OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, TO THE NINETEENTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. DES MOINES: F. M. MILLS, STATE PRINTER. STATE OF IOWA, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, DES MOINES, December 31, 1881. To the General Assembly of the State of Iowa: I have the honor to transmit, herewith, the twentieth regular report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, for the period commencing September 16, 1879, and ending September 19, 1881; together with the reports of the State University and State Normal School. Very respectfully, C. W. VON COELLN, Superintendent of Public Instruction. CONTENTS. PAGE. GENERAL SUMMARY OF STATISTICS FOR 1879-80-81 TABULAR EXHIBIT OF IOWA SCHOOL SYSTEM FROM 1847 TO 1881.... 14 Advisory council appointed by State Teachers' Association... SCHOOL LAWS-CODIFICATION AND CHANGES |