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that in the author's consideration it was not so far advanced as to be in a state fit for the press; for one passage, which was meant to be substituted for another, is inserted in the manuscript, and yet the original one continues unobliterated, and both now make part of the printed text* from a praise-worthy delicacy of the noble editor, that there may not be a possibility of doubt, as to the authenticity of the publication.

When Mr. Rose announced his intention to make some observations on this publication, his situation in life was a pledge to the public, that they would be written in the spirit of liberality, and his former publications concerning finance and records, of which the value must depend almost entirely upon their accuracy, induced a hope that errors might be rectified, and obscurities cleared up, if any there were, by his assistance: Mr. Rose himself seems to have been aware of the expectations of the public, and in his Introduction, as well as in different parts of the body of his work, makes the strongest professions of candour and impartiality, and censures the want of that accuracy, in which from the offices he has filled, he supposes himself particularly to excel. He was aware of the delicacy

*Mr. Fox's Historical Work, p. 181.

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of the situation in which he placed himself, when he undertook to comment on Mr. Fox's Work, from his having been " very long honoured with the con"fidence, and enjoyed the affectionate friendship of "his principal political opposer*." But to obviate this objection, he assures us, "that the opposition of every "liberal man has died with its object;" which is a pretty strong admission that his opposition was to the principles, but to the person of Mr. Fox, for the principles remain though the person is gone; and yet he adds, that "his opposition was altogether on public "grounds." He says, there was a time when he hoped to have seen a junction of Mr. Fox and Mr. Pitt, but in reading Mr. Fox's History he had conceived a doubt, how far their co-operation could have been permanent, because "the political principles of Mr. Pitt certainly "would not have accorded with those of Mr. Fox, in the


manner in which he has developed them." He however intimates that in power, he might not have acted according to the demonstration of his principles in his book. Mr. Rose, then, by his own acknowledgment, had been very long in the habit of opposing the political measures of Mr. Fox, and had been honoured with the confidence and affectionate friendship of his principal political opponent.

* Mr. Rose's Introduction, p. xxxiv.

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He might have added, that Mr. Pitt to him had been a patron, as well as a friend, and that under his auspices, he had acquired nearly the summit of wealth and honour. Mr. Pitt was not so, implacable in his enmity as Mr. Rose, and at the close of his life was become sincerely desirous that Mr. Fox should assist in the government of the country, and even Mr. Rose had hoped for it. But from some dreadful principles disclosed in Mr. Fox's book, which during the greater part of a life spent in political contest, he had carefully concealed, or Mr. Rose had not had the sagacity to discover, he now doubts whether the co-operation of these celebrated rivals could have lasted, because the political principles of Mr. Pitt could not have accorded with those which the tardy penetration of Mr. Rose has discovered in the posthumous work of Mr. Fox!

An appeal may safely be made to the opponents as well as the supporters of the latter, whether he was ever in the habit of concealing his principles, and to any person, except Mr. Rose, who has read his work, whether there are any principles developed in it inconsistent with those, which he had uniformly avowed and acted upon. We shall examine hereafter whether Mr. Rose has fairly represented the passages, from which he has drawn his conclusion, and whether, if fairly represented they would justify it. But we are inclined to think more highly of Mr. Pitt; he, (whatever

Mr. Rose might be) could not but be perfectly well acquainted with the principles of Mr. Fox when he made overtures to introduce him into power; and we may safely conclude that he felt none of those apprehensions, which have so recently found their way to the bosom of Mr. Rose. It will be found in the progress of this work that no opinion, supported by Mr. Fox, is calculated to alarm the most zealous friends of the monarchical part of our constitution. But that his principles are such, as Mr. Pitt or any Minister of the Crown might have avowed in the presence of his Sovereign without a blush, and, what is not unworthy of notice, are conveyed in expressions less offensive to monarchy than some of those, in which Mr. Rose has unnecessarily indulged himself.

Mr. Rose certainly must have been unacquainted with the honorable mind, and manly feelings of Mr. Fox, when he insinuates, that if he had come into power he might not have acted" according to the demonstration of the principles in his book," and must have forgotten that the experiment had been tried before the Observations were written. Fox had been in power for a few months, and during that short period had proved that in him, change of situation induced no alteration of sentiment. For through the exertions of that administration of which he was a distin


guished member, the friends of humanity may now exult in the abolition of the slave trade, and his ardent wishes for the success of the catholic claims remained unchanged to his last moments. The hostile bias of Mr. Rose towards Mr. Fox's politics is not only visible in the passages just commented upon, but will be apparent in many others noticed hereafter. But after Mr. Rose's excuses" for suspecting "the accuracy of Mr. Fox's statement, and the justness of "his reflections," and the observation that" with perfect ❝rectitude and impartiality of intention a man in a particu"lar political situation, can hardly form impartial opinions," because" he breathes an atmosphere of party, with which "the constitution and temperament of his own mind can hardly fail to be affected;"* we may justly doubt, whether Mr. Rose himself, having long breathed this atmosphere, is entitled to be ranked among the fortunate few, who have escaped the contagion. If the political influence, he alludes to, were confined merely to the leaders of parties, he might perhaps have been free from it. But he does not confine it to them, and there is no good reason why it should not extend to those who have filled inferior situations; on the contrary, they, surely must be in greater danger, who are attached not only to the party by common principle but


* Mr. Rose's Introduction, p. ix.

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