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Wedding is great Juno's Crown,
O bleffed bond of board and bed!
'Tis Hymen peoples every town,
High wedlock then be honoured:
Honour, high honour and renown
To Hymen, God of every town!

Duke Sen. O my dear niece, welcome thou art to me, Ev'n daughter-welcome, in no lefs degree.

Phe. I will not eat my word-now thou art mine, Thy faith my fancy to thee doth combine.

[blocks in formation]

Jaq. de B. Let me have audience for a word or


I am the second fon of old Sir Rowland,
That bring these tidings to this fair assembly.
Duke Frederick, hearing how that every day
Men of great worth reforted to this foreft,
Addrefs'd a mighty power, which were on foot
In his own conduct purpofely to take

His brother here, and put him to the fword:
And to the fkirts of this wild wood he came,
Where meeting with an old religious man,
After fome question with him, was converted
Both from his enterprize, and from the world;
His Crown bequeathing to his banish'd brother,
And all their lands reftor'd to them again,
That were with him exil'd. This to be true,
I do engage my life.


Duke Sen. Welcome, young man :
Thou offer'ft fairly to thy brothers' wedding;
To one, his lands with-held; and to the other,
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A land

A land itself at large, a potent Dukedom.
First, in this foreft, let us do thofe ends
That here were well begun, and well begot:
And, after, every of this happy number,
That have endur'd threwd days and nights with us,
Shall fhare the good of our returned fortune,
According to the measure of their states.
Mean time, forget this new-fall'n dignity,
And fall into our ruftick revelry:

Play, mufick; and you brides and bridegrooms all,
With measure heap'd in joy, to th' measures fall.
Jaq. Sir, by your patience: if I heard you rightly,
The Duke hath put on a religious life,

And thrown into neglect the pompous Court.
Jaq. de B. He hath.

Jaq. To him will I: out of thefe convertites.
There is much matter to be heard and learn'd. (
You to your former Honour I bequeath. [To the Duke.
Your patience and your virtue well deferve it.
You to a love, that your true faith doth merit;

[To Orla.

You to your land, and love, and great allies;

You to a long and well-deferved bed;
And you to wrangling; for thy loving voyage

[To Oli. [To Silv.

[To the Clown. Is but for two months victual'd-fo to your pleasures: I am for other than for dancing measures. Duke Sen. Stay, Jaques, tay.

Jaq. To fee no pastime, I-what you would have, I'll stay to know at your abandon'd Cave.

[Exits Duke Sen. Proceed, proceed; we will begin thefe


As, we do truft, they'll end, in true delights.

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Ref. It is not the fashion to see the lady the Epilogue; but it is no more unhandsome, than to fee the lord the Prologue. If it be true, that good wine needs no bufb, 'tis true, that a good Play needs no Epilogue. Yet to good wine they do ufe good bufhes; and good Plays prove the better by the help of good Epilogues. What a cafe am I in then, that am neither a good Epilogue, nor can infinuate with you in the behalf of a good Play I am not furnish'd like a beggar; therefore to beg will not become me. My way is to conjure you, and I'll begin with the women. I charge you, O women', for the love you bear to men, to like as much of this Play as pleafes you and I charge you, O men, for the love you bear to women (as I perceive by your fimpring, none of you hate them)


What a cafe am I in then, &c.] Here feems to be a chaẩm, or fome other depravation, which deftroys the fentiment here intended. The reasoning probably ftood thus, Good wine needs no bush, good plays need no epilogue, but bad wine requires a good bufh, and a bad play a good Epilogue. What cafe am I in then? To reftore the words is impoffible; all that can be done with out copies is, to note the fault.

6 furnish'd like a beggar That is, dreffed: fo before, he was furnished like a huntsman.

I charge you, O women, for the love you bear to men, to like as much of this play as pleafes YOU, and I barge you, O men,, for the love bear to women,


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men, for the love you bear to men, to like as much of this play as pleases THEM: and I charge you, O men, for the love you bear to women,TO LIKE AS MUCH AS PLEASES THEM, that between you and the women, &c. Without the alteration of You into Them, the invocation is nonsense; and without the addition of the words, to like as much as pleases them, the inference of, that between you and the women the play may pafs, would be unfupported by any precedent premifes. The words feem to have been ftruck out by fome fenfeless Player, as a vicious redundancy.

WARBURTON. The words you and ym written as was the cultom in that time,

that between you and the women, were in manufcript fcarcely di &c.] This paffage fhould be ftinguishable. The emendation read thus, I charge you, wo- is very judicious and probable.


that between you and the women, the Play may please. If I were a woman, I would kifs as many of you as had beards that pleas'd me, complexions that lik'd me, and breaths that I defy'd not: and, I am fure, as many as have good beards, or good faces, or fweet breaths, will for my kind offer, when I make curt'fy, bid me farewel. [Exeunt omnes 9.

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