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behaviour, to her as well as to me. I really don't know how to help it, sir."

"Let me beg you to reconsider that," Mr Carleton said, with a smile which disarmed offence-" for, if you will not help it, I must."

Charlton looked in doubt for a moment, and then asked how he would help it.

“In that case, I shall think it my duty to have you bound over to keep the peace."

He spoke gravely now, and with that quiet tone which always carries conviction. Charlton stared unmistakably, and in silence.

"You are not in earnest ?" he then said.

"I trust you will permit me to leave you for ever in doubt on that point," said Mr Carleton, with again a slight giving way of the muscles of his face.

"I cannot indeed," said Rossitur. "Do you mean what you said just now?"


"But, Mr Carleton," said Rossitur, flushing, and not knowing exactly how to take him up-" is this the manner of one gentleman towards another?"

He had not chosen right, for he received no answer but an absolute quietness which needed no interpretation. Charlton was vexed and confused, but somehow it did not come into his head to pick a quarrel with his host, in spite of his irritation. That was perhaps because he felt it to be impossible.

"I beg your pardon," he said, most unconsciously verifying Fleda's words in his own person-" but, Mr Carleton, do me the favour to say that I have misunderstood your words. They are incomprehensible to me, sir."

"I must abide by them, nevertheless, Captain Rossitur," Mr Carleton answered, with a smile. "I will not permit this thing to be done, while, as I believe, I have the power to prevent it. You see," he said, smiling again, “I put in practice my own theory."

Charlton looked exceedingly disturbed, and maintained a vexed and irresolute silence for several minutes, realising the extreme disagreeableness of having more than his match to deal with.

"Come, Captain Rossitur," said the other, turning suddenly

round upon him

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say that you forgive me what you know was meant in no disrespect to you."

"I certainly should not," said Rossitur, yielding, however, with a half laugh, "if it were not for the truth of the proverb, that it takes two to make a quarrel."

"Give me your hand upon that. And now that the question of honour is taken out of your hands, grant, not to me, but to those for whom I ask it, your promise to forgive this man."

Charlton hesitated, but it was difficult to resist the request, backed as it was; and he saw no other way so expedient of getting out of his dilemma.

"I ought to be angry with somebody," he said, half laughing and a little ashamed;"if you will point out any substitute for Thorn, I will let him go-since I cannot help myself with pleasure."

"Give me

"I will bear it," said Mr Carleton, lightly. your promise for Thorn, and hold me your debtor in what amount you please."


Very well-I forgive him," said Rossitur;-" and now, Mr Carleton, I shall have a reckoning with you some day for this."

"I will meet it. come down to you please."

When you are next in England, you shall -shire, and I will give you any satisfaction

They parted in high good-humour; but Charlton looked grave as he went down the staircase; and, very oddly, all the way down to Whitehall, his head was running upon the various excellencies and perfections of his cousin Fleda.



"There is a fortune coming

Towards you, dainty, that will take thee thus,

And set thee aloft."


THAT day was spent by Fleda in the never-failing headache which was sure to visit her after any extraordinary nervous agitation, or too great mental or bodily trial. It was severe this time, not only from the anxiety of the preceding night, but from the uncertainty that weighed upon her all day long. The person who could have removed the uncertainty came, indeed, to the house, but she was too ill to see anybody.

The extremity of pain wore itself off with the day, and at evening she was able to leave her room and come down stairs. But she was ill yet, and could do nothing but sit in the corner of the sofa, with her hair unbound, and Florence gently bathing her head with cologne. Anxiety as well as pain had, in some measure, given place to exhaustion, and she looked a white embodiment of endurance, which gave a shock to her friend's sympathy. Visitors were denied, and Constance and Edith devoted their eyes and tongues at least to her service, if they could do no more.

It happened that Joe Manton was out of the way, holding an important conference with a brother usher next door-a conference that he had no notion would be so important when he began it, when a ring on his own premises summoned one of the maid-servants to the door. She knew nothing about "not at home," and unceremoniously desired the gentleman to "walk up""the ladies were in the drawing-room."

The door had been set wide open for the heat, and Fleda was close in the corner behind it, gratefully permitting Florence's efforts with the cologne, which yet she knew could avail nothing but the kind feelings of the operator; for herself-patiently

waiting her enemy's time. Constance was sitting on the floor looking at her.

"I can't conceive how you can bear so much," she said at length.

Fleda thought how little she knew what was borne !


Why, you could bear it, I suppose, if you had to,” said Edith, philosophically.

"She knows she looks most beautiful," said Florence, softly passing her cologned hands down over the smooth hair" she knows

'Il faut souffrir pour être belle.""

"La migraine ne se guérit avec les douceurs," said Mr Carleton, entering "try something sharp, Miss Evelyn."

"Where are we to get it?" said Constance, springing up, and adding, in a most lack-a-daisical aside to her mother“Mamma! — the fowling-piece! - Our last vinegar hardly comes under the appellation; and you don't expect to find anything volatile in this house, Mr Carleton ?"

He smiled,

"Have you none for grave occasions, Miss Constance?"

"I won't retort the question about something sharp,"" said Constance, arching her eyebrows, "because it is against my principles to make people uncomfortable; but you have certainly brought in some medicine with you-for Miss Ringgan's cheeks, a little while ago, were as pure as her mind—from a tinge of any sort—and now, you see”

"My dear Constance," said her mother, "Miss Ringgan's cheeks will stand a much better chance if you come away and leave her in peace. How can she get well with such a chatter

in her ears?"

"Mr Carleton and I, mamma, are conferring upon measures of relief- and Miss Ringgan gives token of improvement already."

"For which I am very little to be thanked," said Mr Carleton. "But I am not a bringer of bad news, that she should look pale at the sight of me."

"Are you a bringer of any news?" said Constance, "Oh, do let us have them, Mr Carleton!-I am dying for news-I haven't heard a bit to-day."

"What is the news, Mr Carleton ?" said her mother's voice, from the more distant region of the fire.

"I believe there are no general news, Mrs Evelyn." "Are there any particular news?" said Constance. particular news infinitely the best."

"I like

"I am sorry, Miss Constance, I have none for you. But, will this headache yield to nothing?"

"Fleda prophesied that it would to time," said Florence; "she would not let us try much beside."

"And I must confess there has been no volatile agency employed at all," said Constance; "I never knew time have less of it, and Fleda seemed to prefer him for her physician."

"He hasn't been a good one to-day," said Edith, nestling affectionately to her side. "Isn't it better, Fleda?" for she had covered her eyes with her hand.

"Not just now," said Fleda, softly.

"It is fair to change physicians if the first fails," said Mr Carleton. "I have had a slight experience in headache-curing; if you will permit me, Miss Constance, I will supersede time and try a different prescription."

He went out to seek it, and Fleda leaned her head in her hand, and tried to quiet the throbbing heart, every pulsation of which was felt so keenly at the seat of pain. She knew, from Mr Carleton's voice and manner-she thought she knew— that he had exceeding good tidings for her; once assured of that, she would soon be better; but she was worse now.

"Where is Mr Carleton gone?" said Mrs Evelyn.

"I haven't the least idea, mamma-he has ventured upon an extraordinary undertaking, and has gone off to qualify himself, I suppose. I can't conceive why he didn't ask Miss Ringgan's permission to change her physician instead of mine."

"I suppose he knew there was no doubt about that,” said Edith, hitting the precise answer of Fleda's thoughts.

"And what should make him think there was any doubt about mine?" said Constance, tartly.

"Oh, you know," said her sister, "you are so odd, nobody can tell what you will take a fancy to.'

"You are extremely liberal in your expressions, at least, Miss Evelyn-I must say," said Constance, with a glance of no doubtful meaning. "Joe, did you let Mr Carleton in ?" 'No, ma'am."


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Well, let him in next time, and don't let in anybody else." Whereafter the party relapsed into silent expectation.

It was not many minutes before Mr Carleton returned.

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