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the character of manhood and public virtue, than it is in any particular measure of conduct, or the most successful atttainment of any particular object.

For the Literary Magazine.




THE scarcity of taste and of skill in the fine arts of painting, sculpture, and architecture, in the United States, is a subject of great wonder to travellers. It is a paradox of difficult, but surely not of impossible, solution, that a civilized, peaceful, free, industrious, and opulent nation, of four or five millions of persons, sprung from one of the most enlightened nations of the globe, and maintaining incessant intercourse with every part of Europe, should have so few monuments of these arts among them, either in public or private collections. There was not a single public collection of this kind in the United States till the establishment of one, a few years since, at New York; and it is well known with what slender encouragement and support the rich have honoured the New York institution.

Under such impressions the following plan is published with little ardour or confidence. But if it has no influence at present, the time may come, and, perhaps, be not very distant, when some of its regulations may be carried into execution.

It is proposed that a subscription be commenced in order to raise the sum of , which, when completed, application should be made to congress for further assistance; the total of which sums, under their sanction, should be consolidated into a perpetual fund, to which proper trustees may be nominated, for the declared purposes, out of the annual

interest, of commencing two galleries, and filling them, as fast as the interest accrues, with plaster casts from antique statues, bas-re liefs, fragments of architecture, fine bronzes, &c. collected not only from Italy, but from all parts of Europe.

That these galleries should be placed so as to enjoy a northern light, being parallel to each other, and consist of strong but simple forms; void, at first, of all ornament, and solely calculated for the purpose of containing, in a good point of view, and well lighted, the several specimens of art. A convenient space for visitors to pass in view of them below and between the objects and the artists, who should be possessed of a raised stage, under a continued window, contrived so as to illuminate at once their drawingdesk and the images on the opposite wall.

These galleries, one for statues and architectural models, and one for bas-reliefs, should be commenced at the same time in parallel directions, and each annually extended and furnished with casts, in the proportion that the funds would admit. They should be indiscriminately opened to all students in the arts, and the public, under proper regulations, during the greatest part of the day, throughout the year.

All fine bas-reliefs, &c. should, if possible, be obtained in moulds, with a cast in them, by which means they not only come the safest from injury, but it would enable the managers to place in the gallery two or three casts of such as best deserved imitation; and then the moulds might be sold to our moulders in plaster of Paris, by which means other cities would be enriched with many fine objects at a reasonable expence, to the great advantage of architects, schools, and the public in general.

There are not wanting people who think that such objects, by being cheaply multiplied, would injure the progress of our artists: but experience teaches otherwise; for those nations which most abound in

such things most abouud in artists; and the more any thing is multiplied by casts or impressions, the more is the original esteemed; for while the narrow-minded amateur hides his fine Cameo, lest a sulphur should be obtained from it, both he and his ring are forgot; when, on the other hand, the liberal collector, whose chief pleasure it is to gratify all lovers with a copy of the fine originals he possesses, finds, to his surprise, the fame of his antique, and the credit of its owner, increased in the same proportion; and hence we may rest assured, that the multiplication of works of art always ends in a multiplied demand for the labours of artists.

The cheapness of paste has by no means decreased the esteem of diamonds; and man, happily for the multitude, has always considered richness and rareness of materials as no small addition to the merit of workmanship; even pictures have been painted, by good artists, on silver to enhance their value. And here I cannot avoid observing the utility it would be of to sculpture if artists would, as was done by the ablest of both Greece and Rome, make models for builders, in clay, at reasonable prices; for there are many who cannot afford marble, that would gladly encourage them in this effort in monuments, friezes, &c.

The frequency of which in public would probably encrease the ambition of the wealthy to be represented in more expensive materials, and thence afford the artists more numerous opportunities of displaying their talents.

As each specimen must of necessity be placed at some distance from the ground, the space below should be filled with a concise history of the cast, or with the conjectures of antiquarians as to its original and author, to which should be added, the time and place, when and where it was found, and the name of the country and situation the orginal at present ornaments.

The pedestal of each statue might contain the like inscriptions, in

painted letters, the more easily to correct them on any new information.

How useful such inscriptions would be to travellers, antiquarians, and artists, I need not point out; neither need I add the utility that would arise from marking with a line on each object the division of the restored parts; which lines might be made, by whatever artist was employed to send home the moulds, on the spot: for the baneful effects of partial ignorance, which, like a weed, springs up among the best crops of human learning, are seldom more manifest than among those whose labours are directed to the elucidation of fine art in antique monuments.

Such galleries, when finished, would possess advantages that are wanting in foreign museums; where often, to gratify the love of ornament in the architect, fine bas-reliefs are placed so high, as to be of little use to students, and as traps only to the antiquarian; of which, having with younger limbs, and younger eyes, often followed the enthusiastic Winkelman, I could give many instances.

Here, however, all would be brought to a level, and to light; all the restorations carefully distinguished; and such men of learning, as, without great detriment to their affairs, can never go abroad, would hence find daily opportunities of benefiting and crediting their country, as well as themselves, by their erudite remarks on monuments that relate entirely to classic ground.

In a word, well prepared, both by the knowledge and study of these casts, our yet unborn artists would be less confused on their arrival in Europe among the originals; and a much shorter stay would then suffice: lastly, on their return, these galleries would help to perpetuate in their memories the result of their studies; a fund of employment would be afforded to young artists in copying these antiques for foreigners, as well as natives; and our engravers, either native or im

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MOST men entertain a great partiality for the land of their nativity. This nature itself dictates; for that country, where we "first drew the vital air," by whose laws we were protected, and under whose government we lived, should always be viewed with respect and love. The conduct of its rulers, it is true, may sometimes appear imprudent, and therefore excite our regret; sometimes tyrannical and base, and therefore raise indignation in our bosoms; and sometimes we may suppose it derogatory to the best interests of the country, and dread the evil consequences which may result from it. But these things ought not to alienate our affections. What some may think wrong, others will contend is right; and if, at last, the former is verified in the issue, the greatest allow ances are to be made for human fallibility.

Every good and sensible man will be induced to make these allow ances, from a love for his country, and a desire to maintain its good name. He will always throw off party prejudice, so as to judge with candour, and to pardon errors. He that does not, though he may be a well-meaning man, cannot be a man of understanding for though an ignorant one, with the best inten

tions, may be led astray by the art and hypocrisy of the interested, one of sense never can, as observation convinces him, that those who are continually finding fault generally possess the least regard for the laws, the least respect for every institution of their country, and the least natural affection for it.

That there are men of this description is unfortunately unquestionable. Their number, however, it is to be hoped, is few, and those few should be treated with contempt and abhorrence. Though the government under which they were born might not be congenial to their nature, nor calculated to make them happy, and they, of course, had left it for another, it does not follow that all predilection for it should be banished from the mind, or that they should rejoice to see it rendered contemptible.

The man of feeling, though separated for ever from his native land, looks back upon it with reverence and partiality, and he inclines to think it happier, at least in some respects, than any other.

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greater our ardour in promoting whatever is conducive to its welfare, our enthusiasm in resenting every insult to its honour, and every attempt to encroach upon its rights! We look upon our government as the best in existence, and think ourselves, in every respect, equal to any other nation. Our people, for enterprise and perseverance, are exceeded by none, neither are they inferior in point of genius and courage. This last qualification none will now doubt. Few instances have yet occurred to prove it, but these few are convincing. The heroes of the Mediterranean have advanced the reputation of their country, and deserve its gratitude. Their conduct, serving as a pattern for those who shall succeed them, will animate them to use the greatest exertions, and, on every opportu nity, they will discover the native energy of Americans. As our revolution brought into notice many great men, whose characters were not before known, so did the shores of Tripoli, and so will every time of difficulty and danger.

In the infancy of a country, the great actions of its natives excite a greater degree of enthusiasm, than after she has attained an established character for bravery. Hence the extraordinary exploit of Decatur and his associates resounded with every acclamation and praise which language could dictate. Though in any age or country it would have been considered as an action in which the courage and prudence of those who conducted it were conspicuous, yet, in Americans, it is particularly entitled to praise. It is the first time they conducted a war in a foreign country, and the first time, since the revolution, that they had an opportunity of signalizing themselves in so great an un

hope, will ever be the characteristics of the people of this happy land, they succeeded in their bold and hazardous attempt. The honours bestowed by government, and the praises of their countrymen are their just reward, and to their names immortality will be attached. In them may be seen what are Americans, what their courage, what their enterprise. And, without the spirit of prophesy, or the voice of inspiration, we may venture to predict, that the time is not far distant when America shall be respected as one of the most powerful of nations, and when her flag shall sail on the ocean, without any daring to insult it.

While dwelling on this part of my subject, I have gone beyond my intended length, for to me it is very interesting. Regarding my country with the strongest attachments, I cannot see any one view it with contempt, or attempt to form humiliating comparisons between it and others, without looking upon him as a most despicable being. How can any one, living under this government, be insensible of his happy situation, and unconscious of the many blessings which surround him! It is a land where "the man who has an honest heart has a charm too potent for tyranny to humble* ;" and though the man of intrigue may obtain conspicuous stations, the man alone, whose guides are justice, honour, and benevolence, and who obeys the dicates of his conscience, commands the esteem of the virtu ous, and the respect of all parties.


For the Literary Magazine. HISTORICAL SKETCHES.

dertaking. They could hardly be STATE OF FRANCE UNDER LOUIS

expected to possess the same confidence as those who had been concerned in former engagements, for to them the business of war was new. But advancing, with that courage and resolution which, I


THE history of Louis XV is the history of despotism, superstition,

* Moreton's Speed the Plough.

impiety, and vice. From that prince's majority to the death of cardinal Fleury, every kind of vice was countenanced by the example of the nobility; the most unnatural crimes were perpetrated without shame, and almost without concealment. The conduct of the princes of the royal family was most detestably licentious, mixed with a degree of brutality and cruelty which disgraces humanity. The count of Charolois murdered one of his valets in 1725, to carry on, without interruption, an intrigue with the widow of this unhappy man; and he shot several persons, merely from diversion. In conjunction with the prince of Condé, he was guilty of a piece of cruelty toward madame de St. Sulpice, of which decency forbids our giving the particulars. Crimes of a similar kind are alleged against the prince of Conti, of which even the meanest wretch that ever was hanged at Tyburn would blush to be accused.

The character of Louis XV was the most despicable that could be imagined: from his education he had imbibed all the silly terrors of superstition, without one sentiment of religion. He remained for some time faithful to his queen, not from affection, nor from a sense of duty, but merely from his fear of the cardinal in this world, and of the devil in the next. The queen was a most fanatical devotee, the blind instrument of artful priests, and had neither personal charms, nor mental accomplishments, to attract his affections. The intrigues of the courtiers, countenanced by the hypocritical Fleury, to provide a mistress for the king, and the arts by which they at length overcame the timidity of this overgrown boy, for he was nothing else during his whole life, cannot but excite our indignation. The amours of Louis with madame de Mailly, and with her two sisters, madame de Vintimille and the duchess of Chateauroux, are well known: even the princes and princesses of the blood submitted to be the vile panders to

the lust of the monarch, and countenanced, by their infamous servility, a conduct on which even the poorest woman, who had the least regard for the esteem of her fellow-creatures, would look down with contempt and aversion; nay, from which all, except the professedly abandoned, who can practise the arts of seduction for the gratification of others, would turn with disdain.


No part of history is so pleasing as that which exhibits emancipation from oppression: for nothing can afford greater satisfaction than to see a brave people resolving to be free, shaking off the yoke of unworthy servitude, and punishing their auda cious tyrants. The revolution in Genoa, after it had been conquered by the Austrians, is an event of this kind. Botta, the general of the empress queen's forces, had, by his insolent menaces, so terrified the senate and nobles, that these contemptible grandees resolved to resign the republic into his hands, and to throw themselves on his mercy. Adorno alone, who commanded in Savonna, behaved with proper spirit: he declared that he was determined to defend this place to the last, and that he had made a will, by which he had destined all his fortune to the relief of the widows and children of those of his countrymen who might be slain during the siege. To the messengers sent by the senate to command him to resign the town to the Austrians, he answered, "That he had been entrusted with the defence of it by a free republic, and would not obey the orders of an enslaved republic to resign it." Accordingly he sustained a siege and blockade of three months, and did not capitulate till reduced to the last extremity. The rapacity of the Austrians was insatiable, and they added the most intolerable cruelty to their excessive


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