Total mileage of through freight (tons carried one mile). Total freight mileage, or tons carried one mile....... Average rate per ton per mile received for through freight.. Percentage of freight originating at, and carried to stations CAR MILEAGE. Number of miles run by loaded freight cars east and south.. Total freight car mileage...... Percentage of empty freight cars hauled east and south to all freight cars hauled east and south. Percentage of empty freight cars hauled west and north to all freight cars hauled west and north SPEED OF TRAINS IN IOWA. Rate of speed of passenger trains, including stops. Manufactures, articles shipped from point of production. PER TONS. CENT. 29,730 44.0 1,097 01.6 265 00.4 8,248 12.2 915 01.3 5,138 07.5 16,345 24.2 35 00.1 ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS. EXPRESS COMPANIES. What express companies run on your road, and on what terms, and what conditions as to rates, etc.; what kind of business is done by them, and do you take their freights at the depot, or at the office of such express company? American Express Company and Pacific Express Company; business handled by agents of the Express Companies from depots of Railroad Company. Each Express Company pays the Humeston & Shenandoah Railroad Com- The Pacific Company pays 35c per cwt. for through business carried over UNITED STATES MAIL IN IOWA. What is the compensation paid you by the U. S. Government for the transportation of its mails on your road in Iowa, and on what terms of service? $42.75 per mile per annum. Mail carried on one train each way daily except Sunday. Railroad Company delivers mail at all offices within eighty rods of depot. What amount have you paid for receiving and delivering mail to and from stations on your road in Iowa? $695.00. TELEGRAPH. How many miles of telegraph are owned by your company in Iowa? 113. Number of persons injured during the year Number resulting from lack of caution, carelessness, or mis conduct. Number of trespassers on track injured.. 1 4 4 1 OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY, WITH LOCATION OF OFFICES. President James F. How, St. Louis, Missouri. Treasurer-W. W. Baldwin, Burlington, Iowa. General Manager and Superintendent-E. C. Murphy, Clarinda, Iowa. General Passenger and Freight Agent-H. S. Nelson, Clarinda, Iowa. DIRECTORS, NAME AND POST-OFFICE ADDRESS. James F. How, St. Louis, Missouri. Date of annual meeting of stockholders, second Wednesday in April. Fiscal year of company ends December 31st. General offices of the company are located at Clarinda, Iowa. E. C. Murphy, General Manager, and J. H. Ells, Assistant Treasurer of the Humeston & Shenandoah Railroad Company, being duly sworn, depose and say that they have caused the foregoing statements to be prepared by the proper officers and agents of this company, and, having carefully examined the same, declare them to be a true, full, and correct statement of the condition and affairs of said company on the thirtieth day of June, A. D. 1885, to the best of their knowledge and belief. [Signed,] E. C. MURPHY. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 9th day of September, A. D. 1885. W. W. MORSMAN, Notary Public, Page County, Iowa. [L. 8.] Received and filed in the office of the Commissioners of Railroads, this 12th day of September, A. D. 1885. E. G. MORGAN, Secretary. |