Reports of Cases Decided in the Court of Chancery of the State of New Jersey, Том 5Soney & Sage, 1849 |
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acres administrator admits aforesaid agreed agreement alleged amount answer appears Asher Williamson assignment bank Benjamin Johnson bill bond and mortgage bought canal chancellor claim Clinton Colt complainant complainant's conveyance conveyed Coursen court court of chancery court of equity creditors deceased decree deed defendant delivered denies deponent directors dollars Edsall equity executed executor farm father filed gage Gaston Geroe give given Haines Hamburgh Company heard Holsman Hulmes incumbrances injunction interest John judgment L'Hommedieu land lease lien loan Loomis and Lyman ment Morris Canal mort mortgagor New-York notes paid parties payment personal estate Peter Peter Williamson plainant possession Pratt premises real estate receipt received Reckless recollect rents Roswell L Ryerson Samuel Williamson says seal secure sell share sheriff sheriff's sale Society sold Stebbins Stoll suit testimony thereof tion told tract trust Van Hook Vesey wife William Williamson witness
Популярни откъси
Страница 74 - ... in hand paid by the parties of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged...
Страница 354 - First, it is my will that all my just debts and funeral expenses be duly paid by my executors as soon as the can be after my decease.
Страница 633 - The judicial power shall be vested in a court of errors and appeals in the last resort in all causes as heretofore; a court for the trial of impeachments; a court of chancery; a prerogative court; a supreme court...
Страница 74 - THIS INDENTURE, made this day of , in the year One thousand, nine hundred and , between of , the party of the first part...
Страница 142 - And be it enacted, that the said president and directors, or a majority of them, shall have power to...
Страница 232 - Toppe, seized of real estate subject to a mortgage, made his will, and as to his worldly estate, real or personal, after payment of his debts, disposed thereof as follows : to his sister Sarah Lloyd an annuity for life, and several pecuniary legacies ; and charged all his real and personal estate with the payment of his debts and legacies; and subject thereto, devised all his real estate to his nephew for life, with remainders over, and his personal estate to his said nephew. After making the will...
Страница 414 - Here is a bill for partition, and pending the suit it appears to be extremely fit that the tenant in common in possession, should not be permitted to strip the land of its timber.
Страница 34 - ... the market price of the stock or goods, are as complete a remedy to the purchaser as the delivery of the stock or goods contracted for...
Страница 370 - Morgan, . . . who shall come in and seek relief by and contribute to the expense of this suit.
Страница 51 - ... 12th of January, 1831, intestate, leaving the said William Hugh Wade Gery, his heir-atlaw, who then became, and has ever since been, and is now, entitled to the said lands out of which the said rent-charge or fee-farm rent is payable, and seised in fee of such lands. On the llth of January, 1841, a commission in the nature of a writ de lunatico inquirendo...