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but promifed him a Siviour, faying, the Seed of the Woman shall bruife the Sera pent's Head." :) 9 lami gun24

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And this Promife which God made unto the Fathers,viz. Adam Noah, Abraham, &c. he hath fince fulfilled unto us their Children. For when the Fulnefs of Time was come, God fent forth his Son, made of a Woman, made under the Law, to redeem thofe that were under the Law, i. e. Adam himself, and all his Natural Race or OffSpring For having all finned in him, and fo tranfgreffed the Law of Works, they were under the Curfe and Condemnation of it, as it is written, Curfed is every one that continueth not in all things that are written in the Book of the Law to do them Gal, iîio -But Chrift hath redeemed us from the Curfe of the Law, being made a Curfe for us: As it is written, Curfed is every one that bangeth on a Tree. He voluntarily fuffered for us this accurfed and shameful Death, that we might escape the Curfe of everlasting Death and Mifery. He humbled himself, and became obedient to Death, even the Death of the Crofs. 79 Now, Chrift who fuffer'd this, was the Eternal Son of God, of the fame Nature and Subftance with the Father. God of God, Light of Light, 'very God of very God, the Brightness of his Father's Glory,and the exprefs Image of his Perfon. And as fuch he was above the Poffibility of either Death or Sufferings. Wherefore, that he might fuffer and fatisfy for our Sins, The assumed our Nature, and fo united it to his Godhead, as to become, not two, but one Perfon. One



indeed, not by Converfion of the Godhead into Man, but by taking of the Manhood into God. One altogether, not by Confufion of Subftance, but by Unity of Perfon, For as the reasonable Soul and Flefh is one Man fo God and Man is one Chrift. And being fuch an one, viz. God-Man,what he did and Luffered for us according to his Manhood, was of infinite Worth and Value, according to his Godhead; not only fatisfactory, but redundantly meritorious, fulfilling the First, and founding the Second Covenant; that when no Man living cou'd be juftified by the former, through the Weakness of his Flesh, he might obtainSalvation by the new or lat ter Covenant. For therein God hath pro mifed, for the Sake of Jefus Chrift, that whofoever believeth in him, or isya true Christian, fhall be faved. Pust need had This is that Covenant which you folemn d ly enter'd into at your Baptifm; and the Catechism inftructs you in five things concerning it, as was obferved in the Analyfis.


But before we proceed to thefe, let us first review, and clear up this Prelection.

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2. The Questions and Answersal

Q. What is a Covenant? Is it not a Con A covetract betwixt two or more Parties, in behalf of mans, what ? one another to grintou o or

A. Yes. Gen. XXVI. 28, 29. Ifaac and Abi melech made a Covenant together, that the one hou'd do no Hurt unto the other.


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Q. Was

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Two feveral

Q Was there ever any Covenant betwist God and Man?:

A. Yes. For we read of thofe that like Adam tranfgreffed the Covenant, Hof.vi. 7. Margin.

Q. If God did engage bimfelf in any Cove nant with Man, Was not this on God's part à great and wonderful Condefcenfion?

A. Yes. For he humbleth him to behold the things that are in Heaven and Earth. Pfal. oxiii. 6.

Qui Doth not the Scripture tell us of two feve ral Covenants that God hath made with Man at divers Times, viz. the Covenant of Works, and the Covenant of Grace's mine oli

A. Yes. Heb.viii.7. If the first Covenant Covenants had been faultless, then fhould no Place be betwixt God fought for the Second."

and Man.

1.The Cove

nant of Works.

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Q. Was not the first Covenant made with A dam, the firft Man, whilft he was in Paradife, in the Time of his Innocency?


A. Yes. For then and there it was that God had faid unto him, Of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, thou shalt not eat of it; for in the Day thou eateft thereof, thou fhalt furely die. Gen. ii. 173

Catechift. The Doctrine of the first Covenant which God made with Man, is partly expreffed, and partly implied or intimated in thefe Words. For tho' the Word Covenant be not here exprefly mentioned, yet here we may obferve the very thing it


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felf. For here God and Man do mutually consent together, about Man's Condition. And that is, that Man should live or die, according as he obeyed or disobeyed God.. Death was exprefly threatned upon Man's Difobedience; which implied that he should not die, if he continued in his Integrity, but that he should still live, and be happy for ever. And the Apostle hath plainly told us, that the Man that doth them," e. the Works of the Law, fhall live in them. Gal. iii. 12.

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Now, when Life or Happiness in rewar-! ding of Man's Obedience, and Death or Mifery for the punishing of Man's Tranfgreffion, were thus confented to, and propofed on God's part, it was certainly Man's Duty to consent to this Propofal. And being innocent and holy then, it is certain he did confent.

And thus the Doctrine of the first Cove nant betwixt God and Man, which is commonly called the Covenant of Works, is evidently built and grounded upon this Text of Scripture.

But concerning this Covenant.

Q. Did it not require as the Condition of The condi Life and Happiness, a perfonal, perfect, and per- tion of shis petual Obedience of us?

A. Yes. For it curfed every one that continued not in all things that were required of him. Gal. iii. 10.

Q. Was Man then able to perform fuch Obedience?

As Yes. For he was then in a State of
Righteoufnefs, as God at firft created him.
Eccl.vii. 29.
Q. Did


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And how.

QDid Man perform to God this his Icove nanted Duty modi, mod: g01 JIDEL

A. No. For he took and eat of the Fruit which God had positively forbidden him. Gen.iii. 1990 bondcanlı və qrɔ new dro blood on Jara Jauni doidw

D. How was Man induced thus to trespass against God? Was it not brought about by the fubtil Device of Satan? og 943 A

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A. Yes. For drawing our firft Parents first to doubt of God's Command, faying, Hath God faid, ye fhall not eat? Gen.iiii. he proceeds to promise them, that they fhould not furely die, but fhould be as Gods, knowing Good and Evil. 4,5edi noi prát logong bus cibamolhos e


Q Did the Devil prevail in this Device of his led ba logo19 zi in of wolnoses A. Yes. For the Woman took of the Fruit, and did eat, and gave alfo to her Husband with her, and he did eat. Gen.iii, 6.

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Q. Did this Sin of our first Parents affect their Offpring? A. Yes. For by the Offence of one, Judg ment came upon all Men to Condemnation. 100 348 Rom. v. 18.

Q. How and in what Way did Adam's Sin affect us?

A. It did affect us,

1. In a natural Way, as defcended from him. 33

2. In a legal Way, as reprefented by him.

Q. How did it affect us naturally? Were we feminally in his Loins? brb

dain A. Yes.

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