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II. Standing

Orders, compliance with which is to be proved before the Examiners of Petitions for Private Bills.



[IN these Orders, unless the context otherwise requires

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the term "Tramway" means a Tramway laid along a street or road ; the term "Tramroad means a Tramway laid elsewhere than along a street or road: Provided that where a Bill relates partly to Tramroad and partly to Tramway as here defined, the provisions of these Orders shall apply to such Tramroad or Tramway however the same may be described in the Bill;

the term "Railway" includes "Tramroad" ;

the term "Lessee includes a person holding an agreement for a


the term "Occupier" applies only to ratepayers, and to other persons not being ratepayers, whose interest in the premises occupied is not less than that of a quarterly tenant;

the term "London," except where the City of London is expressly mentioned, means the administrative County of London;

the term "Mechanical Power," includes steam, electrical, and every other motive power not being animal power;

Other expressions defined in The Interpretation Act, 1889, have the same meanings in these Orders as if these Orders were an Act of Parliament passed after the commencement of that Act.]

COMPLIANCE With the following Standing Orders shall be proved before one of the Examiners; viz.-

1. Notices by Advertisement.

Standing Orders, compliance with which is to be

proved before Examiners.


3. In all cases where Application is intended to be made for leave to Particulars specified bring in a Bill relating to any of the subjects included in either of the Two in notice. Classes of Private Bills, Notice shall be given stating the objects of such intended application, and the time at which copies of the Bill will be deposited in the Private Bill Office; and if it be intended to apply for powers for the compulsory purchase of Lands or Houses, or compulsory user of the same, or for extending the time granted by any former Act for that purpose, or to amalgamate with any other Company, or to sell or lease the Undertaking, or to purchase or take on lease the Undertaking of any other Company, or to enter into working agreements or traffic arrangements, or to dissolve any Company, or to amend or repeal any former Act or Acts, or to levy any Tolls, Rates or Duties, or to alter any existing Tolls, Rates or Duties, or to confer, vary or extinguish any exemptions from payment of Tolls, Rates or Duties, or to confer, vary, or extinguish any other rights or privileges, or to impose on any lands or houses, or to render any lands or houses liable to the imposition of, any charge in respect of any improvement, the Notice shall specify such intention, and shall also specify the Company, person, or persons with, to, from, or by whom it is intended to be proposed that such amalgamation, sale, purchase, lease, working agreements, or traffic arrangements shall be made; and the whole of the Notice relating to the same Bill shall, except as provided by Standing Order 9, be included in the same Advertisement, which shall be headed by a short title, descriptive of the Undertaking or Bill, and shall be subscribed with the name and address of the person, Company, Corporation, or firm responsible for the publication of the Notice.

Class and certain

4. In cases of Bills included in the Second Class, and of Bills of the First Further particulars Class, in respect to which Plans are required to be deposited, such Notices in case of Second shall also contain a description of all the Termini, together with the Names First Class Bills. of the Parishes, Townlands and extra-parochial places from, in, through, or into which the Work is intended to be made, maintained, varied, extended or enlarged, or in which any land or houses intended to be taken are situate,


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Standing Orders, compliance

with which is to be proved before Examiners.

Particulars in

Notices for Burial
Ground, Gas
Works, &c. Bills.

Notices in case of
Tramway Bills.

Notices in case of
Canal, &c. Bills.

Notices in case of
Letters Patent

Additional Notice

in case of Letters Patent Bill.

Publication of

situate, and where any common or commonable land is intended to be taken or used compulsorily, such Notice shall contain the name of such common or commonable land (if any), and the name of any parish in which such land is situate, together with an estimate of the quantity of such common or commonable land proposed to be taken or used compulsorily, and shall state the time and place of deposit of the Plans, Sections, Books of Reference and Copies of the Gazette Notice respectively, with the Clerks of the Peace and Sheriff Clerks, and also with the officers respectively mentioned in Standing Order 29, as the case may be.

5. IN cases of Bills for constructing Gas Works, or Sewage Works, or Works for the Manufacture or Conversion of the Residual Products of Gas or Sewage, or for making or constructing a Sewage Farm, Cemetery, Burial Ground, Crematorium, Destructor, or Hospital for Infectious Disease, the Notices shall set forth and specify the Lands in or upon which such Gas Works, Sewage Works, Works for the Manufacture or Conversion of Residual Products, Farm, Cemetery, Burial Ground, Crematorium, Destructor, or Hospital, is intended to be made or constructed.

This Order shall apply in the case of every Bill in which compulsory powers are sought, of taking lands for the construction of a station for generating electricity.

6. In cases of Bills for laying down a Tramway, the Notice shall specify at what point or points, and on which side of the Street or Road it is proposed to lay such Tramway, so that for a distance of Thirty feet or upwards a less space than Nine feet Six inches, or if it is intended to run thereon carriages or trucks adapted for use upon Railways, a less space than Ten feet Six inches shall intervene between the outside of the footpath on the side of the street or road and the nearest rail of the Tramway; in the case of a Bill for constructing a Tramroad or Tramway, the Notice shall specify the gauge to be adopted and the motive power to be employed.

7. In all cases where it is proposed to divert into any existing or intended Cut, Canal, Reservoir, Aqueduct or Navigation, or into any intended variation, extension or enlargement thereof respectively, any Water from any existing Cut, Canal, Reservoir, Aqueduct or Navigation, whether the water is to be abstracted directly or indirectly from any such Cut, Canal, Reservoir, Aqueduct or Navigation, or from any feeder thereof, and whether under any agreement with the Proprietors thereof or otherwise, the Notices shall contain the name of every such last-mentioned Cut, Canal, Reservoir, Aqueduct or Navigation.

8. In cases of Bills relating to Letters Patent, each Notice shall have prefixed to it in Capital Letters the name by which the Invention is usually distinguished, and shall contain a distinct description of the Invention for which such Letters Patent have been obtained, and also an account of the Term of their Duration.

Sa. In addition to the ordinary Notices, Notice of the intention to apply to Parliament for a Bill relating to Letters Patent shall be published twice in the Official Journal of the Patent Office, before the introduction of the Bill in this House.

9. In the months of October and November, or either of them, immediately Notices in Gazettes preceding the Application for a Bill, the Notice shall be published once in the London, Edinburgh, or Dublin Gazette, as the case may be, and in the following Newspapers, namely:

and Newspapers.

(1.) In the case of a Bill relating specially to any particular city, borough, town, or urban district, the Notice shall be published once in each of two successive weeks, with an interval between such publications of not less than six clear days in some newspaper or newspapers published in such city, borough, town, or district, or if there be no



Newspaper published therein, then in some Newspaper or Newspapers Standing Orders, published in the county in which such city, borough, town, or district, with which is to be or any part thereof is situate;

(2.) In the case of a Bill authorising the construction of works or the taking or compulsory user of lands, or extending the time granted by a former Act for the construction of works or taking or compulsory user of lands, situate in one county only, or relating to an undertaking or to lands situate in one county only, or promoted by a Company or Companies, or other parties possessed of an undertaking situate in one county only, the notice shall be published once in each of two successive weeks, with an interval between such publications of not less than six clear days, in some Newspaper or Newspapers published in that county, or if there be no Newspaper published therein, then in some Newspaper or Newspapers published in some county adjoining or near thereto;

(3.) In the case of a Bill authorizing the construction of works or the taking or compulsory user of lands, or extending the time granted by a former Act for the construction of works or the taking or compulsory user of lands, in more than one county, or relating to an undertaking or to lands situate in more than one county, or promoted by a Company or Companies or other parties possessed of an undertaking situate in more than one county, the Notice shall be published once in each of two successive weeks, with an interval between such publications of not less than six clear days, in some Newspaper or Newspapers of the county in which the principal office of the Company or Companies or other parties who are the promoters of the Bill is situate, and in some Newspaper or Newspapers published in each county in which any new works are proposed to be constructed, or in which any lands are intended to be taken or compulsorily used or in which any works or lands are situate, in respect of which any new or further powers for the completion or taking or compulsory user thereof are intended to be applied for, or if there be no Newspaper published therein, then in some Newspaper or Newspapers published in some county adjoining or near thereto Provided always, That, if the Bill relates to lands or works situate in more than one county, it shall be sufficient (at the option of the promoters) to publish in each of such counties so much only of the Notice as relates specifically to the lands or works situate in that county, together with the short title of the Notice and an intimation that the Notice has been published in full or sent for publication in full in the Gazette;

(4.) No publication under this Order shall be made after the 27th day of November.

10. In the months of October and November, or one of them, immediately preceding the Application for any Bill for laying down a Tramway, or constructing an underground Railway, when such Bill contains powers authorising any alteration or disturbance of the surface of any Street or Road, Notice thereof shall be posted for Fourteen consecutive Days in every such Street or Road in such manner as the authority having the control of such Street or Road shall direct, and if after such Application to such authority no such direction shall be given, then in some conspicuous position in every such Street or Road, and such Notice shall also state the place or places at which the Plans of such Tramway or Railway will be deposited.

2. Notices and Applications to Owners, Lessees, and Occupiers of Lands

and Houses.

proved before Examiners.

Posting of Notices in case of Tramway Railway Bill.

or Underground

or before 15th

11. ON or before the Fifteenth day of December immediately preceding the Application to Application for a Bill for power to take any Lands or Houses compulsorily Owners, &c. on or for compulsory user of the same, or for an extension of the time granted December. by any former Act for that purpose, or to impose an improvement charge on any Lands or Houses, or to render any Lands or Houses liable to the imposition

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