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good salve until healed up, which will be in the course of ten or fifteen days. I have cured somewhere near fifty cases with this treatment. There is no danger in it.

Drug Habit. I am permanently (satisfactorily) curing all that come (and there are many) with the hyoscine treatment. I have them ready to return home inside of eight days. I have them often that take one hundred grains of morphine per day.

[Written for the MEDICAL CRIEF.] The Sex Question.

BY SILAS HUBBARD, M. D., East Aurora, N. Y.

I see by recent numbers of the BRIEF that G. W. Bowen, M. D., and T. E. Reed, M. D., are each respectively advocating new theories of the sex question. Their States join, and I will endeavor to make their theories join and will endeavor to show how they may both be right to a limited degree, although neither of them know how or why they are so. To help them out better, I will say that in 1850 and '1 and 35, I published for the first time, in the Buffalo Medical Journal, that ova of the human subject, if impregnated while recent or immature, developed into males, and if impregnated while mature or old developed into females.

Dr. Bowen says children begotten in the fore part of the night, till midnight, £re females, and those towards morning are males. There is a shade of truth in this, because the weakly and cross women

l generally submit to intercourse only in the fore part of the night before slep has overtaken them, and that class of women are they who have the most gr13. They do not allow their ova to become impregnated till they have come down into the uteri and have become mature cr old, while the healthy, vigorous women, if they do not initiate proceedings, at least will not object to being awakened in the morning, and thus with them a fresh or immature ovum is more likely to be impregnated, consequently such women are more likely to produce a majority of

males. They give more than two chances for the impregnation of a fresh or immature ovum to the weakly woman's one. I will here say that the very great majority of the human race are begotten during these two periods, viz., the fore part of night and the morning.

Now, as regards Dr. Reed's theory about males being begotten during the flow of the tide, and girls during the ebb of the tide, I will say that the perfection of the flow of the tide is in the daytime under the attraction of the sun. I will cay that in general only vigorous, healthy women will initiate or submit willingly to intercourse during the day or under the influence of the sun and consequently they give more than twice as many chances for immature ova to be impr grated, consequently they produce more males. The vast majority of mankind are Lorn without any design or intention of the parents what the sex shall be.

The strong, active women abort more of the impregnated ova which would lave developed into females, because the ova are low down in the uterus, and her wideawake activity causes the abortion, while they retain the fresh or new ova which were impregnated in the tubes, and had acquired attaching powers by the time they entered the uterus, while the weakly women, in consequence of their sedentary, slow habits, are more likely to retain o'd ova, which have been impregnated while in the uterus, consequently they produce more females than males. I will here remark that very many more girls in goneral are aborted than boys, which I will not now explain.

The weakly, or cross women, lack encouraging psychological and physical cffects to the male, and thus they do not give one-half the chance of new ova being impregnated, consequently they produce a majority of females, while the healthy, active, amiable women have an encouraging psychological and physical effect cn the males. Consequently more new ova are impregnated, consequently they have more births of males.

There is not in general very much anxiety through the United States and France to know how to beget boys or girls at will. There is in general much more anxiety to know how not to beget either.

I will repeat my former sayings that boys are generally begotten shortly before menstruation, and girls shortly after menstruation. That the ova shortly be fore menstruation are fresh or new, and shortly after menstruation they are mature or old.

[Written for the MEDICAL BRIEF.] An Improved Syringe and Urethral Irrigating Nozzle.

BY FERDINAND KING, M. D., New York City.

A careful study of about one hundred cases of gonorrhea treated by the irrigation method during the past year, has convinced me that the gonococcus, if left alone, will not invade the urethra to a greater depth than its first bend, which may be said to be at a point corresponding to the peno-scrotal notch, or between the cruræ, when the penis is at rest.

It therefore occurred to me that this organ should not be lifted upward (and thus straightened) during the process of injecting or irrigating the urethral canal, if we would avoid forcing the gonococci into its deeper sections.

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when held in a line with the operator's body and with the plunger pointed downwards.

The barrel of the syringe may be made of hard rubber or glass. The soft rubber cup (C and B) is slipped over the nozzle of the syringe by self-invagination, i. e., by pushing its point (a-B) upwards through its own neck (b-B) into the space within the cup (e-B). The tip (d), therefore, supplies a rubber cover for the nozzle of the syringe or irrigator (e-B).

The cup, which is made in three sizes, fits snugly over the glans penis, and dispenses with the necessity of the patient's fingers coming in contact with the organ, thereby removing a fruitful source of infection.

In like manner the cup may be fitted to the nozzle of the ordinary wall irrigator. 501 West One Hundred and Twenty-third Street.

[Written for the MEDICAL BRIEF.] Enteric Fever Jugulated.

BY JOHN T. de mund, M. d., Ridgewood, N. J.

Cui Bono.-Progressive therapeutics always enlivens the interest to make pathology subservient to physiology.

In the treatment of fever, be ever careful not to harm the delicate mechanism of the human system. The solution of the electric enigma has been solved, making it an epoch in the wholesome advancement in medicine.

Medicine the writer looks upon as nothing more and nothing less than "chaos confounded."

In the healing art, the pros et cons enameling the Pev Sceintiæ et Aete of the present day are as the quicksands of tentative tautology, which so often beggars description. The inexactness of medicine as a science is irrefutable.

When we think, but for the life of us we do not know, Common Sense politely invites us to go way back and sit down; for as there is life in medicine, there is also death in disease.

The simplicity of the best treatment, with its flush of success, far outweighs the complicity of incomprehensible custom and usage. Custom so often so metaphrastic, usage so repeatedly paraphrastic, that the pessimistic optimists-the survival of the fittest-is like sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal.

Cold and caloric, fruitful factors, though one the antithesis of the other. Note the shiver of the physiologist, and the blush of the pathologist; also, the nidus and the germ, pet prerogatives of assailments. It seems a hard matter to get the physiologist to admit that cold contracts in statu quo, while heat expands and eliminates-this we know. The practical part of theory is almost always at swords' points.

The radical or enforced reductions of temperature by the cooling process, centefebric, wholly by the use of selected drugs, thus signaling the downward drop in the scale of caloric-making a "minimum of the fever curse"-to its normal condition in the human system is as attractive as it is instructive.

Fever, so-called pyrexia, is nothing more or nothing less than a morbid increase of vitalized caloric. It may be termed an acute affection of the system, characterized by increased heat of skin, increased frequency of pulse, with a general derangement of the whole system.

Defervescence, lysis, recrudescence crises, if not nipped in the bud must undergo the procrastinating process toward recov ery. From all of which the good Lord deliver us. These are facts.

The late Professor George B. Wood, of Philadelphia, the author of "Enteric Fe-ver," with his lucid interpretation of enteric fever, proved himself to be a true clinician, the enteritician of his day. Wood with his terebinthinate treatment in this fever, could well afford to say, "What do I teach?" I am not aware the cold tea preparations were in vogue in his day. Turpentine and acetanilid, in combination, when called for, give the eureka of satisfaction.

On the other hand, the late Professor Louis, of France, Woods' contemporary, with his hybrid typhoid, evidently a devotee of typhoidal illusion, gave to the profession the "Signal Points," "The Right and the Wrong." The acuteness of the former and the sub-acuteness of the latter, speak for itself. It is hardly necessary to dispute the neologico-nosological part of this matter-of-fact statement.

If you ask a person for a crowbar and the individual hands you a monkeywrench, would it enable you to make the crowbar of disease the monkey-wrench of health? Absurd, indeed! A step farther, "Trying to Teach Ducks to Swim," "The Tall Treatment," well meant, but by no means backed by physiology, is superlatively preposterous!

Take him up tenderly, lift him with care; Purgatorial Probation-he is getting it, for fair. Call you this scientific? Yes, "sigh-entiac!"

The hybrid treatment for a hybrid disease; its analogue is, "onology." It is but human to fight the disease, as it is inhuman to fight or toy with the victim of circumstances.

Enteric fever is a fever sui generis, per se, its "countersign," the abdomen. Prodrome-week or two, more or less. Habitude, cephalalgic epistaxis, rose-colored


spots, "little jokes," meteorism, portal derangement (for as is the portal circulation so is the individual), “and all the doctors in the land" will find it so.

On applying both hands over the abdomen one can almost cover the nidus of this fever. The catarrhal complications and the enteric erosions of enteric fever are best combated by pillowing the patient's head, strictly enforcing the hori zontal position, thus as it were "splinting" the bowels, thereby getting an early metabolism, instead of the tedious meteoric perverted cell action so characteristic of this fever.

Glands of Lieberkühn and of Brunners, solitary glands, agminated glands, or Peyer's patches. Herein lies the infected nidus, and the sparks that kindleth.

If retrograde advancement is anywhere to be found it is in the healing art. It droppeth as a thunderclap from a cloudless sky. The wherefore and the why is history.

To jugulate, nip in the bud, or abort, is all very nice in print, but it takes a very nice and level-headed clinician to accomplish the wished-for result. Close observation, years of experience, and a natural predilection has much, every way, to make the effort a success.

In medicine we are all prone to vex the question. Be fair; let us agree to differ, for by so doing the patient may get the benefit.

The epitome of nutshell conciseness, in my humble opinion, far outweigh the plagiaristic platitudes of Greek and Latin nomenclature so frequently and so fearfully distorted that there is often no sane resemblance to the mooted object in view.

Is it not unfair for our children to be allowed or encouraged to follow in the wake of our inexcusable ignorance or plausible perverseness?

The jugulating treatment which has given the most satisfactory results, is as follows: Put your patient in bed, and keep the patient in bed until the patient obtains the consent of the physician to leave it out of all danger. A good and safe plan. To unload the primæ via, a fair dose of calomel, followed in two hours with a seidlitz powder. To increase peristalsis, soapsuds enemata as occasion

requires. Note the temperature carefully yourself; visit your patient four times a day for the first three days. If there is no rise in temperature, so far so good, cæteris paribus, you may look for an early defervescence. This will test the ability of the medical attendant. Spong. ing with warm water or alcohol is ra tional, flannels steeped in warm camphor. ated oil and applied over the abdomen have a two-fold effect. As a rule, patients should have a good supply of pure water. Small pieces of cracked ice in the mouth is a harmless luxury. Lithia, about twenty-four grains in twenty-four hours, well diluted, flushing the kidneys, as it will, imperatively. The diet should be simple, nutritious and of easy assimilation. uid diet for six weeks is the safest. Milk and liquid peptonoids, as a rule, chime in beautifully. Be ever mindful of the convalescent stage.


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M. Shake well. Sig.: Teaspoonful or two when required, every four to eight hours.

Each dose goes to the spot, as your pa tient will often tell you.

P. S.-An eye to the splenetic complications.

Once more, pin-head doses of calomel on the tongue, to tone down the derangement of the portal circulation. This should not be neglected.

I have learned a little by experience and have made as big mistakes as any man living-it seems a part of the profession. In some cases, the medical attendant may be inclined to doubt the correctness of the diagnosis. The drop in the temperature and the continued drop is as interesting as it is instructive. The jugu lating part is doing its work. For many years I entertained a very different view of this matter. But none so blind as those that will not see.

If under the canopy of heaven there is a line of treatment with its quick and

satisfactory results superior-as given in the weak outline of this paper-why delay the opportune moment for its publication?

Citation of three cases, to avoid the prolixity of unnecessary repetition: Young man of plebeian poverty, not even a bed, only an apology of a lounge; no change of raiment; no nurse, only a woman in the hovel to hand him his scant diet. Recovery very satisfactory. I made twelve visits.

The other two cases in comfortable compartments, both large men, one an M. D. graduate of Cornell; the other a layman. Enteric fever stamped each victim with all its iridescence. The M. D. had been complaining for two weeks. After taking to his bed his fever left him on the "fifth day." The layman on the ninth day. Loss of flesh and emaciation, whether due to the nip in the bad treatment, or the result of the disease vexes the question. Their recoveries O. K. A gain of about thirty per cent. Now for the incredulity of opposing ostracism:


Enteric is generic, how much in a name! Typhoid from Tod-stupor, hard to explain, Let the mistake be corrected,

Let the right be interpreted,

The public will thank you,

Your conscience will bless you,

One among many or none.
Let the scholars "en classe"

Go for their instructors "en masse"

As a beau and his lassies,

May the quarrels prove fun,

Let your children be taught

O'er the length of the land,

What is classical is classical, Onology-so Jackassical.

Typhoid is One.

[Written for the MEDICAL BRIEF.] Hydrophobia Versus Madstone.

BY WM. H. TATE, M. D., Tackett's Mill, Va.

Since we are just passing through an excitement of hydrophobia among dogs, with a possibility of witnessing, perhaps, a case or two in the human family, consequently, I am inclined to write a short article on that disease, with a few comments on the madstone.

That hydrophobia is a disease caused by inoculation with the saliva of a rabid animal, and characterized by intermitting

spasms of the muscles of respiration, together with a peculiar irritability of the body and disturbance of mind, is an indisputable fact, and as prevention is bet. ter than cure, it is very necessary that every physician should know the symptoms in the dog, and most especially the earliest symptoms. First we have unusual sullenness, fidgeting and shifting of posture. Sometimes the animal will retreat to his bed, where he will lie curled up with his face between his paws.

Then he becomes fidgety, continually changing his resting place; he appears clouded and suspicious in his countenance, and gazes strangely about him as he lies on his bed. A peculiar delirium is also an early symptom: The dog sometimes springing up and giving an angry bark at some imaginary object, but if his master speaks to him, every fancied object will disappear, and he will crawl toward him with his usual expression of attachment. Sometimes it seems as if his feet would give way and he would fall, when suddenly he springs up again, every object of terror seeming to surround him; gazing wildly around, he snaps and barks and rushes again to the end of his chain to meet his imaginary foe.

The amount of ferocity displayed by rabid dogs varies considerably. Some there are whose fury knows no bounds, and, if loose, rush about biting every man or beast in their way. Others, on

the contrary, can not be made to bite, but in the earliest of the disease show an increased fondness for their master; hence some persons have been poisoned simply by having the dog to lick the hand, if perchance there is an abrasion about the parts.

Change of voice in the dog is an early symptom, such as a hoarse inward bark with a slight elevation of tone, and another most peculiar characteristic combination of a perfect bark, ending in an abrupt and singular howl.

According to the best authorities, there is no known specific for this disease. As soon as possible after the bite the wound should be sucked, and at the earliest possible convenience the whole wound should be excised, or cauterized, or both.

In stating that there is no specific for hydrophobia known to the medical pro

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