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"The Mechanic," "Scientific Opinion," and "The British and Foreign Mechanic."

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A 1 CLOCK, the, 40

Aberration (of intellect), 9

Abolition of steamer funnels, 368

Absorbent quality of printing paper, 104

Abyssinian gold, 133

Acarus Crossii, 571

Accessories of the lathe, 72

Acetic acid, testing, 183, 208, 234, 284
Acid acetic, testing, 183, 208, 234, 281;
bulb thermometer, 35; stearic and
palmitic, 608; sulphuric, 18, 43, 545;
tartaric, testing, 547

Acoustic illustrations of the method by
which stellar motions are determined
by spectroscope, 458

Acoustics, 623

Action of gravity, 616; of oil on waves,

Actions: pianoforte, 149; practical in-
structions for making piano, 173
Activity, solar: 7; influence of the planets
upon, 33

Address of the president of the British
Association, 584

Adjustable spanners and wrenches, 243
Adjusting balances and mainsprings,
209, 641

Adjustment of an equatorial, 116, 129, 154,

Adulteration: detection of in food, 525 ;
of aniline colours, 126; of food, 347; of
wax, 144

Adyanced chemists, to, 340, 388

Æolian harp improved, 540; tuning, 598
Aerated bread-making machine, 625;
drinks, 21, machine for making, 380,
546, 622, 670; ginger beer, 571; waters,
261, 309

Aëronautics, 191

Aerostatics, 569

Age of trees, 598, 646

[blocks in formation]

Aims and instruments of scientific
thought, 634

Air and rain, 239, 318; and warmth,
105, 130; coal-cutting by compressed,
531; compressed, 649; as a motive
power, 28, 384; compressing, 548, 596,
622, 646, 670; pressure, resistance of
steel plates to, 645

Air-bladder in fishes, 13, 73
Air-chambers, bursting of, 126, 154
Air-guns, modern catapult and, 434
Air-pumps, 78

Air-vessel for pump, 518; on suction

Albumen paper, preventing blisters in, 144
Alcohol: 530, 624; question, 109, 171, 198,
225, 256, 276

Alcor, 434

Alé: effect of temperature upon, 235, 284;.
sour, 547

Alexandra palace organ, 43

Algebra, 130, 180, 232, 365, 391
Algol, 638

Allen's patent governor, 372

Alliance, piano, 40, 333

Allingham's propeller, 39, 62, 92, 148, 173
Alloys, atomic proportioned, 590, 669
Almanac, the Nautical, 9, 116

Aloes, Socotrine, 339

Alphabets, origin of, 638

Alt-azimuth: an improved, 249 stand

for refractors, 614

Alum, test for in bread, 454

Aluminium coinage, 482
Amalgamated zinc, 21, 38


Amateur organ building, 302, 354, 409;
science, government and, 253, 334, 437;
'turners' society, 97, 150
Amateurs motive power for, 105, 129,
154, 206, 258, 283, 336
Amber: 113; bending, 156
American and Scotch inventions, 119;
chucks; 495; drill chuck, 516; lathe
chuck, 284; paper car-wheels, 222;
science, 276

Ammonia: domestic uses of, 140; test,
Nessler's, 48, 78, 101

Ammoniac chloride, 46, 76
Ammoniacal liquor, 673

Analyses from Geo. E. Davis, 305

Analysis: 339; food, 467; of ores, 18;

qualitative, 207; spectrum, 171; sugar,
18; water, 181

Aneroid barometer, pocket, 44, 101;
bell, 425

Angle of reflection and incidence, 17, 100,
152, 204, 231, 283, 307, 360, 440
Aniline: black, 417, 545; colours, adul-
teration of, 126; violet, a new, 299
Animal life, influence of light on, 605,

Animals and plants, 356

Annealing steel, 146, 181, 308, 547
Animals, 48, 101

Antares, or a Scorpionis, 485
Ant-hill earth, 544

Anthracene, 430

Anti-mildew grain protector, 273

Antipodes, time at, 208, 233, 259, 284, 308,
337, 361':

Antiquity of man, 514

Ants: 201, 310, 496, 621; are they pirates?
72, 121, 147, 357; in the Isle of May,

Aphides, destroying, 133
Apparatus: blowing, 519, 570; for deter-
mining specific gravity, 220; novel,
325; self-acting blowing, 124
Apparent local time, 38
Aquarium: 491, 516, 546, 572; fresh-

water, 156, 206; gravel for, 625; marine,
589, 644; water for, 673; zinc for, 362
Aquila: 263; P XVIII., 536; stars in,

Arches, brick-vaulted, 468
Architecture, naval, 23
Arcs, semi-diurnal, 9

Area of boat, 156; of chimney, 260; of
segment of circular ring, 22, 76, 128,

Argento pictures, 58

Argostoli, phenomena of, 410, 436
Arithmetical, 61, 130

Arrangement and preservation of insects,

Arsenic in wall-papers, 236, 261, 309;
test for, 442

Art: disappearance of, 469, 518, 545;
schools of in potteries, 445
Artesian well in Boston, U.S., 61
Article in Nature, on an, 144
Artificial: butter, 180; gum, 209; legs,
71, 75; manures, 209, 381, 438, 465,
512; oils, 443, 468; so-called organic
concretions, 503; stone, 334
Artillery, works on, 625
Ascension, right, 490

Ash timber, 286

Assay, wet and dry copper, 99
Assayer's duties, 234, 259, 309
Asthma: hay, 571, 622, 646, 670; on the
treatment of, 55

Astronomical: 61, 102, 154; catastrophe,
196; notes, 27, 136, 265, 370, 475, 605;
refraction, 637
Astronomy: and the ENGLISH MECHANIC
in New Zealand, 11; Mr. Proctor's
Essays on, 291; natural observatories
for the study of the physics of, 317
Atmosphere: carbonic acid and the, 286,
338; compressibility of the, 151, 204,
358; lunar, 662; our coal-stores and
the, 334, 385, 411, 437
Atmospheric burner, 567; dust, 5, 66,
92, 124, 147; elastic force, 279, 326;
geology, 530; pressures, 648, 571; waves,
the Meteorological Office and, 37
Atomic: proportioned alloys, 590, 669;
theory, 300

Atomicities: 11, 68, 230, 280; valencies
and, 10, 41, 99, 122, 123, 200
Auburn hair, 625

Augers, improved, 481
August meteors, 542, 614, 640, 662

Aurora: 147, 331, 383, 537; borealis, 11,

Aurora boreales and gales, 644
Australia, trip to, 364

Australian meat: 38, 62, 126; preserving

Austria, metric system in, 179
Automatic gaslighting, 325, 556
Automaton chess-player, 546

Axes of the planets, 379, 406, 460, 482, 594
Axis: moon's, 9, 40; of Venus, 430, 460

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Bacon curing, 21, 75

musical instruments, 324, 384, 568;
wrought iron, 518

Bad: sleeper, 338, 387; water, 599

Bait, salmon spawn as, 79, 104, 129

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Baker's ovens, 180
Baliste, washing, 364

Balance-wheel, fixing on verge, 285
Balloon: dimensions of, 313; fire, 154
Balsamed object-glass, 353, 383, 411
Bands: driving, 365; worn waterproof,


Banjoists, to, 257

Barges, iron, 111

Barlow lens, 223

Barm, yeast or, 625

Barometer: pocket aneroid, 44, 101; tube,
vacuum in, 157
Barometers at sea, 385

Barrel organ, pocket, 105
Barrister, 156

Barron steel process, 454
Barrow-in-Furness, 310
Basket-making, 129
Bass, thorough, 183
Bass's beer, 131
Bat-making, 621

Bath: removing organic matter from,144 ;
silver, 21, 105, 130; swimming, making,
21, 45

Batteries: 593; secondary, 189
Bat-making, 595

Battery: 46, 340; coil, 391; continuous,
360; defective, 182, 206; diminished
action of, 417, 467; Himmer's galvanic,
113, 275; manganese, 496; powerful
galvanic, 490

Battle of the gauges continued, 654
Bearing rein, 384, 430, 462, 484, 514
Bearings, glass axle, 638
Beating gold, 262
Bedding-out, 292
Beds, spring, 106, 130

Bee cabinet, Myborg, 354, 433
Beech, varnishing, 107
Beefsteak, vegetable, 425
Beef-tea, worthlessness of, 191
Beehive: 19, 105, 154, 519, 643; improved,
251, 305, 510, 567; wooden, 156
Bee-keeping, 14, 17, 158, 547, 597, 672
Beer: and spirits, testing, 570; Bass's,
131; ginger, 648; spruce, 78; treacle,


Bees: 339, 363, 492, 546, 571, 596, 643, 646,
648; and beekeeping, 14, 27, 66; chloro-
forming, to remove honey, 281, 284;
English black v. Ligurian, 666; how to
get a swarm of, 496; Ligurian, 232, 511;
management of, 32, 158, 182, 224, 335,
470, 494, 590, 642; stings of, &c., 79, 103,
129, 154, 180, 206, 231, 360
Beetles, killing, 79, 102, 129, 180
Bell: aneroid, 425; electric, 48, 182, 207,
-361, 466, 569; electric, anticipated, 253,
280; pianette, 182, 226, 275, 333, 483
Bellows organ, 338, 413; water, 410
Bell's patent feed-water heater, 55
Belts, fixing on tires, 102

Bench, carpenter's tool-chest and, 311
Bending: amber, 156; laths, 519; tires,
44, 101

Berlin black, 79, 102
Bible, bug, 153

Bicycle, brake for, 596

Bicycles: simple way of fitting handles
to, 177; speed of, 73

Billiard cloths, grease in, 36S
Billiards, 331

Binary stars, 143
Birch, 45

Birds: economy of small, 203, 252; eggs,
cabinet for, 517; eggs, preserving, 428;
flight of, 121; stuffing, 152
Birmingham, science in, 613
Bisulphide of carbon: engine, 140; fra-
grant, 656

Bitumen as a photographic material, 299
Black aniline, 417, 545; Berlin, 79, 102 ;
Brunswick, 130, 155; cloth coats, reviv-
ing, 156, 232; dye for leather, 599, 624,
670; lacquer, 387; varnish, flexible, 572,
596; varnish for miscroscope objects,

Blackbeetles, London, 209, 235, 260
Blackberry and strawberry, 307, 360, 386,

Blackening transparencies, 18
Blacking gun-barrels, 179
Blacklead, manufacture of, 569

Bleaching: agent, sulphur as a, 281; oil,
168; tanned goods, 621
Bleaching-powder: 18; testing, 235, 261,
285, 309, 361

Blind, deaf and: 23, 47; writing-machine
for, 164
Blindness, colour, 179

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Blind-roller, self-acting, 295

Blinds, Venetian, 340, 388
Blinkers, removable, 538, 591
Blistering, preventing albumen paper
from, 144

Blood: action of quinine on white cor-
puscles of, 8; circulation of, 18, 74, 127,

: 179, 205; white corpuscles of, 8

Bloom of scarlet runners, fixing the, 599,

Blowing: apparatus, 519, 570; novel, 325;
small birds' eggs, 490

Blowpipe, improved, 247

Blue: billy, 131; cochineal, 674
Bluecoat school, 625

Boat, area of, 156

Boat-building, 415, 494, 518, 543, 623

Boats: anti-nauseating, 433; caulking,
209; new sliding seat for racing, 372
Bodies, embalming by injection, 497
Boiled oil, 468, 492

Boiler 180; charcoal furnace for model,
442; construction and management,
13, 68; duration of, 236; electricity
from steam, 23; explosions, spheroidal
state of water and, 632; for small
engine, 19; for small steamboat, 258,
308, 361, 386, 645; high-pressure firebox,
417, 467, 517; hot-house, 364, 388, 467;
incrustation, 645; tannate of soda in,
439; power of, 310; preventing incrus-
tation of, 493; query, 414; small steam,
414; soda-ash in, 20, 232; strength of,


Boilers: 44, 148; incrustation of steam,
481, 546; pressure in steam, 91; protec-
tion for steam, 596; recent improve-
ments in English and American,
113, 138; removing scale in, 346
Boiling: by steam, 157, 181; under pres-
sure, 545

Bone-cave in Yorkshire, 324

Bones: as manure, 306; dissolving, 491
Book, using a, without hands, 19, 44, 62,
74, 127, 224. 253; 280
Bookbinder's press, 623, 646
Book-keeping, 625, 647

Books: curving edges of, 571; lettering
backs of, 102; marbling edges of, by
transfer, 416; on Ceylon, 23, 46
Bootmaking, 105, 129, 234, 309, 335, 385,
571, 623, 672

Boots, machine for cleaning, 520, 547
Boring: and cutting indiarubber, 676;
and mortising machine, 216; for water-
jet, 672

Botanical names, 408, 443

Botany of Cornwall, 285, 309; treasury
of, 156

Bottle, pressure on cork of, 183

Bottle-caps, siphon, 231

Bottone, batch from Mr., 145, 305

Boundary line, drawing, 47, 77, 101

Bow: 105, 130, 155; golail or Indian
pellet, 255, 386, 434

Box: levels, circular brass, 78; musical,

Boxes, plant, 625, 647

Braces, gauge for bit, 325

Bracing and bellying pianofortes, 325, 358
Brake for bicycle, 596, 623
Brandy from sawdust, 439
Brass blackening, 288, 312; blocks,
stereotyping, 625, 647; casting solid,
102, 129, 180, 231; moulding, 645; punch-
ing holes in. sheet, 650; screws, 416,
467; separating iron from, 127; springs,
288, 312; wire, restoring, 389
Brasswork: burnishers for, 313, 339;
lacquering, 43, 547

Brazil, industrial classes in, 88
Brazing: ferrules of fishing-rods, 101
fine saws, 469

Bread fermenting with starch, 621 ;
Nevill's, 646; test for alum in, 454
Breadth of stair-steps, 417
Breaking strain of hollow iron columns,
78, 102

Breath, shortness of, 23

Breech-loaders, 649

Breeding, rabbit, 17

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