REPORT OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE OF THE NINETEENTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA, APPOINTED TO VISIT THE STATE UNIVERSITY, LOCATED AT IOWA CITY. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. DES MOINES: F. M. MILLS, STATE PRINTER. REPORT. To the Members of the Nineteenth General Assembly, State of Iowa: GENTLEMEN-Your committee selected to visit the State University beg leave to report that immediately upon their appointment they went to Iowa City, and on the following morning were engaged in the discharge of their duties. We were cordially welcomed by the President and the faculty and every facility was cheerfully extended us in our examination. The management of the State University is in all respects correct and praiseworthy. We were forcibly impressed with the perfect adaptation of President Pickard to the position he occupies as also with the deep heartfelt interest evidenced, not only by him but also by all the associate members of the faculty, in the great work entrusted to them. We found that the appropriations made by the General Assembly of 1880 had been wisely and economically expended for the objects intended, and that no indebtedness in excess of appropriations had been contracted. Nor has there been any diversion of money from the specific purposes for which it was drawn from the State treasury so far as your committee could ascertain. Complete system pervades all departments and nothing whatever is purchased without written order bearing President Pickard's sig nature. All bills are examined and audited by the executive committee, upon whose order the Secretary issues his draft on the Treasurer, bearing the same number as voucher thus paid. We found Secretary Haddock's accounts well and plainly kept so that any one can easily learn the exact status of affairs at any time. Treasurer Coldren's accounts we found in perfect shape and most admirably kept so that at a glance one can tell the exact condition of the cash balance. |