The Plays of William Shakespeare: In Twenty-one Volumes, with the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators, to which are Added Notes, Том 17J. Nichols and Son, 1813 |
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Страница 58
... Ром . Whiles we are suitors to their throne , de- cays The thing we sue for . MENE . We , ignorant of ourselves , expostulation to her maid . Those , says she , were my sallad days , when I was green in judgment ; but your blood is as ...
... Ром . Whiles we are suitors to their throne , de- cays The thing we sue for . MENE . We , ignorant of ourselves , expostulation to her maid . Those , says she , were my sallad days , when I was green in judgment ; but your blood is as ...
Страница 59
... Ром . Where have you this ? ' tis false . MEN . From Silvius , sir . Ром . He dreams ; I know , they are in Rome together , Looking for Antony : But all charms of love Salt Cleopatra , soften thy wan'd lip ! " * My power's a crescent ...
... Ром . Where have you this ? ' tis false . MEN . From Silvius , sir . Ром . He dreams ; I know , they are in Rome together , Looking for Antony : But all charms of love Salt Cleopatra , soften thy wan'd lip ! " * My power's a crescent ...
Страница 61
... Ром . So , in Timon of Athens : I could have given1 less matter " let not that part of nature , " Which my lord paid for , be of any power " To expel sickness , but prolong his hour . " The words honour and hour have been more than once ...
... Ром . So , in Timon of Athens : I could have given1 less matter " let not that part of nature , " Which my lord paid for , be of any power " To expel sickness , but prolong his hour . " The words honour and hour have been more than once ...
Страница 62
... Ром . I know not , Menas , How lesser enmities may give way to greater . Were't not that we stand up against them all , Menas is an interpolation , and that the passage originally stood as follows : I could have given Pom . Less matter ...
... Ром . I know not , Menas , How lesser enmities may give way to greater . Were't not that we stand up against them all , Menas is an interpolation , and that the passage originally stood as follows : I could have given Pom . Less matter ...
Страница 110
... Ром . Your hostages I have , so have you mine ; And we shall talk before we fight . CES . Most meet , That first we come to words ; and therefore have we Our written purposes before us sent ; Which if thou hast consider'd , let us know ...
... Ром . Your hostages I have , so have you mine ; And we shall talk before we fight . CES . Most meet , That first we come to words ; and therefore have we Our written purposes before us sent ; Which if thou hast consider'd , let us know ...
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Често срещани думи и фрази
Alexas ancient Antony better called CHAR Charmian CLEO Cleopatra Cordelia Coriolanus CORN Cymbeline daughters death doth Edgar edition editors Edmund Egypt emendation Enobarbus Enter Eros Exeunt Exit eyes father folio reads fool fortune give Gloster gods Goneril Hanmer hath hear heart honour IRAS JOHNSON Julius Cæsar KENT King Henry King Lear knave lady LEAR lord Macbeth madam MALONE Mark Antony MASON means MESS metre never night noble o'the Octavia old copy old reading omitted Othello passage perhaps play Plutarch poet Pompey poor pray Proculeius quartos read queen Regan RITSON says scene second folio seems sense Shakspeare Shakspeare's signifies Sir Thomas Hanmer speak speech STEEVENS suppose sword tell thee THEOBALD thine thing thou art thought Timon of Athens TOLLET Troilus and Cressida WARBURTON word ΕΝΟ Ром