Expense not classed Digging graves.. Notarial work. Music, dance....... Public entertainment. Photographing. Civil engineering. Quantity. Amonnt. Quantity. Amonnt. Qanntity. Amount. INVOICE OF BUILDING FURNITURE. Clothing, bedding, and miscellaneous supplies, belonging to Iowa Asylum for Feeble-Minded Children, September 30, 1881. 4 parlor stoves and pipe, at 25 dollars.. 4 stoves and pipe, at 18 dollars.... 15 stoves and pipe, at 12 dollars.. 6 stoves and pipe, at 5 dollars 3 stove guards, at 12 dollars 3 provision chests, at 4 dollars 4 pictures, at 1 dollar 1 blacking box.... 1 carpet sweeper.. 3 white slop bowls, 1 dollar and 50 cents.... 5 pieces statuary, at 1 dollar and 50 cents. 1 toilet set....... 193 yards carpet, at 1 dollar. 105 yards carpet, at 90 cents 50 yards carpet, at 20 cents.. 90 yards carpet, at 15 cents... 20 yards stair carpet, at 80 cents.... 100 yards matting, at 25 cents. 9 stand covers, at 1 dollar and 50 cents.. 111⁄2 sets ewers and bowls, at 1 dollar and 50 cents 2 towel racks, at 1 dollar... 3 clocks, at 6 dollars 7 wool rugs, at 1 dollar and 50 cents.... 5 pelt rugs, at 1 dollar and 75 cents. 2 large rugs, at 5 dollars 1 large rug. BEDDING. 83 straw ticks, at 2 dollars and 25 cents..... |