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A briefe Chronicle of Holy Scripture.

A.M. Machab.

The fame Yeare he came to Jerufalem, but was pacified of faddo the High Prieft, and went thence towards Babylon. Fer. 50. About the middeft of this Yeare was the last Battaile fought, 3811 betweene Darius Codomanus, and Alexander, at Arbela, wherein was fulfilled the Prophefie of Daniel. cap. 8. Of the Goate overthrowing the Ramme. About the fame Time happened that great Victorie of the Jewes (2. Machab. 8) in Babylonia.

Alex. came

to Jerufal.

The Battaile at Arbela. Dan. Vifion fulfilled.

The 225. Day Alexander died, when he had raigned 113818 Alexander Yeares and 7 Moneths. His Monarchie was divided into foure Kingdomes. Daniel. 7. 6.

The first of Aprill next following the Death of Alexander the Great, was the Beginning of the Yeares of the Kingdome of the Gratians, mentioned in the Hiftorie of the Machabies.

Mag. dieth.


The Yeares of the Greclans begin.

3827 Jubil. 26. 3831 The Yeare of the Chaldæans.

And fix Monethes began the 26. Jubilie. The 230 Daies began the numbring of the Yeares of the Chaldeans, with the Raigne of Seleucus in Syria and Babylonia. The twelfth Day, Ptolemæus Philadelphus began his Raigne: 3857 Ptol. Phil. when his Father Ptolemæus Lagi had raigned 38 Yeares after the Death of Alexander.

The 194. Ptolomeus Philadelphus had raigned 13 Yeares 3870

and an halfe.



Began the 17. Yeare of the Raigne of Ptolomeus Philadelphus, 3873 The 70 In what Time the 70 Interpreters tranflated the Old Teftament, out of the Hebrew into the Greeke Tonge, which Translation is not now extant but an other far differing from the Hebrew.

3876 Jubil. 27. 3895 Ptol. Philad. dyeth. Evergetes. He dieth. Philopat. Ecclefiafti

And fix Monethes was the 27. Jubilie.
Ptolemeus Philadelphus died, having raigned 38 Yeares,
whom Ptolemeus Evergetes fucceeded, and raigned 26
Ptolemeus Evergetes dieth, and Ptolemeus Philopator fuc- 3921
ceedeth, who raigned 16 Yeares and 6 Moneths. Some-
what before this Time, Jefus Siracides wrote his Booke
called Ecclefiafticus.

And fix Monethes was the 28. Jubilie.
Ptolomeus Philopator dieth, and Ptol. Epiphanes fucceedeth,
for 23 Yeares.

Antiochus the Great, King of Syria, Father of Antiochus Epi-
phanes, was flaine in the 36. Yeare of his Raigne.
Heliodorus is raifed from Death. 2 Machab. 3. 4.

cus written. 3925 Jubil. 28. 3937 Ptol. Epiphanes. 3944 Antiochus

the Great.

3954 Heliodorus rayfed.

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A briefe Chronicle of Holy Scripture.

Machab. A.M.




Antiochus rageth at Jerufalem.

3956 This was the 137. Yeare of the Raigne of the Grecians,
wherein Seleuchus died in the 12. Yeare of his Raigne, and
his Brother Antiochus Epiphanes raigned in his Steade.
3958 And about 7 Monethes, Onia was put from the Priesthood
by his Brother Jafon. 2. Machab. 4.

Ptolomeus 3961 The 36. Day, began the Raigne of Ptolomeus Philometor.
The fame Yeare about the 170. Day, Lucius Æmilius
Paulus overcame Perfea Kinge of Macedonia. Antiochus
Epiphanes bringeth back his Armie out of Egipt: is hono-
rably receaved by Jafon, High Prieft, at Jerufalem, who
after is deprived of the Priesthood. 2. Machab. 4.
The fame Yeare Antiochus goeth againe into Egipt: he win-
neth Cyprus by the Treafon of Macron. Signes are feene in
the Aire at Jerufalem, portending grievous Things. Fajon
invadeth Jerufalem, exerciseth great Crueltie. Antiochus
compelled by Popilius returneth out of Egipt, commeth to
Jerufalem with great Furie, killeth 80 thoufand: carrieth
Captive 40000, and felleth 80000. Entreth into the holy
Place, fpoileth the Treasurie of 800 Talents of Silver.
3964 In the 145. Yeare of the Raigne of the Grecians, Antiochus
fendeth Apollonius to Jerufalem, who invadeth Jerufalem
by Fraud, and wafteth it. 2. Machab. 5. Judas Machabeus
with his nine Brethren go into the Woodes and Mountaines..
2. Machab. 5. Antiochus forceth the Greake Religion upon
the fewes, many are cruelly handled, amongest whom
Eleazarus, with the Mother and her feven Sonnes. 1,
Machab. 1. 2. Machab. 6. 7. Then alfo was the Abho-
mination of Defolation fett upon the Altar of the Lord.
After followeth the Storie of Mattathias. 1. Macha. 2.
Mattathias dieth, his Sonne Judas Machabeus fucceedeth,
and overthroweth Apollonius. 1. Mach. 3.

Apollonius wafteth Jerufalem.

Greake Religion forced · upon the


Mattathias, 3965


Judas his 3966


Antiochus ficke

Judas Machab. giveth a great overthrow unto Lyfias his Captains. 1. Mach. 4. and after to Timotheus and Bacchides,. of whofe Armie he flew 20000.

3967 Judas againe difcomfiteth the Armie of Lyfias. 1. Mach. 4. purgeth the Temple, and fortifieth the Citie of Jerusalem, and Bethzuram.

Antiochus hearing of the evill Succeffe of his Armie in Judea, falleth greivously Sicke: and appointeth his Sonne Antiochus Eupater to raign after him. 2. Mach. 9. Sacrifice is offered at Jerufalem the 25. of December. 1. Mach. 4. Judas Machabeus againe overthroweth Lyfias in the Moneth of November.

Ant. Epi-3968 3968 In the Beginning of this Yeare, being the 146. Yeare of phanes, d. the Grecians, Antiochus Epiphanes dieth. 1. Mach. 6.

A briefe Chronicle of Holy Scripture. which Lyfias understanding from Eupater, maketh Peace with the fewes. 1. Mach. 6. Judas overcommeth the Arabians, and after Timotheus at Datheman. 1. Mach. 5. where followeth a fecond Victorie against Timotheus. This Yeare was a great Famine, which caufed the rendring of Bethzura and the Temple. 1. Mach. 6.

A.M. Machab.

Judas befiegeth Sion. 1. Mach. 6. meeteth Antiochus Eupater 3969
comming with a great Army: is befieged of the King,
and receaveth Conditions of Peace: The King hearing.
of the Treafon of Philip in Antiochia hafteth thether,
1. Mach. 6.

Antiochus Eupater, in the third Yeare of his Raigne is flaine 3970
with Lyfias at Antiochia by the Soldiars of his Uncle De-
metrius, Sonne of Seleuchus.

Alcimus accufeth the Machabeis, and is restored by Bacchides
unto the Priesthood. 1. Mach. 7.

Nicanor is fent against Judas, maketh Peace with him, after
breaketh Covenant, and invadeth Judab: and finally is
flaine with 35000 Men, in the Moneth of March. 1.Mac. 7.
Judas fendeth Embaffadors to Rome, Demetrius fendeth 3971
Bacchides and Alcimus against Judas, who forfaken of his
Soldiars is flaine, &c. Mach. 8. 9. Jonathas fuccedeth
Judas, revengeth the Death of his Brother Johannes, and
overthroweth 1000 of Bacchides Soldiars.

Alcimus pulleth downe certaine Walls of the Temple, is
ftricken with Palfey, and dieth. The fewes have Peace
for ij. Yeares.

Bacchides affaulteth Jonathan, but being compelled, maketh
Peace with him, and returneth into Syria.
This Yeare in October began the 29. Jubilie.

Alexander Sonne of Antiochus Epiphanes, in the 160. Yeare
of the Raigne of the Grecians, taketh the Citie of Ptole-
maida, and raigneth there. 1. Mach. 10. Jonathan becom-
meth High Prieft.



Ant. Eupa ter flaine.


Nicanor his
He is flaine.

Judas fend

eth to Rome. Jud. flaine. Jonathas.


Peace made

3975 with Jona


3979 Jubil. 29. Alexander, Sonne of Epiph. Jonathan bigh Prieft. Demet. d.

Demetrius dieth in Battail against Alexander.
Alexander marrieth Cleopatra, Daughter of Ptolomeus Philo- 3981
metor King of Eypt: where Jonathas is honorably receaved.
1. Mach. 10.



Joppa taken.

Jonachas and Simeon take Joppa, which was fortified by 3984
Ptolomeus Philometor taketh both Kingdome and Wife from 3986
Alexander his Sonne in Law, and giveth them unto Deme-
trius, the Sonne of Demetrius called Nicanor: And when
he had feene the Head of Alexander, which Zabdiel the
Arabian had cut off, he dieth the third Day after, in the

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Alex. deprived of Kingdome and Wife. is faine. Prolo. Philometor, d.

Machab. A.M.


Sonne of




Jon. and his
Sonns flain.

Antiochus flaine.



A briefe Chronicle of Holy Scripture.

167. Yeare of the Grecians Raigne. Demetrius poffeffeth the Kingdome of Afia. Jonathas fendeth him 30000choife Soldiars.

Antiochus the Sonne of Alexander, taketh the Crown and expelleth Demetrius, &c. 1. Mach. 11.

3987 Tryphon circumventeth Jonathas by Treafon, and taketh him Prifoner. Simon his Brother is chofen Captaine in his stead, and refifteth the Attemptes of Tryphon. 1. Mach. 13. Shortly after Jonathas and his ij. Sonnes are flaine in Galuad.

3988 In the 169. Yeare of the Grecians, Tryphon fecretly killeth
Antioc. Sonne of Alex. and taketh the Crown unto himself,
whom Simon refifteth. 1. Mach. 13.

3989 Demetrius easeth the fewes of their former Burdens.
3990 Simon purgeth the Tower of David, which the Enemies
had helde for 18 Yeares, and maketh his Sonne John
Captain over his whole Hoft. 1. Mac. 13.


Demetrius 3991 Arfaces King of the Perfians and Medes, taketh Demetrius Prifoner. 1. Mach. 14. Tryphon tyranniseth in his Kingdome ij. Yeares. 1. Mach. 15.

The Rom.

with Simon.

obtaineth the

The Romaines renew with Simon the Covenant made with Juda and Jonathas: fo doth the Spartanes. The Priesthood and Government is confirmed unto Simon. 1 Mach. 14.

Anti. Soter 3993 Antiochus Soter, Sonne of Demetrius, Father of Nicanor, entreth his Fathers Kingdome, expelleth and diftreffeth Tryphon. 1 Mach. 15. Judas and Johannes put Cendebeus. to Flight: Judas is wounded, Johannes purfueth the Victorie. Mach. 16.

Kingdom. Cendebeus his Flight.

Simon and his Sonnes

flaine. Johannes Hyrcanus. 3 Sectes.

Jubil. 30.

Alex. Jan-

neus raign


3995 And 306 Daies, in the 177. Yeares of the Grecians, Ptolomeus, Sonne of Abobus, killeth Simon his Sonne in law, with his ij. Sonnes, Mattathia and Judas, in a Banquet. Johannes Hyrcanus Sonne of Simon obtained the Kingdome for 31 Yeares.

4000 About this Time arofe amongeft the fewes iij. Sectes, the Pharifees, Effeis, and Sadduces.

4023 And fix Monethes began the 30. Jubilie.

4026 And 10 Monethes ended the 31. Yeare of the Raigne of Johannes Hyrcanus.

4028 Six Moneths and 14 Daies died Ariftobulus, having raigned one whole Yeare, and fomewhat more: whom Alex. Jannews his Brother fucceded, married Salome his Wife, and raigned 37 Yeares.

He dyeth. 4065 Alex. Janneus dieth: his Wife holdeth the Kingdome,, and

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his Sonne Hyrcanus the Priesthood for 9 Yeares. And fix Monethes entred the 31. Jubilie.


A briefe Chronicle of Holy Scripture.

A.M. Machab.

Salome, called alfo Alexandra, dieth, hir Sonne Hircanus, 4072 Salome, d. holdeth the Kingdome iij. Monethes, and is expelled. About this Time was borne Herod the Great.

Herod, b.

And iij. Moneths, Pompeius taketh Jerufalem, when C. An-4080 Pompeius tonius, and M. Tullius were Confuls, in the Yeare of

taketh Jeru falem.

Rome 690.

flaine. Octavius.

And 348 Daies, C. Julius Cæfar was flaine in the Senate the 4099 Jul. Cæfar
15. of May: whom, the 19. of August, Octavius Auguftus
fucceeded, who held the Empire 12 Yeares with Antonius,
and 44 Yeares alone, in all 56 Yeares.

And ij. Monethes, about the Feast of Pentecoft, Pacorus 4103
King of the Parthians entred Jerufalem, carried Hircanus
Captive, and fet Antigonus for him over Judea.

In the End of this Yeare, the Romaines taking in evil Part 4104
that Antigonus raigned in Judea; Herod the Great is made
King of Judea.

In the Beginning of Feb. Herod befiegeth Jerufalem.
In the third Moneth Herod taketh Jerufalem.

And almoft iij. Monethes, was fought that Battaile, which
is called Actiaca: Then began Auguftus to raigne alone.
Antonius flieth unto Alexandria in Egypt.
Hyrcanus is flaine being 80 Yeares olde.
And fix Monethes entred the 32. Jubilie.
Eight Monethes and 24 Daies, was the Feast of Eucania
instituted. 2. Mach. 1. What Time Herod began to pre-
pare for the Building of the third Temple: This Prepa-
ration indured 8 Yeares.

Herod made K. of Judea. Jerufalem 4108 befieged and




Hyrcanus 4113 flaine. 4121 Jubil. 32.. 4124 Eucania inftituted..

The Temple is built, and finished in one Yeare and 64133
Monethes. The fecond Temple hetherto had stoode al-
most 506 Yeares.

In the third Moneth, the Temple was dedicated.
The Angell appeared unto Zacharia in the Temple: He is
promised a Sonne, whose Name should be John. Luke 1.
About the 6. Day, the Angel Gabriel, declared unto the
Virgine Marie, that fhe fhould conceave a Sonne, which
fhould be the Sonne of GOD. Luc. 1. Then it is thought
that the Starre firft appeared unto the Wife Men in the
Eaft. Math. 2.

The 268. Day of this Yeare, the 25. of December, was borne
in Bethlem in Judea, our Lord JESUS CHRIST, in the
42. Yeare of the Raigne of Auguftus Emperor of Rome,
at whofe Birth the Angels rejoice Luc. 2. The 276. Day
he was circumcifed and called Jefus, for which the He-
brewes write Jebofchua, the Lord and Savior. After this
the Wife Men came out of the East to Jerufalem, and


Temple built the 3. Time.



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Christ con



Chrift born,

Wife Men out of the Eaft.

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