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To the REMARKABLE PASSAGES in this Volume.

N. B. To find any particular Book, or Pamphlet, see the
Table of Contents, prefixed to the Volume.


BREGE' de l'Hiftoire des Voy-
ages, 298.
ACHARD, M. his memoir on the
dephlogistication of phlogisticat-
ed air, 507. His exper. on the
method of calming the agitation
of the furface of a fluid, by oil,
&c. 508. Concerning the weight,
&c. of diff, forts of air, 509. On
the manner of hatching eggs, by
electricity, 510. On the colours
of vegetables, 511. On meafur.
ing the falubrity of the air, 512.
Concerning the caufe of the
Afphyxia, and the remedy for
that diforder, 512.
Ac:D, Animal, exper. rel. to, 266.
AGRICULTURE, Atrictures on focie-
ties for the promotion of, 425.
Scheme for rendering them more
ufeful by experimental inflitu-
tions, and approved practice,427.
Reflections on the

prefent ftate of, 455.
ALLEMAND, M. his plan, &c. with
refpect to inland navigations in
France, 456.

AMEILHON, Abbé, his account of
the art of diving as practifed by
the ancients, 546.
ANDRE, Major, his familiar letters
to his friends, 374.
ANT, obf. on the nat. hift. of, 525.
ARNAUD, Abbé, his remarks on
Greek profe, 555.
APP. Rev. Ixiv,

ASPECT, M. his hit. of the order
of St. Louis, 455.
Avis aux Citoyens,&c. See PUBLIC.

BARK, Peruvian, afferted to be a

compound of fixed air, 532.
BARLEY, Siberian, experiments
relative to the culture of, 420.
BARNARD, Mr. his acc. of a me-
thod for the fafe removal of fhips
that have been firanded, 270.
BAROMETER, obfervations on a
particular variation of, 505.
BATTEUX, Abbé, his analyfis of
Ariftotle's Poetics, 555.
BEAUCLERC, Lady Diana, her
drawings and bas-reliefs praised,

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BOLINGBROKE, Lord, his general
objection to the fcriptures an-
fwered, 174.

BOSE D'ANTIC, Dr. his works,458.
BOUCHAUD, M. his inquiries con-
cerning the edicts of the Roman
magiftrates, 554•.
BRIGANDAGE de la Mufique Ita-
lienne, 465.

BUAT, Chevalier, his principles of
hydraulics, 458.
BUFFON, M. de, his hypothefis
concerning a central fire, or heat
of the terreftrial globe, rem. on,
454. His notions ridiculed, 485.
BUNBURY, M. H. his humorous
etchings commended, 131.
BURKE, Mr. his fine compliment
? to Mr. Howard on acc. of his
inspection of the prifons, 103,
the Note.
BURLINGTON, Earl of, his excel-
lent tafte in architecture, 190.
His houfe at Chifwick criticised,
191. His Lordship's other de-
figns, ib.

AITHNESS, pleafing defcription
of fome parts of that country,


CASTILLON, M. his problem on
the ideas in the Divine Mind,
CATHOLICS, English, their con-
duct, with refpect to Gov. un
exceptionable, 401-408. Their
numbers, wealth, and influence,
in this county, all declining, ib.
CATTLE, the contagious diftemper
among, affirmed to be an erup-
tive fever, of the variolous kind,
277. Farther inquiry concern-
ing, 517.

CAVALLO, M. his new experi-
ments in electricity, 264. His
thermometrical experiments, 277
CAZAUD. M. his obfervations on
mills for fugar-canes, 441.
CHESNUT-TREE, Indian, account
of, 494.


CHRIST, inquiry into the duration
of his public miniftry, 82. His
Prayer paraphrased, 165. In
what fenfe the Son of God, 313.
Farther controverfy relat. to the
duration of his ministry, 433.
CHRISTINA, Q. of Sweden, anec-
dote and character of, 133.
CHYMIE Domestique, 303.
CICERO, his character defended
against a late translator of his
Orations, 251. His character as
a philofopher defended, 557.
CLERGY, remarks on the proprie-
ty of their acting in the commif
fion of the peace, 380.
COLD, extraordinary degree of, at

Glasgow, in January 1780, 275.
COMETS, the tails of, their analogy
to the Aurora Borealis, 522.

real electrical bodies, 523.
COMMONS, inclofing of, not inju-
rious to the Public, 256.
CONDUCTORS, electrical, beft form
of, 533.

CONSTANTINE, Emperor, his cha-
racter, 291. Great and lafting in-
fluence of his converfion, victo-
ries, and policy, on a confidera-
ble part of the Globe, 359.
CONSTANTINOPLE, its fine fitua-
tion, and peculiar advantages,
COPPER, improved method of tin-
ning, 537
CRAIG-CARRIL, romantic scenery
of, 113.

CRISPUS, the fon of Conftantine,
his character, 294. His unfor-
tunate end, 205, 296.

CYRUS, account of a Greek manu-
fcript of a curious romance rela-
tive to him, 557•



DACIER, M. his acc. of a Greek
manufcript, 557.
DEITY, problem relative to the
infinity of the ideas in the mind

of, 504
DESPREAUX, M. his general hift.
of Greece, 302.
DIOGENES, his Dialogue with A-

lexander, in the Shades, 31.
DIVING, academical difquifition on
the art of, 545.

DOYEN's Inquiries concerning the
feudal laws, 305.

DUBOIS, M. his account of the

Boback, 506.

DUCHANOY, Dr. his effay on the
art of imitating mineral waters,

DUN-DORNADILLA, picturefque
view of, 114.

EARTH, globe of, philofophical

ideas respecting the changes it
has undergone, 482.
ECCLESIASTIC, life of, moft de-
firable, 56.

ELECTRICITE du corps humain.

ELECTRICITY, exper. and obferv.
relative to, 2. New hypothefis
of, ib. Contraverted, 3. Re-
marks on fome principal pheno.
mena in this branch of philofo-
phy, 7. New exper. in, 264.
Account of the effect of, in
fhortening wires, 273. Of its
efficacy in removing female ob-
Aructions, 356. Its ufe in hatch-
ing eggs, 510. A modification
of the elementary fire, 520. See
ELEMENS de la geometrie fouter-
raine theoretique et pratique, 454.
ENTRETIENS philofophiques fur la
religion, 303.

EUNUCHS their influence in the
courts of the Roman Emperors,
particularly in the time of Con-
ftantius, 357.

ESSAI fur l'art d'imiter les eaux
minerales, 304.

EURIPIDES, new tranflation of his

tragedies, 62. Specimen of,


FARMS, engroffing of, obferva-

tions on, 257.

FAUSTA, Empress, her catastrophe,
296, 297.

FENCING, various rules to be ob-
served in, 92.

FEVERS, obfer. on the nature and
treatment of, 9, 222.
FIRMIN, Thomas, his excellent
character, 215.

FISTULA Lachrymalis, new method
of treating, 267.

FONTANA, Abbé, his effay on the
Ticunas, 267.

FORDYCE, Dr. his new method of
affaying copper ores, 265.
FOR MEY, M. his examination of

the queftion; Whether ALL
TRUTHS are fit to be TOLD?
499. His account of M. Lam-
bert, 506.
FOSSILS, accidental. See LAUNEY.

FRANCHEVILLE, M. his account of
the Hyppocastanum, 494. His
diff. on the Electoral Septem-vi-
rate, 505
FRAULA, Count de, his theory of
language, 539.

GALLITZIN, Prince, his letter
concerning electricity, 532,

GARDENING, historical account of
the art of, 193. Great defects
of the ancient pleasure gardens,

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luftrious French naval officers,
GRANGE, M. de la, his memoirs

concerning the orbits of comets,
and the theory of telefcopes, 513.
GRANVELLE, Cardinal, his letter
to Claude Belin, 518.
GRASS, a peculiar fpecies of, found
in Wiltshire, 419.
qualities of, 420.
GREEKS, ancient, their cavalry,
554. Their profe, 555.
GUIDI's philofophical converfa-

tions concerning religion, 303.
GUIGNES, M. de, his obfervations
concerning certain points rel. to
the religion and philofophy of
the Egyptians and Chinese, 547.
His refearches concerning the
Indian religion, &c. 548. on the
eftablishment of the Indian reli-
gion in China, 550.

HALIFAX, Dr. his defence of Dr.
Ogden's fermons against Mr.
Mainwaring, 100. Answered,


HAMILTON, Sir W. his acc. of the
late great erup, of Vefuvius, 268.
HARPE, M. de la, his abridg. of the
gen. hift. of voyages, 298.
HEAT, attempt to render the prin-
ciple of, vifible, 301.
HENCKEL, M. his acc. of a fingular
cafe of the Cafarian Section,496.
HERESY, explan. of that word in

its original meaning, 34.
HERETICS, ancient, refcued from
the calumnies with which they
were loaded by the orthodox bi-
gots, 37.

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HERSCHEL, Mr. his obf. on the
periodical ftar in the whale's
neck, 441. On the mountains
in the moon, ib.
HIPPOCRATES, fpecimen of his
manner of relating cafes, 218.
His notions of phyfiognomy,219.
HISTOIRE, generale et particuliere,
de la Grece, 302. ·

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de l'Ordre de St. Louis,

HOGARTH, his pictures critically
difplayed, 184. Mr. Walpole's
account of his Sigifmonda cor-
rected, 188.

HOLLIS, Thomas, his peculiar but
excellent character, 41. Mem.
of his life, 42. His death, 44.
His magnificent literary monu-
ment, 45.

HOMER, the question concerning

the learning of, difcuffed, 504.
HOWARD, Mr. celebrated by Mr.

Hayley in verfe, 103. By Mr.
Burke in profe, ib.
HowMAN, Mr. his account of the
culture of Siberian barley, 421.
HUNTER, Mr. his acc, of a fœtus
which feemed to have received
the fmall-pox from its mother,
267. Of an extraordinary phea-
fant, 276.

HUTTON, Dr. his calculations to
determine at what point on the
fide of a hill its attraction will be
greateft, 439. His paper on
cubic equations, &c. 441.

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JERVAS, the painter, his perform-

ances cenfured, 134.
JERRY Laft, flory of, 121–128.
INGENHOuz, Dr. his exper. on the

comparative falubrity of the air
at fea and on fhore, 274.
INITIATIONS, origin of, 303.
INTRODUCTION et plan d'un traité
general de navigation interieure,

IRELAND, political ftrictures rela-
tive to, 200, 306.
ITALY, encomium on, 106.
JUDGES, ought not to be of
counfel for the prifoner," as vul-
garly fuppofed, 388.


JULIAN, emperor, his partiality
for Paris, 358. Beautiful fitua-
tion of that place, in its infant
flate, ib. His extraordinary cha-
rafter, 443. His reformation of
the imper. court, 444. His fin-
cere attachment to the gods of
Athens and Rome, 445. His
literary talents, 447.


KENT, the architect, bis excel.
lence in designing, 192..
great improvement of the art of
laying out pleafure grounds, 195.
KOENIG, M. his fubterraneous
geometry, 454.

LAMBERT, Henry, the academi-
cian, account of, 506.

the painter, his works ap-
preciated, 183.

LAUNAY, M. de, his inquiry into
the origin of accidental fofils in
the Belgic provinces, 530. His
memoir concern. the Oricalcum
of the ancients, 549.
LAYARD, Dr. his acc. of the ditem.

among the horned cattle, 276,
LEAD, the poifon. qual. of, 536,537
LE BEAU, M. his memoirs con-
cern. the Roman legion, 554.
LE CAMUS de Mezieres, his trea-
tife on the genius or spirit of ar-
chitecture, 453.

L'ESPRIT des Croisades, 456.
LETTRE Concernant la chaleur du
globe, &c. 454.

marine François, 298.
LORD's Prayer paraphrafed. 165.
LORETTO, chapel of, its Travels
and Adventures, 142.
LUCAN, Lady, her paintings com-
mended, 131.

LUCIAN, his dialogue with Lord
Lyttelton in the Elyfian Fields,
23. Character of Lucian as a
writer, 32. Specimen of a new
tranflation of his Dialogues, 31.
See alfo DIOGENES.
LUDLAM, Mr. his demonstration of

the properties of the engine for
turning ovals, 441.
LYON, Mr. his letter to the Re-
viewers, concerning his treatise
on electricity, 318.

MADAN, Mr. his Thelyphthora
criticised, 196. Invectives a-
gainst, 221-230. More feri-
oufly attacked, 234.
MAIZEROY, M. Joly de, his me-
moir on war, confidered as a
fcience, 553. His ftate of the
Grecian cavalry, 554. His tranfl.
of Xenophon's treatife on that
fubject, ib.

MAN in the iron mask, conje&t. rel.

to, 96. Voltaire's acc. of, ib.
MANN, Abbé, concerning elemen-
tary fire, 519. His natur. hift. of
the North fea, 523. His memoir
on the effects of pouring oil on
agitated water, 526.
His re-
marks on Dover Cliffs, 531. H's
acc. of the port from which Ju-
lius Cæfar embarked to invade
England, 538. Of the port in
England where Cæfar landed,
ib. Of the exact time when, ib.
His examination of the opinion
of feveral ancient and modern-
authors, who maintain that there
was formerly a communication
between the Euxine, Cafpian,
Baltic, and White Seas, 541.
MARAT, Dr. his philof. inquiries

concerning fire, 300.

MARCI, Abbé, his acc. of a method
of improving the tinning of cop
per vefiels, 537
MAR-LODGE, in Scotl. defcribed,

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