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fwore by her wonted Oath, that the Jury were all Knaves; and they delivered it with Affurance, that on his Returne to the Towne, after his Triall, he faid with Oathes, and with Fury, to the Lieutenant Sir Owen Hopton, what will the Queene fuffer her Brother to be offered up as a Sacrifice to the Envy of my flattering Adverfaries? Which being made knowne to the Queene, and fomewhat enforced, fhe refufed to figne it, and fwore he should not die, for he was an honeft and faithfull Man: And furely, though not altogether to set our Rest and Faith upon Tradition, and old Reports, as that Sir Thomas Perrot, his Father, was a Gentleman of the Privy Chamber, and in the Court married to a Lady of great Honour, which are Prefumptions in fome Implications; but if we goe a little further, and compare his Pictures, his Qualities, Gesture, and Voyce, with that of the King, which Memory retaines yet amongst us, they will plead ftrongly that he was a fubreptitious Child of the Blood Royall.

Certaine it is, that he lived not long in the Tower; and that after his Deceafe, Sir Thomas Perrot, his Sonne, then of no meane Efteeme with the Queene, having before married my Lord of Effex his Sifter, fince Counteffe of Northumberland, had Reftitution of his Land, though after his Death alfo (which immediately followed) the Crowne refumed the Eftate, and tooke Advantage of the former Attainder; and to fay the Truth, the Prieft's forged Letter was at his Arraignement thought but as a Fiction of Envy, and was foone after exploded by the Prieft's owne Confeffion; but that which moft exafperated the Queene, and gave Advantage to his Enemies, was, as Sir Walter Rawleigh takes into Obfervation, Words of Difdaine; for the Queene by fharpe and reprehenfive Letters had netled him; and thereupon fending others of Approbation, commending his Service, and intimating an Invafion from Spaine; which was no fooner propofed, but he fayd publiquely, in the great Chamber at Dublin, Loe now fhe is ready to bepiffe her felf, for Feare of the Spaniards, I am againe one of her white Boyes: which are fubject to a various Construction, and tended to fome Difreputation of his Soveraigne; and fuch as may ferve for Inftruction to Perfons in Places of Honour and Command, to beware of the Violences of Nature, and efpecially the Exorbitance of the Tongue. And fo I conclude him with this double Obfervation; the one of the Innocency of his Intentions exempt and cleare from the Guilt of Treafon and Difloyaltie, therefore of the Greatneffe of his Heart, for at his Arraignement he was fo little dejected with what might be alledged, that rather he grew troubled with Choller, and in a Kind of Exafpiration, he defpifed his Jury, though of the Order of Knighthood, and of the fpeciall Gentry, claiming the Priviledge of Tryall by the Peeres, and Barronnage of the Realme; fo prevalent was that of his native Genious and Hautineffe of Spirit, which accompanied him to his laft, and till without any Diminution of Change therein, it brake in Peeces the Cords of his Magnanimitie, for he died fuddainely in the Tower, and when it was thought the Queene did intend his Enlargement, with the Reftitution of his Poffeffions, which were then very great, and comparable to moft of the Nobilitie.






IR Chriftopher Hatton came to the Court as his Oppofite: Sir John Perrot was wont to fay by the Galliard, for he came thither as a private Gentleman of the Innes of Court, in a Mafke; and for his Activity, and Perfon, which was tall and proportionable, taken into her Favor: He was first made Vice Chamberlain; and fhortly after, advanced to the Place of Lord Chancellor A Gentleman that, befides the Graces of his Perfon and Dancing, had alfo the Endowment of a strong and fubtile Capacitie, and that could foone learne the Difcipline and Garbe, both of the Times and Court, and the Truth is, hee had a large Proportion of Guifts and Endowments, but too much of the Seafon of Envy, and he was a meere Vegetable of the Court, that fprung up at Night and funke againe at his Noone.


Flos non mentorum, fed fex fuit illa virorum.


Y Lord of Effingham, though a Courtier betimes, yet I find not that the Sunshine of his Favor brake out upon him, untill fhe tooke him into the Ship, and made him High Admirall of England; for his Extract it might fuffice, that he was the Sonne of a Howard, and of a Duke of Norfolke.

And for his Perfon as goodly a Gentleman as the Times had any, if Nature had not been more intentive to compleat his Perfon, than Fortune to make him rich; for the Times confidered, which were then active, and a long Time after lucrative, he dyed not wealthy, yet the honester Man, though it feemes the Queene's Purpose was to tender the Occafion of his Advancement, and to make him capable of more Honour, at his Returne from Cadiz Voyage, and Action fhe conferred it upon him, creating him Earle of Nottingham, to the great Difcontent of his Colleague my Lord of Effex, who then grew exceffive in the Appetite of her Favor; and the Truth is fo exorbitant in the Limitation of the Soveraigne Afpect, that it much allienated the Queene's Grace from him, and drew others together with the Admirall into a Combination, to confpire his Ruine; and though as I have heard it from that Party (I meane the old Admirall's Factions) that it lay not in his proper Power to hurt my Lord of Effex, yet he had more Fellowes, and fuch as were well fkilled in the fetting of the Trayne: but I leave this to thofe of another Age; it is out of Doubt, that the Admirall was a good, honeft, and brave Man, and a faithfull Servant to his Miftrefs, and fuch a one as the Queene out of her own princely Judgement knew to be a fit Inftrument for her Service, for fhe was a Proficient in the reading of Men afwell as Bookes, and as fundry Expeditions as that aforementioned, and 88, do better expreffe his Worth, and manifeft the Queene's Truft, and the Opinion fhe had of his Fidelitie, and Conduct.


Moreover, the Howards were of the Queene's Alliance, and Confanguinitie by her Mother, which fwayed her Affections, and bent it towards this great Houfe; and it was a Part of her naturall Propention, to grace and fupport ancient Nobilitie, where it did not intrench, neither invade her Intereft, from fuch Trefpaffes she was quicke and tender, and would not fpare any whatfoever, as we may obferve in the Cafe of the Duke, and my Lord of Hartford, whom the much favoured, and countenanced, till they attempted the forbidden Fruit; the Fault of the laft being, in the fevereft Interpretation, but a Trefpaffe of Incroachment, but in the first it was taken as a Ryot against the Crowne, and her owne foveraigne Power; and, as I have ever thought, the Caufe of her Averfion against the reft of that House, and the Duke's great Father-in-Law, Fitz Allen, Earle of Arundell, a Perfon in the first Ranke of her Affections, before these and fome others Jeloufies, made a Separation betweene them.

This noble Lord and Lord Thomas Howard, fince Earle of Suffolk, ftanding alone in her Grace, and the reft in her Umbrage.



IR John Packington was a Gentleman of no meane Family, and of Forme and Feature no Waies difabled, for he was a brave Gentleman, and a very fine Courtier, and for the Time which he stayed there, which was not lafting, very high in her Grace; but he came in, and went out, through Difaffiduitie, drew the Curtaine betweene himfelfe, and the Light of her Grace, and then Death overwhelmed the Remnant, and utterly deprived him of Recovery; and they fay of him, that had he brought leffe to her Court than he did, he might have carried away more than he brought, for he had a Time on it, but an ill Husband of Opportunitie.



Y Lord of Hunfdowne was of the Queene's nearest Kindred, and on the Decease of Suffex, both he and his Sonne fucceffively tooke the Place of Lord Chamberlaine: He was a fast Man to his Prince, and firme to his Friend, and Servants, and though he might speake big, and therein would be borne out, yet was he the more dreadfull, but leffe harmfull, and far from the Practife of the Lord of Leicester's Inftructions, for he was downe-right; and I have heard thofe that both knew him well, and had Intereft in him, fay meerely of him, that his Lattine, and Diffimulation, were alike, and that his Cuftome of Swearing, and Obfcoenitie, in fpeaking, made him feeme a worse Chriftian than he was, and a better Knight of her Carpet than he could be as he lived in a roughling Time, fo he loved Sword and Buckler Men, and fuch as our Fathers were wont to call Men of their Hands, of which Sort he had many brave Gentlemen that followed him, yet not taken for a popular and dangerous Perfon; and this is one that stood amongst the Togati, of an honeft ftout Heart, and fuch a one that upon Occafion

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would have fought for his Prince and Country, for he had the Charge of the Queene's Perfon both in the Court, and in the Camp at Tilbury.



IR Walter Rawleigh, was one that it feemes Fortune had picked out of Purpofe, of whom to make an Example, and to use as her Tennis-Ball, thereby to fhew what fhe could do, for fhe toffed him up of nothing, and to and fro to Greatneffe, and from thence downe to little more than that wherein fhe found him a bare Gentleman, and not that he was leffe, for he was well defcended, and of good Alliance; but poore in his Beginnings and for my Lord of Oxford's Jefts of him for the Jacks and Upstarts, we all know it favored more of Emulation, and his Honour, than of Truth; and it is a certaine Note of the Times, that the Queene in her Choyce never tooke in her Favor a meere vew'd Man, or a Mechanicke; as Comines obferves of Lewis XI. who did ferve himfelfe with Perfons of unknowne Parents, fuch as were Oliver the Barber, whom he created Earle of Dunoyes, and made him ex fecretis confiliis, and alone in his Favour, and Familiarity.

His Approaches to the University, and Innes of Court, were the Groundes of his Improvement; but they were rather Extrufions than Sieges, or Settings downe, for he ftayd not long in a Place; and being the youngest Brother, and the House diminished in his Patrimony, he forefaw his Deftiny, that he was first to roule through Want and Disabillitie, to fubfift otherwise, before he came to a Repofe, and as the Stone doth by long lying gather Moffe: He was the first that expofed himfelfe into the Land Service of Ireland, a Militia which did not then yeild him Food and Rayment, for it was ever very poore; nor dared he to stay long there, though fhortly after he came thither againe, under the Command of my Lord Gray, but with his owne Colours flying in the Field, having in the Interim caft a meere Chance both in the LowCountries, and in the Voyage to Sea; and if ever Man drew Vertue out of Neceffity, it was he, and therewith was he the great Example of Industry; and though he might then have taken that of the Merchant to himselfe, Per Mare per Terras currit Mercator ad Indos; he might also have faid, and truly with the Philofopher, Omnia mea mecum porto, for it was a long Time before he could bragg of more than he carried at his Backe; and when he got on the winning Side, it was his Commendations that he tooke Paines for it, and underwent many various Adventures for his After-Perfection, and before he came into the publique Noate of the World: and that may appeare how he came up per ardua; per varios cafus per tot difcrimina rerum; not pulled up by Chance, nor by any great Admittance: I will onely defcribe his Nature and Parts, and thefe of his owne Acquiring.

He had in the outward Man a good Prefence, in a handfome and well compacted Perfon, a strong naturall Wit, and a better Judgement, with a bould and plaufible Tongue, whereby he could fet out his Parts to the best Advantage, and thefe he had by the Adjuncts of fome generall Learning, which by Diligence, he enforced to a great Augmentation, and Perfection,


A Second Collection of TRACT S.


for he was an indefalliable Reader, where by Sea and Land, and none of the best Obfervors, both of Men and of the Times, and I am fomewhat confident, that among the fecond Caufes of his Grouth, that there was Variance betweene him and my Lord Generall Gray, in his fecond Defcent into Ireland, was principall for it, drew them both over to the Counfell Table, there to pleade their owne Causes, where what Advantage he had in the Cafe, in. Controverfie I know not, but hee had much the better in the Manner of telling his Tale, infomuch as the Queene and the Lords tooke no flight Marke of the Man, and his Parts, for from thence he came to be knowne, and to have Acceffe to the Lords, and then we are not to doubt how fuch at Man would comply to Progreffion, and whether or no, my Lord of Leicester had then caft a good Word for him to the Queene, which would have done him no harme, I doe not determine, but true it is, he had gotten the Queene's Eare in a Trice, and fhe began to be taken with his Election, and loved to heare his Reasons to her Demands, and the Truth is, fhe tooke him for a kind of Oracle, which netled them all, yea thofe that he relyed on, began to take this his foddaine Favor for an Allarum, and to be fenfible of their owne Supplantation, and to project his, which made him fhortly after fing, Fortune my Foe, why dost thou frowne; fo that finding his Favor declining, and falling into a Receffe, he undertooke a new Perigrination to leave that terra infirma, of the Court, for that of the Waves, and by declining himselfe, and by Abfence to expell his and the Paffion of his Enemies, which in Court was a strange Devife of Recovery, but that he then knew there was fome ill Office done him, yet he durft not attempt to amend it, otherwife than by going afide thereby, to teach Envy a new Way of Forgetfulneffe, and not fo much as thinke of him; howfoever he had it alwaies in Mind, never to forget himselfe, and his Devife tooke fo well, and in his Returne he came in as Rams do, by going backward with the greater Strength, and fo continued to the laft, great in her Favor, and Captaine of her Guard, where I must leave him, but with this Observation, though he gained much at the Court, he tooke it not out of the Exchequor, or meerely out of the Queene's Purse, but by his Wit, and by the Helpe of the Prerogative, for the Queene was never profufe in delivering out of her Treafure, but payd moft, and many of her Servants, part in Money, and the reft with Grace, which as the Cafe. stood, was then taken for good Payment, leaving the Arrerres of Recompence due for their Merrit, to her great Succeffor, which payd them all with Advantage.



IR Foulke Grevile, fince Lord Brooke, had no meane Place in her Favor, neither did he hold it for any fhort Time, or Term, for if I be not deceived, he had the longeft Leafe, the fmootheft Time without Rubs of any of her Favorites, he came to the Court in his Youth and Prime, as that is the Time, or never; he was a brave Gentleman, and hopefully defcended from Willoughby, Lord Brooke, and Admirall to H. VII. neither illiterate, for


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