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the most honourable principles. Examples in this polished century too often present themselves amongst the great, of marriages contracted only to obtain riches, in the pre-determined resolution of squandering them, to support unworthy and rapacious mistresses, and indulge the vitiated taste of varied inclination.

When the changing affections of men wander after a multiplicity of women, they may, for a short time, be the favourites of the fair, but it will not last; the spell is soon broken, and they discover that a degree of incapability to please them long, is ever attached to those famed for inconstancy; it is like Epicurism in the science of eating; we generally find the healthy eat with a good appetite of one pure and salubrious dish; but the languid and broken stomach seeks its gratification in all the various ways that the culinary art can make use of to render the food any way palatable.

An Anecdote.

A most interesting period happened at one part of the Duke of Warton's life. He fancied he was a father! Was it then only fancy? Oh, no!-Nature twines herself round every fibre of the heart, and parental feeling cannot be deceived,

Hitherto his Grace had never beheld woman but only in a sexual view. Charlotte Horton, whom he regarded as his daughter, was lovely and engaging in her person, yet he beheld her without desire pure, yet ardent was the affection that warmed his bosom: he felt jealously tenacious of her honour, and keenly alive to her future interests: But then, her mother!.... so lavish of her precarious caresses! .. Who could determine whose child she was? One of the great Wits of the day declared she was his, for he felt pleased with the acquisition of such a daughter: Yet he felt not like the Duke of Warton. Still, like him, he was determined to claim her, own her before all

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Casting Lots for Fatherhood.

the world as his daughter, and amply provide for her. "Oh! she is mine alone," said the real father, "Well! as wise Solomon said," replied the Wit, "we will divide her the mother has divided her affections between us; and though, trust me, I do not mean to cut her in halves, yet, as I am pretty confident that I have as much claim to Charlotte as yourself, we will bring her up at our joint expenee, give her a good education, and that portion as shall entitle her to a respectable marriage!"

"Since you quote scripture," said the Duke," you prove, like the harlot who wished the child to be divided, that she is none of yours!-Hear me! she shall be, as I am sure she is, wholly mine, or I give up all claim to her."

The Wit, catching up a dice-box, said,. "Come! chance shall decide it:" And it was so, apparently, decided: But it was

He is declared Father.

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not chance, no, the gentle breath of the angel who presides over paternal affection, blew the dice; and the Duke was declared, without contradiction, the father of Charlotte Horton!-And before they threw, it had been previously agreed between them, that whoever lost should never, by any word, direct or indirect, assert that kindred with her, which afterwards was sufficiently proved the Duke had the only claim to.

The Duke of Warton acted the part of a kind and tender parent; and while he enjoyed the company of his Charlotte; happy in watching her improvements, seeing her caressed and admired, he gave up in a great degree, the ridiculous and continual change of his promiscuous


He had the satisfaction of seeing her well and happily married to a nobleman ; and he soon relapsed into all the silly

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Returns to his favourite Pursuits.

licentiousness of his former life, now made doubly ridiculous for him to pursue, from his increasing infirmities, and a confirmed old age, which no art is able to conceal or disguise.

Yet he is determined to call in every aid to preserve his complexion, and to give himself an air of youth; and he

really does look tolerably well, for one who has led such a life, and told so many years.

However, in scanning the Duke's character with impartiality, we shall rejoice to find him a man more weak and vain, than wicked: he has loved women, gaming, and horse-racing; but he is not a married man!-he has injured no one but himself; and his large fortune has been at his own disposal to employ as best pleases him.

He is possessed of many excellent

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