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To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Nineteenth General Assembly:

YOUR joint committee appointed to visit the State Normal School at Cedar Falls have performed that duty and beg leave to report as follows:

We were very cordially received by the Principal, J. C. Gilchrist, and the Steward, Colonel William Pattee, and by them shown over the building and grounds, and accorded free access to the books and accounts, and the departments of the institution.

We made as thorough an examination of both the educational and boarding departments as the time at our command would permit, and found all in gratifying condition.

Your committee find that while the funds have not been applied to the specific purpose for which they were appropriated, as will be seen in a subsequent part of this report, we are of the opinion that they have been wisely and economically expended.

Your committee would report that there was appropriated by the last General Assembly the sum of thirteen thousand seven hundred dollars for the payınent of teachers' salaries. That there was paid out for that purpose to June 30, 1881, the sum of fourteen thousand seven hundred and twenty-six dollars and eighty-four cents. That at the end of the biennial period, ending June 30, 1882, there will have been paid for teachers' salaries the sum of fifteen thousand seven hundred dollars, this amount being in excess of the appropriation to the extent of two thousand dollars. Of this additional amount the sum of fourteen hundred dollars is realized from Steward's account. The balance has been diverted from the amounts appropriated for contingent expenses, or repairs and improvements.

Your committee would therefore report that the appropriations made by the last General Assembly have not all been expended for the objects appropriated.


Your committee would commend the Trustees and Steward for their economical management of the finances of the institution, and find that no indebtedness had been contracted, and that the provisions of chapter sixty-seven, of the acts of the Seventeenth General Assembly have been complied with.

Your committee find that there has been the sum of about six hundred dollars diverted from the contingent fund, or the fund for repairs and improvements, to the payment of teachers' salaries.

We herewith append a list of the persons employed in said institution as teachers and at what salaries:

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S. C. Gilchrist boards in the institution and pays board for himself and family, but has rooms furnished free.

Miss S. Laura Ensign boards in the institution and pays board but has room free.

Miss Ida McLagan boards in the institution and pays board but has room free.

Miss Anna E. McGovern boards in the institution and pays board but has room free.

M. W. Bartlett, D. S. Wright and W. N. Hull board outside the institution, receiving their dinner when engaged in school room, for which no charge is made.

We give below the names of all other employes of the institution, kind of service performed, and wages per month:

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Nevada Harr, dining-room girl
Kate Harr, dining-room girl.
Mary Vance, dining-room girl...
Libbie Vance, care of halls...
Mary Shove, laundry.

Mary Peterson, laundry.

Julia Rasmunsen, laundry.

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10.00 and board

10.00 and board

10.00 and board

12.00 and board

12.00 and board

12.00 and board

12.00 and board

We find that none of the employes receive any perquisites on anything except the salaries (except as herein stated).

That these contained in the last above list are paid out of the Steward's fund received from the boarding department, incidental fee, and tuition charged students who do not sign the agreement to follow the profession of teaching when they leave the institution.

The number of students now in attendance is two hundred and twenty-four, the number enrolled during the current year, three hundred and forty. In the opinion of your committee the school has a very capable and careful board of directors and a most efficient faculty and that they have worked together with commendable zeal for the success of the School, and it has been their aim to secure for the State the largest possible results for the appropriations made and placed at their disposal.

The teachers are doing an excellent work-they are preparing teachers in the subject-matter, as well as in the best way of imparting knowledge to others. We must heartily commend the work done, and would recommend the increase of facilities as fast as the revenue of the State will permit.

Your committee have carefully considered the wants of the School for the next biennial period and would recommend that the following appropriations be made:


For teachers' salaries....

For repairs and improvements.
For library and apparatus.
For contingent expenses.





These amounts are less than the amounts estimated by the Board of Directors, and while we believe the full amount asked for by them would be judiciously expended, still we are of the opinion that the above amounts will be sufficient to enable the Board of Directors to carry forward the work without crippling the efficiency of the institution.

Your committee would also recommend an appropriation for the purpose of erecting additional buildings. The present facilities are not sufficient to accommodate more than from one hundred and fifty to two hundred students. We would recommend that parties be encouraged to erect buildings upon the grounds belonging to the institution, for the purpose of affording boarding and rooming accommodations for the teachers and students.

Your committee would also recommend, that any teacher having passed the regular examination in the course of study, and received a diploma, that said diploma shall give said teacher all the privileges and advantages of a first-class certificate.

Your committee would also call attention to the present law in regard to the obligations signed by the student upon entering the institution and the advisability of so amending the law as to dispose with the same, and require the payment of tuition. While it might result in a temporary diminution of the attendance, still we believe the attendance would be sufficiently large to fill all present accommodations, and the fund derived would largely assist in the payment of the expenses of the institution and the appropriations might be diminished.

Your committee would also report that in their opinion the present means of escape from fire are insufficient and would recommend that more ample fire escapes be provided without unnecessary delay. All of which is respectfully submitted.

Committee on part of Senate.



Committee on part of the House.·

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