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going on.

Bleeding then, to probably of little moment. It


expectoration taking place freely; but this is rather to be looked on as a sign, than as a cause, of returning health. Nor is it much in our power to pro

use of nauseating medicines; and these, in all probability,

by checking the inflammation, than by any direct expectorant power.

A mild and chronic kind of pulmonary inflammation is a far more common occurrence, than the acute form I have just described to you, and, on the whole, is much more fatal

any amount, will but hasten is no doubt desirable to see the fatal event. In these cases, it is usual to give stimulants, as ammonia, the seneka, and wine as if, because bloodletting was no longer admisssible, an opposite treatment were mote this event, unless by the required. It is difficult, however, to reconcile this with either reason or experience. accomplish the object, rather The reason commonly assigned for employing stimulants on such occasions, namely, "to support the strength," is quite fallacious; for no medicine has any such power. All that stimulants can do, is to excite vascular action: but this effect is of short duration, and not favorable, one would suppose, in its result. to the real disease, the inflammation. When the unfavorable symptoms I have just described, have made their appearance, little, probably, can be done by art for their relief. The insufficiency of our means, under such circumstances, should make us doubly attentive to the disease in the beginning, when it is mostly within our power.

I hardly need observe, that, besides bloodletting, counter irritation of different kinds is to be used; or to remind you, that mercury, as on other occasions, and after a proper use of bloodletting, is calculated to assist materially in the cure. As to what are commonly termed expectorants, these are

It takes place

mostly at the approach of winter, commonly in the form of catarrh, and spreads gradually to the lungs themselves, and often their investing membrane; giving rise to a complication of symptoms, easy to be conceived. If neglected, as among the poorer classes generally is the case, it continues till perhaps the return of spring and is renewed the succeeding winter, becoming worse on each return, and gradually laying a foundation for various incurable states of disease in these organs. The mucous membrane becomes permanently thickened, and otherwise diseased in its structure, and acquires a habit of secreting mucus largely, and of a

to the organs destined for its completion; whence, in delicate persons, the operation is frequently attended with a diminution in the power of the senses, and a slight shiver is even experienced; the skin becomes contracted, and the insensible perspiration is diminished. As the process, however, proceeds, a reaction takes place; and, after it is completed, the perspiration becomes free, and often abundant. When the chyle enters the blood, the body becomes enlivened, and the stomach and small intestines having been liberated from their burden, oppose no obstacle to the free indulgence of that desire for activity, which nature has thus instinctively excited for our benefit. Then it is that animals are roused from that repose into which they had subsided during the earlier stages of digestion, and betake themselves to action; then it is that civilized man feels an aptness for exertion, though he mistakes the nature and object of the impulse, and, as Dr Prout justly observes, is inclined to regard it as nothing more than a healthy sensation by which he is summoned to that occupation to which inclination or duty may prompt him. Thus, instead of being bodily active, the studious man receives it as a summons to mental exertion; the indolent man, perhaps, merely to sit up and enjoy himself; the libertine to commence his libations; and the votary of fashion to attend the crowded circles of gaiety and dissipation: in short, this feeling of renovated energy is used, or abused, in a thousand ways by different individuals, without their ever dreaming that bodily exercise, and this alone, is implied by it. The result of which is, that imperfect assimilation, and all its train of consequences, take place.

Some difference of opinion has existed with regard to the utility or mischief of exercise immediately after eating; but in this question, as in most others of a like nature, the truth will be found to lie between

the extremes. Those who, frony confounding the effects of gentle, with those of exhausting exercise, maintain the necessity of rest for the perfect performance of the digestive process, appeal to the experiment of Sir Busick Harwood, the mere relation of which will be sufficient to negative the inference which they would deduce from its result. The Downing Professor took two pointers, equally hungry, and equally well fed; the one he suffered to lie quiet after his meal, the other he kept for above two hours in constant exercise. On returning home, he had them both killed. In the stomach of the dog that had remained quiet and asleep, all the food was found chymified; but in the stomach of the other dog, the process of digestion had scarcely commenced. Exercise, let it be remembered, must be measured in relation to the strength and habits of the individual: we have daily experience to prove that the husbandman may return to his daily labor, and the schoolboy to his gambols, immediately after a frugal meal, without inconvenience or injury; but the same degree of exercise to a person of sedentary habits, or of weak stamina, would probably arrest and subvert the whole process of digestion. The influence of habit, in rendering exercise salutary or injurious, is shown in a variety of instances: a person who would suffer from the slightest exertion after dinner, will undertake a fatiguing labor after breakfast, however solid and copious this meal may have been. If we assent to the proposition of the Cambridge Professor, we must in consistency acknowledge, that exercise before a meal, is at least as injurious as he would lead us to suppose it is after a repast: for if the valetudinarian takes bis dinner in a state of fatigue, he will assuredly experience some impediment in its digestion; but are we to argue that, on this account, exercise is neither to precede nor follow a meal? We may as well,

without further discussion, subscribe
to the opinion of Hieronymus Car-
danus, who, insisting on the advan-
tages of perfect rest, observes, that
trees live longer than animals because
they never stir from their places.
Paris on Diet.

From Silliman's Journal.



The common drinks in Russia are the Kass, and the Meth or Kisslicki. To prepare the Kwass, they take a quantity of rye, and having soaked about a tenth part of it, they spread it thinly on boards or plates, and ex pose it to moderate beat, till it sprouts, taking care to sprinkle it now and then with warm water. When sufficiently germinated, they mix it with the rest of the rye, previously ground, and add to the mass a quantity of warm or tepid water. The vessel is then put into an oven; immediately after the bread is drawn, or exposed to a similar temperature, and by degrees more water is added to the paste, stirring it on every addition. After a time of repose, and when the liquid has become a little clean, it is put into a keg or barrel, in which it ferments during several days. It is then put into the cellar, and in a few days is drinkable. This beverage is better when, instead of putting it into casks, it is fermented in large jugs, and when clarified, put into bottles. It then acquires a vin. ous taste, becomes lively and agreeable, and is of a yellowish color. The sediment is good for cattle.

The Kisslichi is thus prepared. R. 2 lb. of rye malt, and the same quantity of barley malt; make a paste of them with warm water, and let it ferment till it has acquired a strong taste. Dilute it with 10 lb. of tepid water, and add a few lemon peels. When fermenting, add 20 lb. of water, and after the fermentation is complete, bottle it.

The Bartsch, which is drank principally in Poland and Lithuania, is

made with the young leaves and
seeds of the acanthus, boiled in wa-
ter, to which leaven is added, and
after fermentation and filtering, it is
kept in a cool place.-Bul. Un,


If we form a pile with a few pieces of silver and iron plates, placed alternately, and immerse the pile in water, the fluid will soon acquire a yellowish tint, and in 24 hours the oxide of iron will appear in abundance. If the ferruginated water be withdrawn, and the vessel be filled every day with fresh water, we shall have a kind of artificial mineral spring.*-Payen. Bul. Un. 1824.

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He is first trained at one of the great public schools, established in close alliance with the church, and under the management of clerical teachers; he is then handed over to a priest to prepare him for college. When ripe for college, he is received by many priests and quasipriests and tutored there, if not in much science, at least in much reverence for the mother church, and in as great horror of the pope as his ancestors were taught to entertain for the reformation in the same halls, under the same arts. When he leaves the sacred haunts, he is attended on the grand tour by some chosen priest,

* At page 105, vol. VIII of this Journal, is the following notice by Professor Hare

"If a few pieces of silver coin be alternated with pieces of sheet iron, on placing the pile in water, it soon acquires a chalybeate taste and a yellow hue, and in 24 hours, flocks of oxide and of iron appear. Hence, by replenishing with water a vessel, in which such a pile is placed, after each draught, we may have a competent substitute for a chalybeate spring. Clean copper plates, alternating with iron, would answer; or a clean copper wire entwined on an iron rod; but as the copper, when oxidated, yields an oxide, it is safer to employ silver." As Dr Hare's observation was published early in 1824, we are bound to consider it as original with him.-ED.

fellow of a college, and expectant of a living, either from that college, or from his pupil and finally he returns to take his place as a legislator by hereditary right in one house, or by hereditary nomination in the other, filled with unspeakable respect for every existing institution of his own country, and contempt of every for eign usage; convinced that no Papist can be saved, that no dissenter can be a gentleman, that no person of the Church of England can do wrong, that nobody but a parson of the said church can teach his children, and that no place is fit and safe for them to be taught at but Oxford or Cam bridge, which has made him what he is. Boston Atheneum.


direction of the best guides, before he can be safely trusted to enter alone on the duties of his profesion. Much direct and collateral informa

tion must be acquired before he can fail to do mischief. What think you, then, my readers, of those selfstyled practitioners, who are but six or twelve months from the plough, the plane, or the last? Try them, if you will, but recollect it is, and must be, at your own peril. If the intellectual, the welleducated, the faithful, and the industrious physician, after twenty or thirty years? devo tion to his calling, occasionally finds himself unable to effect what he ar

BOSTON, TUESDAY, NOV. 21, 1826 dently desires and attempts, unable



In the first place he should possess a good understanding. Weak with plausible manners, and superfi cial attainments, may make very good quacks, and often become sufficiently current and popular to acquire business and money,-but they can never become able physicians. There is not a single mental faculty which this profession does not need, and tax to the utmost. He must be educated. Strong endowments, with courage, energy and perseverance, will, in some cases, without assist ance, and even in spite of obstacles, surmount every difficulty, and rise to eminence. In medicine this should not be expected, or desired, for it can never take place without much and tong experience, and this experience must have cost many lives before the experimenter can become even a harmless practitioner.

The young physician must labor long and diligently, and under the

to preserve, or materially to relieve his patient,-what shall we think of him who trusts his life in the hands

of the young, balf, and less than half formed pretender, who is too little informed to perceive his own weakness, and too selfcomplacent to feel any doubts or difficulties?

Select a man of principle. In how many instances have the innocence and peace of individuals been marred and destroyed by unprincipled physicians. Think of the confidence with which they are received into families and society, from the nature of their office and relations. How natural it is to feel grateful, and safe, and unsuspicious, toward him who has stood by us in hours of danger and suffering, and who by kind↓ ness, and skill, and assiduity, and tenderness, has conducted us to safety and repose. Can it be imagined that such a friend can betray our confidence in a day of prosperity and security? For he who has a heart

to deceive, has often not only the task to both parties, and so liable to disposition, but is also endowed be offensive to one at least, that the with every talent and attraction work is ordinarily but very partially to secure a confidence which he and imperfectly accomplished, and 'means to turn to his own unhallowed the fault is commonly to be divided purpose. between the patient and his attendant, sometimes existing chiefly on one side, sometimes on the other. Both parties should aim to do better. The physician should accustom himself kindly but faithfully to do what the welfare of his patient demands, and the latter should learn to approve, if not to commend, what is so done for his restoration and continued wellbeing.

Every physician carries about with him a moral or an immoral atmosphere and influence, as some recent e vents sufficiently imply, if the fact had not been demonstrated a thousand times before.

He should be a man not given to Battery. He who permits himself to use direct and gross flattery is weak, or base, or corruptly selfish; he wants refinement, and taste and purity. The esteem and approbation of the wise and good, when properly expressed, is the highest earthly reward for good conduct, and one of the strongest incentives to it; and he who values this most highly, will be most averse to vulgar and coarse commendation.

He should be upright and independent. He should be paid for his services, and well paid, for no labor er is more worthy of his hire, than a good physician. But he should be governed by higher motives in entering on his profession and pursuing it, than that of making a fortune.

There is comparatively but a small portion of the sick, who have sufficient humility, magnanimity, and love of truth, to be willing to bear plain dealing from the physician; for most of our complaints arise from our indolence, excesses, mistakes, weaknesses, faults or deficiencies, of some kind or other.

To lay open these causes of disease and to correct them, is generally so unpleasant a

He should be a man of temperate habits. The physician is like "the officer of the day" in a military encampment; always liable to be hastily called on when any difficulty or accident occurs, and likely to need the full exercise of all his faculties and resources, natural and acquired. There must be no compromise in this matter; however painful it may be to give up a friend and former benefactor-it must be done; it is one mode of checking intemperance, that black cloud which hangs over our otherwise bright and happy land. It is better that one guilty should suffer, than that fifty innocent should be exposed to ruin.

AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION. The eleventh number of this valu and we are gratified to find in its able periodical is just from the press, pages so much to interest and instruct. This work is a valuable auxiliary, in the cause of learning in New England, and we hope its indefatigable proprietors will find abundant encouragement to prosecute their labors undiminished. It should

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