The following table shows the added mileage and the increase of capital stock during the year for all roads reported. The increase of mileage is 472.84, the increase of stock is $11,226,150.01, or $23,741.96 per mile: Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern (none in the State)| Chicago, Burlington & Quincy. Kansas City, St. Jo. & Council Bluffs. Maple River.. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific. 94,500.00 3,300.00 INCREASE OR DECREASE OF DEBT. The following table shows the increase or decrease of debt during the year for all roads reported. The increased mileage is 472.84, the increased indebtedness is $23,366,211.45, or $49,716.74 per mile; this, we presume, represents new construction: Amount of in crease. The increased mileage is 2,351.96. The increased indebtedness is $26,118,183.84, from which deduct decreased indebtedness, $1,435,122.65, and we have a net increase of $24,683,060.69, or $10,494.68 per mile. The increase is not all new mileage, but represents lines purchased. Comparative table of stock and debt for the years 1878, 1880, 1882, and 1884. Stock. Debt.. $183,488,642.54 $ 264,482,954.21 $ 345,918,605.27 $ 390,586,766.44 160,360,759.52 228,551,426.04 386,228,328.01 440,214,133.65 Total:... $ 343,849,402.06|$ 493,034,380.25|$ 732,146,933.28 $ 830,800,900.09 The $343,849,402.06 represented, in 1878, 8,367 miles of road. The $493,034,380.25 represented, in 1880, 12,219.36 miles. The $732,146,933.28 represented, in 1882, 18,548.69 miles. The $830,800,900.09 represents, in 1884, 21,154.32 miles. The increase of mileage in Iowa is from 4,157.00 in 1878, to 7,249.25 in 1884, or 3,092.00 miles in six years. The capital and debt reported for Iowa in 1878 amounted to $153,601,784.47; in 1884, $268,210,937.81; an increase of 3,092 miles, and an increase of stock and debt of $114,609,153.34, or $37,066.32 per mile. COST OF ROADS. The Commissioners have found it difficult to get information that is at all reliable on this subject, and the following is an approximation which is the nearest that they can arrive at the cost. The entire earnings for the roads in Iowa are reported: Passenger, mail and express. Total earnings for year ending June 30, 1884. Increase of earnings over previous year... $ 7,861,759.80 27,873,512.05 $ 35,735,271.85 34,433,354.77 The passenger earnings are 22 per cent of the entire earnings. $ 1,301,917.08 Table showing the increase and decrease of earnings for year 1884. The increase of earnings over previous year was $2,833,968.91; the decrease was $1,422,371.75, or a net increase of earnings of $1,411,597.16. The greatest decrease in earnings is the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific road, which we suppose either in 1883 or 1884 was reported erroneously. This is another illustration of the reports made to this office without proper attention or intelligent supervision from the of ficers making the returns. MAILS. The returns do not give the amount received for transportation of mails in the State. From data furnished we estimate it at $752,959.24. This will be reduced by whatever is paid for receiving and delivering them. |