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will forward the work to completion as soon as practicable. Also, the sum of $3,000 for contingent expenses and such repairs as cannot well be enumerated in a general appropriation.

In reply to interrogatories of the joint resolution under which your committee was appointed:

1. "Whether the appropriations made by the General Assembly have been wisely and economically expended," your committee believe such appropriations have been wisely and economically expended so far as they are able to judge.


"Whether they have been expended for the objects appropriated." The Eighteenth General Assembly appropriated $1,000 to be used in attempting to secure an artesian well; also $2,500 for an additional water supply. The appropriation, amounting to $3,500, was used in constructing an immense resorvoir, with a capacity of 15,000 barrels.

The artesian well project was abandoned after a careful investigation and with the knowledge and consent of the Executive Council, and we think the results entirely justify the use of the funds, and believe it to have been in the interest of economy. Except this slight diversion, we believe the appropriations have been expended for the objects appropriated.

3. "Whether chapter 67, of the acts of the Seventeenth General Assembly has been complied with in not contracting indebtedness in excess of appropriations." From the best information at our command we believe that chapter 67, of the acts of the Seventeenth General Assembly has been fully complied with.


4. Whether there has been any diversion of any money from the specific purpose for which it was drawn from the treasury." Your committee do not find that there has been any use made of funds except for the purpose for which it was drawn from the treasury.

5. Said committees shall also report the names and number of persons employed; also whether any of the employes receive, or have receved, anything in addition to the salary in the way of board, rooms, lights, fuel, washing, or clothing, or anything else, at the expense of the State. Your committee find 106 persons employed in the institution; names of persons, occupation and pay, as set forth in schedule "A," submitted herewith.

6. Said committees shall specially examine and report as to the means of fire escape in case of fire, and also as to the protection


against fire. Your committee find that in the by-laws of the institution fire regulations are explicitly laid down.

Each of the one hundred employes knows what his particular duty is when an alarm is given. Plain instructions are stated for the management of patients in such an emergency.

Besides the stairways in the main building, there are five others in the wings, thoroughly fire-proof, extending from the upper floors to outside doors near the ground. These are so arranged that patients can be taken out of doors from either end of each ward.

All departments and wards are supplied with water-pipes, fed from three large iron tanks under the roof of the building: 850 feet of one inch three-ply rubber hose, with one-quarter inch nozzles, also 400 feet of one and one-half inch cotton hose, with one-half inch nozzles, are distributed, in sections and connected with pipes, at convenient places in basement and on the first three floors of main center building, and in both wings.

There are 100 feet of two inch rubber three-ply hose, with a fiveeighths inch nozzle, for the barn.

Recently 500 feet of two and one-half inch four-ply, five-ply capped ends, carbolized, rubber hose, with three-quarter to one and one-half inch nozzles, was purchased to be kept in the engine-house and constantly connected with the large force-pump.

The Hospital is supplied with one extension and two twenty-five foot ladders. The engineer, firemen, and male attendants, understand where the hose is kept and how to use it.

Your Committee are of the opinion that this institution is well managed, that the officers are competent and trustworthy. All of which is respectfully submitted.

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52 Maggie O'Connor

Head ironer

53 Mary Wendling. 54 Mary Wengert. 55 Gertie Wengert.

Head ironer

Head ironer

Head ironer

56 Ella Stafford.. 57 Belle Alquist.. 58 Alice Pringle. 59 Dura Norton.. 60 Agnes Mc'Elraith. 61 Charles Munnings 62 V. W. Peck.. 63 S. C. Emmons. 64 C. R. Barnard... 65 R. N. Hart.. 66 Burdelle Camp 67 Henry Martin 68 Alger B. Swan. 69 Frank Cass. 70 J. D. Emmons 71 W. W. Tiester 72 F. E. Dunham 73 E. C. Gates.... 74 W. H. Updyke. 75 C. L. Pierce.... 76 E. D. Carr 77 Wm. Innes. 78 George Alberts.

79 T. I. Kimball.

80 0. H. Gilbert

81 R. J. Rouse.
82 George Miller.
83 Sarah Ellis
84 Clara Barnard
85 Alice O'Connor

Kitchen Seamstress..






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All have board, room and washing done at Hospital, except Charles Thomas, night watch, and L. M. Stevens, plumber.

The Superintendent and first assistant physician have each a wife in the institution.

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