OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK, PASSED AT THE FORTY-THIRD SESSION OF THE LEGISLATURE, BEGUN AND HELD AT THE CITY OF ALBANY, The Fourth day of January, 1820. EXCELSTOR ALBANY : PRINTED BY J. BUEL, PRINTER TO THE STATE, FOR WEBSTERS & SKINNERS. 1820. LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK, PASSED THE FORTY-THIRD SESSION OF THE LEGISLATURË, CHAP. I. AN ACT to amend an act, entitled "an act to reduce several laws relating particularly to the city of New-York, into one act," so far as it relates to assistant justices. Passed January 4, 1820. WHEREAS the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New-York have, by their memorial to the legislature, prayed that the laws establishing courts of assistant justices in the said city, may be amended, and that the number of assistant justices may be reduced, and they allowed salaries, to be paid by the said the mayor, aldermen and commonalty, instead of fees, andalso that the said law be amended in other respects, in the manner herein after provided for: Therefore, Preamble. powers. I. BE it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, Assistant jusrepresented in Senate and Assembly, That the person administer- tices to be aping the government of this state for the time being, by and with pointed, and the advice and consent of the council of appointment, shall appoint and commission suitable persons to be assistant justices of, in and for the following wards in the city of New-York, to wit: one for the first, second and third wards; one for the fourth and sixth wards; one for the fifth and eighth wards, and one for the seventh and tenth wards, to be known and distinguished by the name of assistant justices of the city of New-York: each of which said assistant justices respectively, are hereby authorised and required to hold a court for the trial of causes to the amount of fifty dollars and under, in all actions in which jurisdiction is given to the assistant justices of the city of New-York, in and by the act hereby amended: And further, That the said assistant justices respec tively, shall be invested with all the jurisdiction, power, and authority, with respect to matters cognizable before them, with which the assistant justices of the city of New-York have heretofore been invested, and shall also be subject to the performance of all the duties imposed upon the said assistant justices: And further, That during the sickness or inability of either of the said justices to act, it shall and may be lawful for any other justice in the said city, to exercise every jurisdiction, notwithstanding any provision in this act contained, |