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Depredations East of the Mountains-Captivity of Mrs. Neff-Historical Errors

-Attack on Fort Edwards-Whites made Prisoners-Burning a Prisoner-

Massacre at Seybert's Fort-A Modern Samson-Just Rebuke-Indian Depre-

dations-Murders and Escapes-A Formidable Foe-Origin of "Long-Knives"

-Captivity of Mrs. Renick-Greenbriar Settlements Destroyed-Courageous

Woman-Surprise of a Family-The Bloody Year-Murder of Mrs. Grigsby-

Fort Crawford Erected-Siege of Fort Henry-Indian Army under Girty-De-

feat of Captain Mason-Captain Ogle's Defeat-Girty's Demand to Surrender

-The Attack Commenced-Signal Failure-Siege Raised-Captain Foreman

-The Ambuscade-Timely Aid from the Scouts-Surprise a Camp-Family

Murdered-Unavailing Pursuit-Death of Grandstaff-General Indian War-

Attack on Harbert's Block-House-A Savage Monster-Outrages-Fort Ran-

dolph Attacked-Attack on Donally's House-Indian Murders-Death of Mrs.

Freeman-Successful Deception-Severe Loss-Morgan's Rencontre-A Dream

-Shoots one of the Indians-A Desperate Struggle-Revolting Barbarity—

Affair at Martin's Fort-Death of a Young Lady-Murder of Mr. Schoolcraft's

Family-Captivity and Death of Mrs. Wallace-Murder of Captain Thomas'

Family-Singular Fatality-Wheeling Threatened—Indians Before the Fort-

Affair at Link's Block-House-Back Settlements Attacked-A Dangerous Man

-Depredations near Clarksburgh-Second Attack on Wheeling-Whisky-

Almost a Disaster-Enemy Demand a Surrender-Hero-Women-Wooden Can-

non-Prisoner-An Incident-Noble Conduct of a Female-Injustice of History

-Attack on Rice's Fort-Successful Defence-Dillie's Block-House-Fate of

the Piatt Family-Murder of the Tait Family-American Cannibalism-Death

of Hugh Cameron-Fort Henry-Historical Error Corrected-Losses by Fore-

man's Defeat-Statement of Mrs. Cruger-Defenders of Fort Henry......... 201

Miraculous Escape-Affair at Grave Creek-Captivity of Mrs. Cunningham-
Death of her Children-Captivity of John Wetzel-The Enemy Surprised-
Captive Released-Murder of Doolin-Attack on a Family-Captivity of Mrs.
Frances Scott-Escape of Mrs. Scott-Two Sisters Killed-Account by an Eye-

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Difficulties in the Way of the Historian-Pursued by the Savages-The Leap-
Death of the Hero-Question of Identity.....


Poe and Big-Foot-Character and Appearance-Thrilling Incident-Powerful
Antagonist-Fearful Struggle-Death of Big-Foot-A Bold Act. ....... 355







Up to the close of the fifteenth century the vast continent of America was wholly unknown to European nations. How painful is the reflection, that previous to the discovery by Columbus, this great Western World is destitute of history or chronology! That it was inhabited centuries ago, by a people far superior to the uncivilized Red Man, found here by the Europeans, the evidences are too strong to admit the shadow of a doubt. We trace them in their vast and mysterious monumental remains, stretching from the far North to the extreme South; from the Atlantic on the East to the Pacific on the West.

But who were they? Whence came and whither went that race? Contemporary history furnishes no aid, for they were isolated from all the world beside. Alas, they have faded from the earth without leaving a vestige of their history behind the remembrance of their deeds lives not even in tradition nor legendary song. One by one, they have, as a nation, risen, flourished and disappeared, beyond the remotest memory of man, with all their greatness, their glory

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