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A briefe Chronicle of Holy Scripture.

The 268. Day of this Yeare, entred the 57. Yeare of our
The 268. Day was the Beginning of the Yeare of Chrift 58.
The 63. Day, when Paul had ben Captive an whole Yeare,
Porcius Feftus fucceeded Felix in the Governement of Judea.
Att. 24. Paul fpeaketh for him felfe before Agrippa and

Bernice. A. 25.

The 183. Day in October, Paul and his Companions, were in
Danger at Sea. Alt. 27.

The 3 Monethes following, November, December, and Janu-
arie, Paule wintered in the Ile of Miletum. Alt. 28.
The 268. Day entered the Yeare of Chrift 59. About the
14. of February in the 4. Yeare of the Raigne of Nero,
Paule came to Rome. A&t. 28. 16.

The 268. Day began the 60. Yeare of our Lord.
The 268. Day entred the Yeare of our Lord 61.
The 319. Day, was ended that two Yeares Space, which
Paul continued in his owne hired Lodging. Alt. 28. 30.
During which Time he wrote these Epiftles.

To the Galatians.

To the Ephefians, by Tychicus.

To the Philippians, by Epaphroditus.

To the Coloffans.

To Philemon.

[blocks in formation]

at Rome.
Epift. to the
To Philem.
The Actes of
the Apostles


4204 Paul deliA.Ch. vered.

63 James the 4205 Leffe flaine.

At this Time as feemeth the Actes of the Apoftles were
written by S. Luke. About this Time Paul 27 Yeares
after his Converfion, was delivered out of his firft Impri-
fonment at Rome, in the 6. Yeare of Nero the Emperour.
The 268. Day entred the Yeare of our Lord 63.
The 30. Day, James the Leffe was flaine of the fewes, after
he had bene thirtie Yeares Bishop of Jerusalem.
The 195. Day entred the 10. Yeare of Nero his Raigne 4206
wherein began the feconde Perfecution of the Christians,
and continued until the Death of Nero, the Pretence was
the Burning of Rome: which Nero himself had caused to
be done, and after laied it on the Charge of the Christians.
In May, began the laft Warre against the fewes.
The 268. Day was the Yeare of Chrift 68. About this A.Ch.
Time Paule wrote his 2. Epiftle to Timothie.
The 89. Day in the laft Yeare of Nero, and the 68. Yeare 4210
of our Lord, Paule at the Commaundement of the Em-
perour was beheaded at Rome, the 35. Yeare after his

The 7. Yeares and almoft an halfe of the Apoftle his
Life, after his Deliverance out of Prifon, was in good

$ 2

The 2. Perfecution of the Chriftians.

2. Epift. to 68 Timothie.

Paul behead

ed at Rome.

Paul his Vi

fitat. of the Churches.

Galba tooke


A briefe Chronicle of Holy Scripture.

Part bestowed in vifiting of the Churches of Grecia, Macedonia, Afia, &c.

4210 The 195. Day which was the 13. of October, began the 14. Yeare of Nero his Empire.

A.Ch. The 268. Day entered the Yeare of Chrift 69.


the Empire. 4211 A.Ch.

Vitellus faluted Emp.

Galba flain. Otho fucceedeth.

Vitell. Emp.

Flav. Vefp.

Titus fent to Jerufal. The Temple




The 76. Day the 16. of June, Galba tooke the Empire.
Nero being yet alive, and helde it for feven Moneths.
The 268. Day was the Yeare of our Lord 70.
The 268. Day, the fecond of Januarie, Vitellius was faluted
Emperour of his Armie, Galba and Oto yet living. The
15. Day of the fame Moneth, Galba was flaine. Whom,
Oto fucceeded.-

The 19. Day being the 20. of Aprill, ended those 95 Daies
in which Oto raigned alone, and began the 8 Moneths of
Vitellius his Empire.

The 91. Day, the firft of July, Flavius Vefpafianus being 60 Yeares old, was compelled of his Army then in Judea, to take upon him the Empire: after which Time he lived almost nine Yeares.

A.Ch. The 268. Day entered the 71. Yeare of Chrift.



The 306. Day, in the Beginning of February, Vefpafian sent his Sonne Titus to deftroy Jerufalem.

The 131. Day was the 10. of Auguft, in which the Souldiers
of Titus Vefpafianus fired the third Temple, which Herode
built for the fecond. Math. 26. :

4220 The 268. Day began the 79. Yeare of Christ.
The 84. Day the 24. of June died Flavius Vefpafianus, when

Vefpaf. d. A.Ch. Titus Vefp. 79 fucceedeth. 4221

he had raigned almoft nine Yeares. After him fucceedeth Titus Vefpafianus, who raigned two Yeares and 81 Daies. 4222 The 268. Day, entered the Yeare of Christ 81. Titus Vefp. A.Ch. The 165. Day being the 13. of September, Titus Vefpafianus died: After whom fucceeded Domitianus. 4236 The 268. Day, began the Yeare of our Lord 93. 4236 The 165. Day, began the 14. Yeare of Domitian his Raigne,



3. Perfecut.
of Chriftian.
John banish-
eth intoPath-
mos: He
writeth his

Gofpell, &c.


Other Epift. 4237
Dom. flain. A.Ch.
Nerva fucc.
John com-
meth to E-



in which was raifed the third Perfecution against the
Chriftians. Then was John the Apoftle banished into
Pathmos where (as is thought) he wrote his Gofpell, and
the Revelation. The Epiftles of John, as alfo thofe of
Jude, James, and to the Hebrewes, when they were
written, cannot certainely be determined.

The 268 Day, entered the 96. Yeare of Christ.
The 170. Day, being the 18. of September, was Domitian
the Emperour flaine, whom Nerva fucceeded. At this
Time John commeth from Pathmos to Ephesus.




A briefe Chronicle of Holy Scripture.
The 210.- Day, Nerva had raigned 13 Monethes and ten 4239
Daies and adopted Trajanus in the Fellowship of the
Empire, and after lived three Moneths, and died the 27.
of January.

The 268. Day, began the 98. Yeare of Chrift..


The 210. Day ended the firft, and began the fecond Yeare 98 of Trajanus Raigne.

This Yeare S. John the Apoftle died.

The 210. Day, entered the 12. Yeare of Trajanus his
Raigne. At this Time began the 4. Perfecution of the


Trajanus fucceedeth. Nerva.

4242 John, d.
4250 4. Perfecu
tion of the

A.Ch. Adrianus
116 Emperour..

The 268. Day, began the 116. Yeare of Christ.
The 130. Day, Adrianus being in Syria, understandeth that
Trajane being Sicke, had nominated him Emperour of
Rome. Who alfo died the third Day after.
The 130. Day, the 9, of August, Adrian began the ninth 4266
Yeare of his Raigne.

The 268. Day, entred the 125. Yeare of Christ.



The 130. Day, began the 14. Yeare of Adrian his Raigne, 125

his Crueltie.

At this Time Barcochabas Head of the Jewish Faction, 4271 Barochabas drew unto Punishment the Chriftians that would not denie Chrift. This Warre continued for fix Yeares, and brought a finall Destruction upon the fewes.


The 268. Day entred the 135. Yeare of Chrift.
The 130. Day ended the 19. Yeare of Adrian his Raigne, in 4277
which he finished the Warre of the fewes, and banishing
them out of the Land, charged them, not fo much as
from any high Place to looke towardes the Land of their




The finall Deftruction of the Jewes Adrian his edict against the Jewes

The 268. Day began the Yeare of Chrift 136.
The 268. Day entred the Yeare of Chrift 137.
The 100. Day being the 10. of July, Adrian the Emperor 4279 Adrian dy-

died, when he had raigned well neare 21 Yeares.



Declaration of generall Corruption of Religion, Scripture, and all Learning; wrought by D. Bilfon. While he breedeth a new Opinion, That our Lord went from Paradise to Gehenna, to triumph over the Devils.

To the Most Reverend Father in God, JOHN W. H. Doct. in Divinitie, and Metropolitan of England.

Religion troubled.

Scriptures marred.


Pfal. 16. in the right Meaning by all Jewes.



OCTOR Bilfon inventing a new Opinion that our Lord defcended from Paradife to Gehenna, to triumph over the Devils, troubled all Religion and learned Writers. In Religion thus he miffed. Wee beleeve that Devils are yet in this World; and the Scriptures affure us of that. Wherefore it were moft ridiculous to feigne a Journey to Devils thether, where they were not. If some were, as Carriers of Soules, yet not as tormented, and Dwellers there before the Time.

Againe, Gebenna were an holy Place, if the Altar which fanctifieth all that it toucheth went thither. But none may fo thinke. And Devils in this World knew Chrift to be the Holy One of God, and tremble. And no neede know we why he should go to Gebenna for them, and God telleth all that we may know. Befides, Soules in Hades holie and contrarie know all the others Cafe, as Men here that have but a great Ditch betwixt them, and they are much deceaved who thinke Hell to be in this World, lowe in the Earth. Before Gods Throne the wicked are tormented for ever and ever, so both Sides knowe one the others Cafe, that without comming to them, they fee what is done. And our Lord would not have taught us, (Luc. 16.) that none can paffe from one fort to the other, if he had bene to take that Journey. The Bible taught no fuch Dream. Therefore it is but a Dreame: And thus Religion is disturbed. Scriptures D. Bilfon brings three, as having no more; the 16. Pfal. which is thus. Thou wilt not leave my vitall Soule to Death, and, by a Confequent, neither my Body in Ayer, or Grave: nor my Soule among Soules, till the Bodie fee Corruption.

So the generall Confent of Ebrews take the Wordes. Yet hee would thus tranflate all. Thou wilt not forfake my Soule in Hell. The Nipper of others, as arrogant in Ebrewe Studies, fhalbee 4. Faultes told that hee hath miffed foure Times in foure Wordes. Hemoft groffe brews fhall judge; and for the 70. all Greekes, the rare Fain D. Bilfon thers.

in 4. Words.


verted to

The fecond Scripture that he durft adventure upon, is this: Act. 2. perHim God rayfed up lofing the Sores of Death. Saint Peter spake to Sadduces, that would not heare of Soule, Spirit, and Hell. And Blafphemie. that the Sores that made the Soule leave the Body were by Gods Power difannulled, and it receaved the Soule and Life: And therin Chrift brake for us the Bandes of Death. D. Bilfon would have Death the fecond Death, and that our Lordes Soule hath the second Death. You know full well that his Soule fhall have the fecond Death for ever and ever, unleffe he revoke this Blafphemie: It is great Pittie that D. Bilfon confulteth not with others before fuch Wordes fled through the Hedge of his Teeth. Higher Blafphemies never were uttered. The third and laft Text of all that The third he durst trust, is cleane contrarie to his Purpose, fhewing the plain and laft Text Effect of the Ghofpell. Say not in thy Harte who can go up to most bright. Heaven, to bring Chrift down? Or who can go to the Deep to bring Christ from the Dead? But if thou beleeve that Jefus is Lord, and that God rayfed him from Death, thou shalt be faved.


The Incarnation and Refurrection, both made plaine, are by St. Paul the Heads of Doubt among fewes. But D. Bilfon dreameth A monstrous of a Hell here. Chryfoftome and Ecumenius would have taught him better. And thefe moft Holy Scriptures, the Joy of our Soules, hath he moft grievously corrupted.

Endles be the Faultes in this marring of Scripture, and no Time would ferve to write them. Mofes now, by him, hath not all Re- Mofes made ligion. For he could not father upon him this Doctrine of going unperfect. from Paradife to Hell. So neither all the Prophets Volumes.

D. Bilfon

And David once only (and in a Sence never known, till Doctor Danger Bilfons Daies) teacheth that our Lorde going a Victour, and tri- feigned by umpher over the Powers of Darknes from Paradife, as unto greater Danger by Millions of Degrees then before, doeth praise God that after Tri

umph. he did not forfake his Soule in Hell, but lofed the Sores of the fecond Death before him: and to that Deepe our Mindes muft defcend, by D. Bilfon, if wee will be faved.

Thus vile for Wifdome he maketh the Rocke of Salvation. By D. Bilfon our Lord having paffed his Danger here, where he praied unto him that could fave him from Danger, and being made perfect and gone through the Veyle of his Flesh into Heaven, after all this was in greater Danger then before which needed a Miracle of the Godhead to lofe before him the Sorrows of Hell. Otherwife the Humanity had not by it felfe gone through all, but had perished in the World invifible, faving that God did not Mofttrange forfake his Soule in Hell.


Bilfon to

And of this Danger David muft fpeake to the prophane World, told by D. before they beleeved the Refurrection and fcante the Creation of Men that vifible Things, and of Spirits had heard little and of Soules Immortalitie and Paradife; and never heard whereout of this World

refused even plainest Devils Matters

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