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thinks I am so ignorant, in not using horse serum, that I should leave the earth and soar to heaven, let me tell him that during my fifty-six years of country practice I have waited upon hundreds of women in childbirth, and have never lost

a case.

Of course country women are different from city ladies, but I have had to contend with some very critical cases, with abnormal presentations of all sorts and kinds, but I have never failed to turn the child, so it could pass to the light of day without the aid of instruments.

I have never had to use forceps, and I believe thousands of women have been ruined for life by their use, that could have been delivered in a natural way by trusting to the powers of nature, and by the judicious use of stimulants and relaxing remedies.

A few years ago I was sent for to assist a brother doctor in an obstetrical case. When I arrived he told me he had been in attendance for twelve or fourteen hours, and he did not believe she could be delivered without the use of forceps. He had already sent back to his office for forceps and had them sterilized, ready for use, and was only waiting for a consultation with myself.

I told him I would make a careful examination of the lady and then tell him what I thought best to do.

The lady was young (about nineteen years of age), stout and in perfect health.

Upon examination I found a large and perfectly-formed pelvis, with a natural presentation, but the os hard and rigil, but had commenced to dilate to the extent of a quarter dollar. Having finished the examination I told him I thought we might manage the case without their use, and that if he would turn the case over to me for one or two hours I thought the trouble would be over. He consented. I commenced by giving chloroform by inhalation in a moderate way, and in forty minutes I had her perspiring freely, and the muscles thoroughly relaxed. I then gave a whopping dose of the fluid extract of ergot, and in less than thirty minutes she had strong bearing-down pains, and in a very short time I delivered her of a live, healthy nine-pound child.

I believe in antiseptics, but I have seen doctors who thought it murder in the first degree not to scrub the hands with sterilized water and green soap, and then in a solution of carbolic acid, finishing of with chloride solution.

Cefore I examine a woman in labır I clean my finger nails and wash my hands in pure water and a good toilet soap, and then apply plenty of vaseline, or fresh lard. And I have never had a woman who I have waited upon to have child bed, or puerperal fever.

When I find a remedy that has served me well, in critical cases, I never discard it for any other remedy until experience has proven it to be more efficient. By all means make a correct diagnosis of the case, and do not dilly-dally in the choice of remedies, but use such as your sober judgment and experience suggest as best, and then persevere in their use.

Then use suggestion, which is a potent factor. Tell your patient you have treated and cured hundreds of cases just like his, and that your remedies will cure him, and you will save your patient.

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Submitted by W. T. GOTT, M. D., May 2, 1905. 1. What is the specific gravity of normal blood? How may it be obtained?

2. Give etiology and remedies usually ladicated in erysipelas.

3. Define acute articular rheumatism. Name three agents you consider most useful in the treatment of rheumatism.

4. Give cause and treatment of cerebropinal meningitis.

5. State causes, symptoms and treatment of appendicitis.

6. Define dementia. Name two or more forms, and give treatment for each..

7. Give symptoms of paralysis agitans, prognosis and two agents most commonly indicated.

8. State causes, symptoms, and remedies indicated in cerebral anemia.

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1. Give the dose and physiological action of pulsatilla.

2. What is the physiological effect of quinine?

3. Write a compound prescription for a patient afflicted with inflammatory rheumatism.

4. Mention three of the most efficient drugs for the relief of chronic constipation.

5. Give the dose and therapeutic properties of fluid extract of cereus bonplandi.

6. Write a prescription containing apocynin, leptandrin and podophyllin. State the conditions where this prescription would be appli cable, and give directions for its use.

7. Mention three cardiac stimulants and three vaso-constrictors.

8. Name the alkaloids contained in the rhizone of golden seal and give the dose of the various preparations of golden seal.

9. Write a prescription for a patient with hepatic colic.

10. Give the physiological action and therapeutics of valerian.

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Give causes, symptoms and treatment of (a) dysmenorrhea, (b) amenorrhea.

4. Define subinvolution, giving causes and treatment.

5. Name three kinds of lacerated cervix and describe same.

6. When and how would you repair a lacerated perineum?

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2. What and how many stages of labor are there?

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Give treatment for threatened abortion. 8. Give indications for the use of obstetric forceps.

9. Give diameters of the female pelvis. 10. Give hygiene of lying-in room.


Frunt & Mie M.D.

Professor Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Clinical Medicine Long Island College Hospital; Visiting Physician Long Island College Hospital; Consulting Physician to Brooklyn and Kings County Hospitals; Fellow of the Academy of Medicine, Member of the Kings County, County Medical and Pathological Societies, etc. Brooklyn, N. Y,

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