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ers; and the wonderful Genius and Abilities of those Gentlemen for Criticism, fet forth, celebrated and extolled. By the Editor of King Lear. [Charles Jennens, Efq.] 8vo. 1772.

34. Shakspeare. 4to. This piece was written by Dr. Kenrick Prefcott, and is dated Feb. 6, 1774.

35. Curfory Remarks on Tragedy, on Shakspeare, and on certain French and Italian Poets, &c. [By Edward Taylor, Efq.] Crown 8vo. 1774.

36. A philofophical Analyfis and Illuftration of fome of Shakspeare's remarkable Characters. By William Richardfon, Efq. Profeffor of Humanity in the University of Glasgow. 12mo. First Edition, 1773. Second Edition, 1774.

37. The Morality of Shakspeare's Drama illuftrated. By Mrs. Griffith. 8vo. 1775.

38. A Letter to George Hardinge, Efq. on the Subject of a Paffage in Mr. Steevens's Preface to his Impreffion of Shakspeare. [By the Rev. Mr. Collins.] 4to. 1777. [Dr. Johnson obferved of this performance, that it was "a great gun without powder and ball."] On the title-page of a copy of it prefented by Mr. Capell, together with his Shakspeariana, to Trinity College, Cambridge, is the following manufcript note: "Seen through the prefs by Mr. H&c. Note in p. 18 added, and the poftfcript new-molded by him. E. C." i. e. Edward Capell.

From the foregoing circumftance it appears that Mr. H- (like Congreve's Petulant) affifted in writing a letter to himself. This epiftle, however, (as we have fince been informed,) received fome

additional touches from the pen of the late Lord Dacre.-Tante molis erat. But all would not fucceed. The fubfcribers to Mr. Capell's notes were fo few, that his editor was afhamed to print their names; and the book itself is become wafte paper.

39. Difcours fur Shakspeare et fur Monfieur de Voltaire, par Jofeph Baretti, Secretaire pour la Correfpondence etrangere de l'Academie Royale Britannique. 8vo. 1777.

40. An Effay on the dramatick Character of Sir John Falftaff. [By Mr. Maurice Morgan.] 8vo. 1777.

41. A Letter from Monfieur de Voltaire to the French Academy. Tranflated from the original Edition juft publifhed at Paris. 8vo. 1777.

42. A Supplement to the Edition of Shakspeare's Plays published in 1778.-Containing additional Obfervations by feveral of the former Commentators; to which are fubjoined the Genuine Poems of the fame Author, and Seven Plays that have been afcribed to him; with Notes, by the Editor [Mr. Malone.] and others. 2 Vols. 8vo. 1780.

43. Notes and Various Readings to Shakspeare, by Edward Capell. 3 Vols. 4to. 1781.

44. Remarks critical and illuftrative on the Text and Notes of the last Edition of Shakspeare. [i. e. Mr. Steevens's Edition in 1778.] [By Mr. Ritfon.]

Svo. 1783.

45. Contes moraux, amufans & inftructifs, a l'ufage de la jeuneffe, tirès des Tragedies de Shakfpeare; par M. Perrin, Editeur de la nouvelle

Edition du Dictionaire de Chambaud, &c.-A Londres, chez Robfon, Cadell, & Elmfly. 1783.


46. A familiar Addrefs to the curious in English Poetry; more particularly to the Readers of Shakfpeare. By Therfites Literarius. 8vo. 1784.

47. A Second Appendix to Mr. Malone's Supplement to the laft Edition of the Plays of Shakspeare; containing additional Obfervations by the Editor of the Supplement. 8vo. 1793. Of this Appendix only fifty Copies were printed.

48. Effays on Shakspeare's dramatick Characters of Richard the Third, King Lear, and Timon of Athens. To which are added, an Effay on the Faults of Shakspeare, and additional Obfervations on the Character of Hamlet. By Mr. Richardfon. 12mo. 1784.

49. The Beauties of Shakspeare selected from his Works. To which are added, the principal Scenes in the fame Author. 12mo. 1784. Printed for Kearfley.

50. Dramatick Mifcellanies, confifting of critical Obfervations on the Plays of Shakspeare, &c. By Thomas Davies. 3 Vols. Crown 8vo. 1784.

51. Comments on the laft Edition of Shakspeare's Plays. By John Monck Mafon, Efq. 8vo. 1785.

52. Remarks on fome of the Characters of Shakfpeare. By the Author of Obfervations on modern Gardening. [Mr. Whateley.] 8vo. 1785.

53. Macbeth Reconfidered; an Effay intended as an Answer to Part of the Remarks on fome of the Characters of Shakspeare. [By J. P. Kemble.] 8vo. 1786,

54. A Fragment on Shakspeare, extracted from Advice to a young Poet. . By the Reverend Martin Sherlock. Tranflated from the French. 8vo. 1786.

55. A Concordance to Shakspeare; fuited to all the Editions, in which the diftinguifhed and parallel Paffages in the Plays of that juftly-admired Writer are methodically arranged. To which are added, Three Hundred Notes and Illustrations entirely new. [By A. Beckett.] 8vo. 1787.

56. Imperfect Hints towards a new Edition of Shakspeare, written chiefly in the Year 1782. 4to. 1787.

The Same. Part the Second and laft. [By Samuel Felton.] 4to. 1788.

57. Effays on Shakspeare's dramatick Character of Sir John Falstaff, and on his Imitation of Female Characters. To which are added, fome general Obfervations on the Study of Shakspeare. By Mr. Richardfon. 12mo, 1788.

58. The Quip Modeft; a few Words by way of Supplement to Remarks critical and illuftrative on the Text and Notes of the laft Edition of Shakfpeare; occafioned by a Republication of that Edition [1785] revised and augmented by the Editor of Dodfley's Old Plays. [By Mr. Ritfon.] 8vo. 1788.

59. An Index to the remarkable Paffages and Words made Ufe of by Shakspeare; calculated to

point out the different Meanings to which the Words are applied. By the Reverend Samuel Ayfcough. 8vo. 1790.

60. Curfory Criticifms on the Edition of Shakfpeare published by Edmond Malone. [By Mr. Ritfon. 8vo. 1792.

61. A Letter to the Reverend Richard Farmer, D. D. Master of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, relative to the Edition of Shakfpeare publifhed in 1790, and fome late Criticisms on that Work. By Edmond Malone, Efq. 8vo. 1792.

62. Curfory Remarks upon the Arrangement of the Plays of Shakspeare, occafioned by reading Mr. Malone's Effay on the chronological Order of those celebrated Pieces. By the Reverend J. Hurdis, M. A. 8vo. 1792.

63. A Specimen of a Commentary on Shakspeare, containing, I. Notes on As you like it. II. An Attempt to explain and illuftrate various Paffages, on a new Principle of Criticism, derived from Mr. Locke's Doctrine of the Affociation of Ideas. By the Reverend Walter Whiter. 8vo. 1794.

64. The Story of the Moor of Venice. Tranf lated from the Italian. With Two Effays on Shakfpeare, and preliminary Obfervations. By Wolftenholme Parr, A. M. late Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford. 1795.

65. Obfervations on Hamlet; and on the Motives which moft probably induced Shakspeare to fix upon the Story of Amleth, from the Danish Chronicle of Saxo Grammaticus, for the Plot of that

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