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To the Nineteenth General Assembly of the State of Iowa.

WE, the undersigned; having been duly appointed in compliance with a joint resolution, "That there be appointed committees to visit the several State institutions, each of said committees to report to the General Assembly, on or before the third day of February next, "respectfully report:

1. "Whether the appropriations made by the last General Assembly have been wisely and economically expended." After having inspected the improvements and repairs made and secured, and examined the bills and accounts rendered therefor, we are of opinion that said appropriations have been wisely and economically expended and that said improvements must greatly increase the efficiency and usefulness of the institution.

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2. Whether they have been expended for the objects appropriated." All the appropriations have been faithfully expended for the objects contemplated, except two hundred and six and fifty-hundredths dollars, transferred from the domestic economy appropriation, with the consent and approval of the Executive Council, to the fund for boarding cottages.

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3. 'Whether chapter sixty-seven, of the acts of the Seventeenth General Assembly has been complied with, in not contracting indebtedness in excess of appropriations." Said chapter of the acts of the Seventeenth General Assembly has been strictly conformed with.

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4. 'Whether there has been any diversion of any money from the specific purpose for which it was drawn from the State treasury." We are of opinion that every dollar of said money has been faithfully applied to the purposes for which it was understood to have been drawn.

5. "Said committee shall also report the names and number of persons employed by the institutions, for what purpose employed, and at what salary, also whether any of the employes receive, or have received anything in addition to the salary, in the way of board, rooms, lights, or clothing, or anything else at the expense of the State. For answer to this inquiry we append the following:

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