1 د REPORT OF THE CENTRAL IOWA RAILWAY COMPANY. FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1885. CAPITAL STOCK. Amount authorized by articles of association, .$ 19,000,000.00 Amount issued, number of share 100,268, amount paid in... $10,026,800.00 Amount of common stock issued. Amount of preferred stock issued, and condi tions of preferment. .. 1,950,200.00 1 PROPERTY ACCOUNTS. CHARGES AND CREDITS BY WHICH THE CAPITAL AND DEBT HAVE BEEN Land, land damages and fences. ...... 3,970.89 Passenger and freight stations, coal sheds and water stations 11,844.39 256.39 construction ... Construction, eastern division. .. • 3,160.12 45,000.00 Discount on consolidated bonds. Total for construction ......... 4,000.00 ..... Property sold (or reduced in valuation on the books) and credited property accounts during the year (specifying same): Mason City elevator Net addition to property account for the year........ $ 297,225.68 Earnings per train mile run, from all trains earning revenue $ 1,307,578.22 [1,184,356 miles) $1.104. Earnings per mile of road operated [495.484 miles]$ 2,638.99 Proportion of earnings for Iowa. • 1,116,543.02 Rents received for use of road.. Rents received for use of stations, etc. Car mileage (credit balances). .... 14,000,00 1,640.96 8,200.26 Miscellaneous earnings, July 1, 1884, to July 1, 1885 : CLASS 1-MAINTENANCE OF WAY AND BUILDINGS (CHARGED TO OPER ATING EXPENSES.) Repairs of road-bed and track. • ......$ 155,801.19 Renewal of rails, (number tons laid, steel, 525 1450-2240) 6,274.18 Renewal of ties.. .. .... 23,853.77 Repairs of bridges, including culverts and cattle-guards. ... 19,276.04 ... Repairs of tools and machinery....... .. Repairs of buildings, stations, water-tanks and renewals... Total. • ..$ 237,724.67 CLASS 2-MAINTENANCE OF MOTIVE POWER AND CARS. Passenger train supplies... ... Mileage of passenger and sleeping cars (debit balance). ..... Peoria terminals... .. Freight train service..... Freight train supplies... • Mississippi River transfer... ....... Telegraph expenses (maintenance and operating) Damage and loss of freight and baggage. .. Damage to property and cattle ... Personal injuries.... Agents and station service... Rent of buildings and grounds. .. Station supplies. 3,857.85 14,644.57 102,946.25 12,684.94 2,611.50 1,398.21 24,518.47 53,629.27 2,205.14 29,728.59 27,270.68 1,893.89 • 10,256.17 11,550.07 67,661.41 • 534.49 Salaries of general officers and clerks. Legal expenses... Insurance. ... Taxes in Iowa, $41,359.47; taxes in other States, $9,602.30; 42,505.39 7,316.57 ... 4,640.40 |