 219.

Dairymaids' faith in cowpox, 95,
114, 334.

Dalkeith, vaccination introduced,

Darwin, Erasmus, letter to Jenner,
275, 371.

Davis, Francis, Enniscorthy, 590.

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De Carro, Vienna, writes to Jen-
ner, 264, 266-267, 405; uses
horsegrease, 265, 404-405,
512; conveys virus to India,
384; Jenner's congratulation,

Decimation by smallpox, 76.
Delafaye, Dr., preaches and writes
against variolation, 42.
Denmark, variolation, 62; vaccina-
tion, 419-420.

Des Gouttes, smallpox and variola-
tion in Geneva, 61.
Devonshire, Duchess of, works for
Jenner, 230.

Diarrhoea and vaccination, New-
castle, 429-430.
Diderot, promotes variolation, 59.
Diet, influence on smallpox, 87.
Dilke, Sir Charles, 578.
Dillwyn, William, letter from Jen-
ner, 341-344.

Dimsdale, Dr. Thomas, variolator,

47-48; controversy with Lett-
som, 49; summoned to Russia
to variolate Catharine, 63;
price paid for job, 64, 362;
variolation from arm-to-arm,
76; parish variolations, 379;
might have anticipated Jenner,

Doddridge, Dr., favours variola-

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Dumfries, variolation introduced,


Duncan, Dr., introduces vaccina-
tion to Edinburgh, 151.
Duncombe, Thomas, discomfits

sharp practice in House of
Commons, 498-499; disap-
proves of compulsion, 499, 529.
Dundee, vaccination introduced,


Dunning, Mr., surgeon, 89, 340,

361, 385, 389, 390, 394; enthu-
siasm for Jenner, 196; first
uses words vaccinate and vac-
cination, 229.

Dusthall, Anna, first vaccinated in
India, 385.

Dutch in Ceylon, 392.

East India Company, 220,
Edinburgh, smallpox in 18th cen-

tury, 50; triumph of vaccina-
tion, 1806, 71; vaccination
introduced, 1799, 151; small-
pox epidemic among the vac-
cinated, 1818-19, 366; variola-
tion disused, 1815, and no
smallpox, 463.

Edinburgh Colleges of Physicians
and Surgeons report on vacci-
nation, 241.
Edinburgh Dispensary and small-

pox, 1805, 242; official answer
to Dr. Brown, 287.

Edinburgh Medical Journal, Brown
of Musselburgh, 351.
Edinburgh Review, 300, 302, 303,
350; comparative fatality of
smallpox and variolation, 66;
smallpox diffused by variola-
tion, 69; rapid acceptance of
vaccination, 70; attacked by
John Ring, 173; anti-vaccina-
tors described, 289; a homicidal
article, 364.

Edwards, Jonathan, killed by vari-
olation, 56.

Egremont, Earl of, 167, 168, 220,

Eldon, Lord, 73.

Elephants' milk, 327.
Elgin, Lord, 384.

Ellenborough, asserts influence of
vaccination to be transient,
353; Jenner's indignation, 354;
encounter with Jenner, 357;
Epidemiological Society, 482.
Ellis, Mr., fraud, 387.
Emerson, R. W., Dr. Garth Wilk-
inson, 549.

Emery, Aaron, evidence House
of Commons' committee, 1871,
Encyclopædia Britannica, horse-
grease and cowpox, 271.
Endowment of research illustrated
by National Vaccine Establish-
ment, 461.

English Cyclopædia, Cotton Mather
and Lady M. W. Montagu, 7.
English death-rates compared with
Austrian, 506,

Engrafting the smallpox, 1.
Enniscorthy, 508-509, 590.
Epidemics, Dr. Waterhouse be-
wildered, 382.

Epidemics of smallpox, Dr. Seaton

on their irregular character,568.
Epidemiological Society, organised

to promote trade in vaccina-
tion, 480-491; primes Lord
Lyttelton, 480, and W. F.
Cowper, 497; untruthful re-
port, 485; presses for more
vaccination, 492; bolder de-
mands and more untruthful,
493-495; medical place hunters,
497, 500.

Epps, Dr., variolation, 74; Tweedle-
dum and Tweedledee, 226;
character of Dr. Walker, 331.
Equination, 229, 264, 265, 368;
practised by Jenner, 268-269.
Erskine, Sir J. Sinclair, Jenner's
sacrifices, 194.
Erysipelas, a note of effective vac-

cination, 113, 119, 143, 157,
240, 279, 429, 503, 555.
Escharotics to allay vaccination,
109, 118, 157, 161, 198.
Evans, T. W., vaccination in Ice-
land, 420.

Evesham Guardians, advice from

Local Government Board, 576.

Excell, Hannah, vaccinated, 118,
and vaccinifer, 128.

Faces, pock-marked, 468; dis-
appearance avouched by Na-
tional Vaccine Establishment,

Faith magic, 213.

Famine and smallpox in northern
Europe, 409.

Farquhar, Sir Walter, 129, 188,319.
Farr, Dr. W., decline of smallpox

prior to vaccination, 86, 211,
466-467; confirms Watt's dis-
covery in Glasgow, 447-448,
450-451; evidence reinforced
from West Indies, 560.
Farriers' faith in horsegrease, 100,
114, 179, 334-335.

Ferdinand IV. and Naples, 396.
Fewster, Mr., cowpox more severe
than smallpox, 139.

Finland, vaccinators to be punished
if smallpox ensue, 419.
Flaxman, 581.

Fleuart, Dr., Boston, results of
variolation, 5.

Fleming, Dr., Calcutta, letter from
Jenner on variolation and
vaccination in England, 390.
Fleming, George, cowpox and
horsepox, 272.

Florence, variolation introduced, 62
Forster, W. E., moves for com-

mittee on 1867 Vaccination
Act, 552, 553; surrenders to
House of Lords, 572; private
faith in vaccination, 577, 578.
Foundling Hospital, 40.
Fox, Joseph, friend of Dr. Walker,
218, 220.
Fox, C. J., 215.

Fox, W. F., Dewsbury, 590.
France, variolation introduced, 35,
59; prohibited, 60; applica-
tion to Cowpock Institution,
168; Woodville introduces
vaccination, 169, 398; Na-
poleon's despotism, 399-400.
Frank, Joseph, scarlet fever, 448.
Freeman, Mr., variolates after Jen-
ner's vaccination, 280.

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George II., extolled for gracious
patronage of practice, 43.
George III., receives Jenner, 171,
and promotes vaccination, 219,
243, 370, 380.

George IV., does as his father,
323, 370.

Germany, variolation, 62; and vac-
cination introduced, 151.
Gibbs family, 547.

Gibbs, George S., 550, 585, 586;

evidence House of Commons'
committee, 1871, 551.
Gibbs, John, birth and career, 508-

509; Letter on Vaccination,
500-509; 541; 585.
Gibbs, Richard Butler, leader of

anti-vaccinators, 543-544, 550,
578, 585; evidence House of
Commons' committee, 1871,
556; death, 573-574.
Gibbs, Mrs. R. B. (Miss Griffiths),
547, 573, 574.

Gibson, Wm., New Lanark, 366.

Giddy, Davies, prefers variolation
to vaccination, 252.

Giffard, Mr., cowpox in Dorset, 137.
Gillett, Charles, Banbury, 590.
Gillman, Mr., fraud in India, 387.
Girl, cowpoxed mangey, 297.
Gilpin, Charles, character of anti-
vaccinators, 542.

Gilpin, John, illustration of Lon-
don life, 80.

Gladstone administration, pitiful
performance, 577.

Glasgow, boarding-school girl, 51;
Dr. Walker, 331; rare place for
smallpox, 439; statistics, 1783-
1812, 440, 442-443; variolation
practised, 441; insanitary con-
ditions, 441; vaccination intro-
duced, 441; extent of practice,
442, 446; mortality unaffected,
442; other diseases replace
smallpox, 442-443, 446-447;
activity of measles, 444; Dr.
Farr on the evidence, 447-448;
character of smallpox victims,
450; variolation disused, 1815,
and no smallpox, 463.
Gloucester cathedral,


monument, 363.
Goatpox used in Madrid, 401.
Goethe, stupidity, 279.
Goldson, Wm., reports smallpox

after vaccination, 283, which
Jenner would not look at, 284;
publishes pamphlet, 284; sug-
gestions, 285; infamous treat-
ment by Jenner and Ring, 285,
350-351, 361; Edinburgh Re-
view, 290.

Good, Dr. Mason, horsegrease, 100,
260, 262, 267.

Goulburn, Mr., prohibition of vari-
olation, 1840, 74.
Grainger, Mr., extent of vaccina-
tion in 1850, 475.
Granville, Dr.. decimation by
smallpox, 77.

Grattan, patriot, 184, 185.
Graveyards in London, 82.
Gregory, Dr. George, mortality
from variolation, 66; regrets
prohibition, 74; smallpox

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