TELEGRAPH. How many miles of telegraph are owned by your company in Iowa? None. What other company, if any, owns a line of telegraph on your right of way in Iowa, and how many miles do each own? The Western Union Telegraph Company owns 978.27 miles. REPORT OF ACCIDENTS FOR IOWA DURING THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1885. November 6 Thos. Quinlan, switchman.. November 16 L. C. Chase, engineer Cedar Rapids.. Oasis.. November 29 Jos. D. Benjamin, engineer Cedar Rapids. Struck by bridge; head cut. Run over by cars; foot mashed. Coupling cars; hand mashed. Coupling cars; finger and thumb cut off. Coupling cars; back hurt. Engine ditched; leg broken. Collision between Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern and Chi- Caught between door and engine in round house; hip injured. Coupling cars; finger crushed. Coupling cars; back and hips hurt. Cleaning fire pan; both arms crushed. Fell from train; ankle dislocated and back hurt. Broken rail; back sprained. Caught between cars; leg broken. Coupling cars; fingers mashed. Collision of freight trains; arm broken and head cut. Collision of freight trains; leg sprained. Collision of freight trains; arm sprained and hurt in stomach. Switching cars; leg broken. Jumped from train; ribs broken. Struck by moving car; shoulder and head cut. : Number of persons killed during the year Number of persons injured during the year. Number of casualties purely accidental during the entire year. Number of persons injured while intoxicated. Number of trespassers on track killed 2 Number of trespassers on track injured None. Number of tramps or others stealing rides killed or injured 3 None. OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY, WITH LOCATION OF OFFICES. President-C. J. Ives, Cedar Rapids. Vice-President-Robert Williams, Cedar Rapids. Secretary and Assistant Treasurer-S. S. Dorwart, Cedar Rapids. General Superintendent C. J. Ives, Cedar Rapids, Assistant General Superintendent-Robert Williams, Cedar Rapids. Division Superintendents-W. P. Brady, Cedar Rapids; Jno. C. Fox, Pipestone, Minnesota. Chief Engineer-H. T. White, Cedar Rapids. Superintendent of Telegraph-G. A. Goodell, Cedar Rapids. Auditor-J. C. Broeksmit, Cedar Rapids. Chief Clerk, General Passenger Agent J. E. Hannegan, Cedar Rapids.. General Solicitor--S. K. Tracy, Burlington. DIRECTORS, NAME AND POST-OFFICE ADDRESS. C. J. Ives, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Date of annual meeting of stockholders, fourth Tuesday in May each year. Fiscal year of company ends December 31st. General offices of the company are located at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. C. J. Ives, President and General Superintendent of the Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern Railway Company, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he has caused the foregoing statements to be prepared by the proper officers and agents of this company, and, having carefully examined the same, declares them to be a true, full, and correct statement of the condition and affairs of said company on the thirtieth day of June, A. D. 1885, to the best of his knowledge and belief. [Signed,] C. J. IVES. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 15th day of September, A. D. 1885. JOHN C. BROEKSMIT, Notary Public. [L. 8.] Received and filed in the office of the Commissioner of Railroads, this 16th day of September, A. D. 1885. E. G. MORGAN, |