Practical CryptographyWiley, 17.04.2003 г. - 432 страници Security is the number one concern for businesses worldwide. The gold standard for attaining security is cryptography because it provides the most reliable tools for storing or transmitting digital information. Written by Niels Ferguson, lead cryptographer for Counterpane, Bruce Schneier's security company, and Bruce Schneier himself, this is the much anticipated follow-up book to Schneier's seminal encyclopedic reference, Applied Cryptography, Second Edition (0-471-11709-9), which has sold more than 150,000 copies. Niels Ferguson (Amsterdam, Netherlands) is a cryptographic engineer and consultant at Counterpane Internet Security. He has extensive experience in the creation and design of security algorithms, protocols, and multinational security infrastructures. Previously, Ferguson was a cryptographer for DigiCash and CWI. At CWI he developed the first generation of off-line payment protocols. He has published numerous scientific papers. Bruce Schneier (Minneapolis, MN) is Founder and Chief Technical Officer at Counterpane Internet Security, a managed-security monitoring company. He is also the author of Secrets and Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World (0-471-25311-1). |
The Context of Cryptography | 7 |
X | 10 |
Cryptography Is Not the Solution | 17 |
Авторско право | |
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algorithm Alice and Bob Alice's authentication birthday attack bits long block cipher mode bytes certificate choose a random ciphertext ciphertext blocks clock collision attacks communicate compute cryptographic protocols cryptographic systems decryption digital signature discuss divisor easy encryption encryption function ensure entropy example hash function HMAC ideal block cipher implement input integer key negotiation protocol key server key size key stream large number memory message number modulo multiple Niels Ferguson nonce output padding password patent permutation plaintext blocks prime private key PRNG problem public key random data random number related-key attack requires reseed result S-boxes secret key secure channel security level security system seed file Serpent simple single situation solution specifications standard string structure subgroup transaction trust Twofish verify