The Plays of William Shakespeare, Том 6Riley, 1806 |
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Страница 32
... Biondello , Grumio , servants to Petruchio . Curtis , Pedant , an old fellow set up to personate Vincentio . Katharina , the Shrew ; daughters to Baptista . Bianca , her sister , Widow . } Tailor , haberdasher , and servants attending ...
... Biondello , Grumio , servants to Petruchio . Curtis , Pedant , an old fellow set up to personate Vincentio . Katharina , the Shrew ; daughters to Baptista . Bianca , her sister , Widow . } Tailor , haberdasher , and servants attending ...
Страница 35
... Biondello , thou wert come ashore , We could at once put us in readiness ; 7 Mi perdonate , ] Old copy - Me pardonato . The emendation was suggested by Mr. Steevens . Malone . 8 Aristotle's checks , ) Are , I suppose , the harsh rules ...
... Biondello , thou wert come ashore , We could at once put us in readiness ; 7 Mi perdonate , ] Old copy - Me pardonato . The emendation was suggested by Mr. Steevens . Malone . 8 Aristotle's checks , ) Are , I suppose , the harsh rules ...
Страница 42
... Biondello comes , he waits on thee ; But I will charm him first to keep his tongue . Tra . So had you need . [ They exchange habits . In brief then , sir , sith it your pleasure is , And I am tied to be obedient ; ( For so your father ...
... Biondello comes , he waits on thee ; But I will charm him first to keep his tongue . Tra . So had you need . [ They exchange habits . In brief then , sir , sith it your pleasure is , And I am tied to be obedient ; ( For so your father ...
Страница 54
... Biondello . Steevens . It should rather be given to Gremio ; to whom , with the others , Tranio has addressed himself . The following passages might be written thus : Tra . Even he . Biondello ! Gre . Hark you , sir ; you mean not her ...
... Biondello . Steevens . It should rather be given to Gremio ; to whom , with the others , Tranio has addressed himself . The following passages might be written thus : Tra . Even he . Biondello ! Gre . Hark you , sir ; you mean not her ...
Страница 55
... Biondello , let's away . Luc . Well begun , Tranio . Hor . Sir , a word ere you go ; - [ Aside . Are you a suitor to the maid you talk of , yea , or no ? Tra . An if I be , sir , is it any offence ? Gre . No ; if , without more words ...
... Biondello , let's away . Luc . Well begun , Tranio . Hor . Sir , a word ere you go ; - [ Aside . Are you a suitor to the maid you talk of , yea , or no ? Tra . An if I be , sir , is it any offence ? Gre . No ; if , without more words ...
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ancient Antigonus Antipholus Antony and Cleopatra Autolycus Baptista Ben Jonson Bian Bianca Bion Biondello Bohemia Camillo comedy Cymbeline daughter dost doth Dromio Duke editor emendation Enter Ephesus Exeunt Exit eyes fair father Feran Ferando fool gentleman Gremio hand Hanmer hath hear Hermione honour Hortensio husband Johnson Kate Kath Katharina King Henry King Lear lady Leon Leontes look lord Love's Labour's Lost Lucentio Malone marry Mason master means Merchant of Venice merry mistress never old copy Othello Padua passage Paulina perhaps Petruchio play Polixenes pray prince queen Ritson scene second folio sense servants Shakspeare Shakspeare's Shep Shrew signifies signior speak Steevens suppose sweet tell thee Theobald thing thou art Tranio unto villain Vincentio Warburton wife word