The following is a list of the persons employed by the Home, showing for what employed, and at what monthly salary: NAME. 1S. W. Pierce.. 2 Mrs. F. W. Pierce. 12 Mrs. E. C. Male.. *Superintendent of laundry will receive $15.00 in the future, as she has, till the end of January, been on trial at a salary of $12.00. Sixth. No means of fire escape is furnished in the institution, for the reason that none are needed; all the buildings excepting the dining hall and school building are but one-story. The Home is furnished with Babcock fire extinguishers and force pumps, and about six hundred feet of hose, which, in the opinion of your committee, is equal to the needs of the home at present. W. A. COTTON, On the part of the Senate. J. M. ROBB, T. E. JOHNS, On the part of the House. |