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Pol. She embraces him.

Cam. She hangs about his neck;

If fhe pertain to life, let her fpeak too.

Pol. Ay, and make it manifeft where fhe has liv'd, Or how ftol'n from the dead?

Paul. That he is living,

Were it but told you, fhould be hooted at
Like an old tale; but it appears, fhe lives,
Tho' yet fhe fpeak not. Mark a little while.
Please you to interpofe.-Fair Madam, kneel,
And pray your mother's bleffing.-Turn, good Lady:
Our Perdita is found.

[Prefenting Perdita, who kneels to Herm

Her. You Gods, look down,

And from your facred vials pour your graces
Upon my daughter's head. Tell me, mine own,
Where haft thou been preferv'd? where liv'd? how

Thy father's court? for thou fhalt hear, that I,
Knowing by Paulina that the Oracle

Gave hope thou waft in being, have preferv'd
Myfelf, to fee the iffue.

Paul. There's time enough for that;
Left they defire, upon this pufh, to trouble
Your joys with like relation. Go together,
2 You precious winners all, your exultation
Partake to every one; I, an old turtle,

Will wing me to fome wither'd bough, and there
My mate, that's never to be found again,
Lament 'till I am loft.

Leo. O peace, Paulina:

Thou should't a husband take by my confent,

As I by thine, a wife. This is a match,

And made between's by vows. Thou haft found mine,

2 Ye precious winners all.] You who by this discovery have gained what you defired may join in

feftivity, in which I, who have loft what can never be recovered, can have no part.


But how, is to be question'd; for I saw her,
As I thought, dead; and have, in vain, faid many


prayer upon her grave. I'll not feek far (For him, I partly know his mind) to find thee An honourable hufband. Come, Camillo,

And take her by the hand; whofe worth and honefty
Is richly noted; and here justify'd

By us, a pair of Kings. Let's from this place,
What? look upon my brother-Both your pardons,
That e'er I put between your holy looks

My ill fufpicion. This, your fon-in-law,

And fon unto the King whom heav'ns directing,
Is troth-plight to your daughter. Good Paulina,
Lead us from hence, where we may leisurely
Each one demand, and anfwer to his part
Perform'd in this wide gap of time, fince first
We were diffever'd. Haftily lead away.

Of this play no edition is known published before the folio of 1623.

The ftory is taken from the novel of Doraftus and Faunia, which may be read in Shakepeare illuftrated.

[Exeunt omnes.

This play, as Dr. Warburton juftly obferves, is, with all its abfurdities, very entertaining. The character of Autolycus is very naturally conceived, and ftrongly reprefented.





ORSINO, Duke of Illyria.

Sebastian, a young Gentleman, Brother to Viola.
Antonio, a Sea-captain, Friend to Sebaftian.



Gentlemen, attending on the Duke.

Sir Toby Belch, Uncle to Olivia.

Sir Andrew Ague-cheek, a foolish Knight, pretending to Olivia.

A Sea-captain, Friend to Viola.

Fabian, Servant to Olivia.

Malvolio, a fantastical Steward to Olivia.
Clown, Servant to Olivia.

Olivia, a Lady of great Beauty and Fortune, belov'd by

the Duke.

Viola, in Love with the Duke.

Maria, Olivia's Woman.

Prieft, Sailors, Officers, and other Attendants.

SCENE, a City on the Coast of Illyria.

The first edition of this play is in the Folio of 1623. The Perfons of the Drama were first enumerated, with all the cant of the modern Stage, by Mr. Rowe.


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