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N.B.-THE Figures at the beginning of the line, correspond with the N° at the foot of each Paper; and the Figures at the end of the line, refer to the Paging of the Volumes arranged for The House of Commons.


Adjournment Motion under Standing Order No. 10:

322. Return of Motions for Adjournment under Standing Order No. 10, showing the date of such Motion, the Name of the Member proposing, the definite Matter of Urgent Public Importance, and the Result of any Division taken thereon during Session 1907 (in contiuuation of No. 382, of 1906).




p. 1

Business of the House (Days occupied by Government and by Private Members):

Return showing, with reference to Session 1907:--(1) the Number of Sittings at which Government Business had Precedence under the Standing Orders during the entire Session; (2) the Number of Sittings on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at which Precedence was given to Government Business up till 8.15 p.m. and to Private Members at 8.15 p.m., and the Number of Sittings on Fridays at which Private Members had Precedence under the Standing Orders; (3) the Number of Sittings at which Government Business was given Precedence under a Special Order of the House during the entire Sitting; (4) the Number of Saturday Sittings; (5) the Total Number of Sittings at which Government Business had Precedence; (6) the Total Number of Days on which the House Sat; and (7) the Number of Days on which Business of Supply was considered (in continuation of No. 384, of 1906). 5

Closure of Debate (Standing Order No. 26): Return respecting application of Standing Order No. 26 (Closure of Debate) during the Session 1907.

Private Bills and Private Business:


Return of the Number of Private Bills, Hybrid Bills, and Bills for confirming Provisional Orders introduced into the House of Commons and brought from the House of Lords, and of Acts passed in Session 1907; of all the Private Bills, Hybrid VOL. LXVI.-1907.

A 2

Bills, and Bills for confirming Provisional Orders which in Session 1906 have been reported on by Committees on Opposed Private Bills or by Committees nominated partly by the House and partly by the Committee of Selection; of all Private Bills and Bills for confirming Provisional Orders which in Session 1907 have been referred by the Committee of Selection or by the General Committee on Railway and Canal Bills to the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, with the Names of the Members who served on each Committee; the Number of Days on which each Committee sat; and the Number of Days on which each Member attended; and of the Number of Private Bills, Hybrid Bills, and Bills for confirming Provisional Orders withdrawn (in continuation of No. 0.224 of 1906).

P. 47

Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act, 1899: 46. Report by the Chairman of Committees of the House of Lords and the Chairman of Ways and Means in the House of Commons under Section 2 of the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act, 1899.

69 211. Report by the Chairman of Committees of the House of Lords and the Chairman of Ways and Means in the House of Commons. 71

355. Additional and Amending General Orders for the Regulation of Proceedings under and in pursuance of the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act, 1899. 73 346. Return of all the Draft Provisional Orders under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act, 1899, which in the Session of 1907 have been reported on by Commissioners; with the Names of the Commissioners; the First and also the Last Day of the Sittings in each Group; the Number of Days on which each Body of Commissioners sat; the Number of Days on which each Commissioner has served; the Number of Days occupied by each Draft Provisional Order before the Commissioners; the Draft Provisional Orders, the Preambles of which were reported to have been proved; and the Draft Provisional Orders, the Preambles of which were reported to have been not proved. 79

Public Bills:

0.150. Return of the Number of Public Bills, distinguishing Government from other Bills, introduced into this House or brought from the House of Lords during Session 1907; showing the Number which received the Royal Assent; the Number which were Passed by this House, but not by the House of Lords; the Number Passed by the House of Lords, but not by this House; and distinguishing the Stages at which such Bills as did not receive the Royal Assent were Dropped or Postponed and Rejected in either House of Parliament (in continuation of No. 0.209 of 1906).

Public Bills, &c. (Allocation of Time):


300, Return giving the Number of Occasions since 1887 on which Closure by Compartments has been carried, the Names of the Bills to which it has been applied, the Number of Days devoted to each on the Committee Stage before Closure by Compartments was put into Operation, the Total Number of Days (if any) devoted to each in Committee of the Whole House, and the Number of Days allocated to each on the Report Stage.


Public Bills (Allocation of Time):

358. Return showing, with reference to each of the following Bills, viz., Education (England and Wales) Bill (1906), Plural Voting Bill (1906), Evicted Tenants Bill (1907), Territorial and Reserve Forces Bill (1997), the. Number of Clauses disposed of without Discussion (a) in Committee, and (b) on Report, under the Order of the House for Allocation of Time on the Bill.

Public Petitions :

p. 99

0.152. Return of the Number of Public Petitions presented and printed in Session 1907; with the Total Number of Signatures in that Year (in continuation of No. 0.227 of 1906).

Select Committees:


0.149. Return of the Number of Select Committees appointed in Session 1907 (including the Standing Committees of Law and Trade) and the Court of Referees; the Subjects of Inquiry; the Names of the Members appointed to serve on each, and of the Chairman of each; the Number of Days each Committee met, and the Number of Days each Member attended; the Total Expense of the Attendance of Witnesses at each Select Committee, and the Name of the Member who moved for such Select Committee; also the Total Number of Members who served on Select Committees (in continuation of No. 0.226 of 1906).

Sittings of the House:


0.151. Return of the Number of Days on which the House sat in Session 1907, stating, for each Day, the Date of the Month, and Day of the Week, the Hour of the Meeting, and the Hour of Adjournment; and the Total Number of Hours occupied in the Sittings of the House, and the Average Time; and showing the Number of Hours on which the House sat each Day, and the Number of Hours after 11 o'clock p.m.; and the Number of Entries in each Day's Votes and Proceedings (in continuation of No. 0.228 of 1906).

Standing Committees:


0.148. Return, for the Session of 1907, of (1) the Total Number and the Names of all Members (including and distinguishing Chairmen) who have been appointed to serve on one or more of the four Standing Committees appointed under Standing Order No. 47, showing, with regard to each of such Members, the Number of Sittings at which he was present and the Number of Divisions in which he took part; and (2) the Number of Bills considered by all and by each of the Standing Committees, the Number of Days on which each Committee sat, and the Names of all Bills considered by a Standing Committee, distinguishing where a Bill was a Government Bill or was brought from the House of Lords, and showing, in the case of each Bill, the particular Standing Committee by whom it was considered, the Number of Days on which it was considered by the Committee, and the Number of Members present on each of those Days. 127.

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