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Non-regents, gradually admitted to
share in university legislation, 142;
the term explained, 361
Norfolk, county of, many of the Cam-

bridge Reformers natives of, 563
Normans, influence of the, in Eng-

land prior to the Conquest, 67
Northampton, migrations to, from
Oxford and Cambridge, 135
Norwold, Hugh, bp. of Ely, his services
to the Hospital of St. John the
Evangelist, 223

Notation, Arabic system of, intro-
duced by Gerbert, 43

Nora Ars, the, its introduction greatly
increased the attention given to
logic, 313

Novum Instrumentum of Erasmus,

508; why so called, ib. n. 2; de-
fects and errors in, 510; its great
merit, 511; its patrons, ib.; dedi.
cated to Leo 1, 512; sarcastic allu
sions in, ib.; name changed to
Novum Testamentum, 523


Oath, administered to regents of Ox-
ford, and Cambridge, not to teach
in any other English university,
135, n. 1; of submission, taken by
chancellors of the university, to
the bishops of Ely, 287, n. 2; im-
posed on masters and fellows of
colleges, 454, 455

Obbarius, his opinion of the religion

of Boethius quoted, 29, n. 2
Oblati, the term explained, 19, note 2
Occam, William of, his De Potestate
opposed to the papal claims found.
ed on the canon law, 36, 187;
the demagogue of scholasticism,'
ib.: extends the scholastic en-
quiries to the province of nomi-
nalism, ib.; his chief service to
Fhilosophy, 189; disclaims the ap
plication of logic to theolegical
difficulties, 191; falls under the
papal censure, 195; his escape
from Avignon, ib.; styled by pope
John xx the Doctor Invincibilis,
196; compared with Bradwardine,
203, n. 1; his attack on the politi-
cal power of the pope struck at the
study of the canon law, 259; his
De Potestate, 260

Odo, bishop of Bayeux, regarded none
but Benedictines as true monks,

Odo, abbat of Clugni, hostile to

pagan learning, 18; pupil of Remy
of Auxerre, 69; sustains the tra
dition of Alcuin's teaching, ib.;
acquires a reputatior. as having
read throuch Priscian, 104, n. 1
Olleris, M., his edition of the works
of Gerbert, 42; his view respecting
intercourse of Gerbert with the
Saracens, 43, n. 2

Ordinarie, fellows of Gonville Hall
required to lecture, for one year,
217; lecturing, meaning of the
phrase, Append. (E)

'Ordinary' lectures, meaning of the
phrase, 358 and Apperd. (E)
Oresme, Nicolas, master of the col-
lege of Navarre, 128; his remark-
able attainments, ib. n. 1
Origen, highly esteemed by Erasm18,

501; studied by some of the Cam-
bridge Reformers, 598, n. 4
Orleans, migration to, from Paris in
1228, 107

Orosius, a text-book during the

Middle Ages, 21; his 'Histories'
characterised by Ozanam, 22; pre-
pared at the request of Augustine,
ib.; description of the work, 23
Ottringham, master of Michaeilouse,

borrows a treatise by Petrarch, 433
Ouse, the river, its ancient and pre-
sent points of unction with the
Cam, 329, 330; its course as de-
scribed by Spenser, 330

Oxford, controversies in the schools
of, described by John of Salisbury,
56; university of, probable origin
of, 80; town of, burnt to the
ground in 1009, 82; early statutes
of, probably borrowed from those
of Paris, 3; teachers from Paris
at, ib.; students from Faris at, 107;
intercourse of, with university of
Paris, 131; monastic foundations
at, in the time of Walter de Mer-
ton, 165; intellectual activity of,
at the commencement of the 14th
century, 171; in the 14th century
compared with Paris, 196; takes
the lead in thought, in the 14th
century, 213; her claim to have
given the earliest teachers to Paris,
ib. n. 1; resistance offered by, to
architp. Arundel, 259, n. 2, a
stronghold of Wyelitism, 271;
schools of, deserted in the year
1438, 297 and n. 2; want of schools
for exercises at, 299; divinity
schools at, first opened, 300; friends
of ErasiLus at, 476; Erasinus's

account of, 490; state of feeling
at, with reference to the new learn-
ing, 523; changes at, 524; Greek
at, ib.; unfavorably contrasted by
More with Cambridge, 526; el air
of Greek founded at, ib.; outstrip-
ped, according to Croke, by Cam-
bridge, 534; eminent men of
learning who favored, ib.; styled
by Croke, colonia a Cantabrigia
deducta, 539; resigns its statutes
into Wolsey's hands, 549; contri-
butions of colleges of, to the royal
loan, 551, n. 1; Luther's writings
burnt at, 571; spread of the re-
formed doctrines at, by means of
the Cambridge colony, 604; un-
favorably compared with Cam-
bridge by Mr. Froude in connexion
with the question of the royal
divorce, 616; Cromwell's commis-
sioners at, 629

'Oxford fare,' not luxurious, 371


Pace, Rich., pleads the cause of the
Grecians at Oxford with Henry
VII, 526; one of Wolsey's victims,
548; his character as described by
Erasmus, ib. n. 3

Pacomins, the monachism of, con-
trasted with that of the Benedio-
tines, 86

Padua, university of, its foundation
the result of a migration from
Bologna, 80

Pazet, W., a convert of Bilney,

563; lectured on Melanchthon's
Rhetoric at Trinity Hall, ib.
Pain Peverell, changes the canons of

St. Giles to Augustinian canons,
163, n. 1; removes them to Barn-
well, ib.

Pandects, see Civil law

Pantalion, Anchier, his student life
at Paris, 130

Paris, Matthew, his account of the
riot in Paris in 1228, 107; his
description of the condnet of the
Mendicants, 147; manuscript of
his Historia Major wed, ib. n.
1; his testimony to the character
of Grosseteste, 153; his comment
on the nomination of Adam de
Manseo to the see of Ely, 224;
his account of a wonderful trans
format on in the fen country, 331
Paris, university of, requirements of,
with respect to civil and non

law, 38, n. 1; in the 12th century,
58; the model for Oxford and
Cambridge, 67; supplies important
presumptive evidence with respe
to their early organisatora ta;
chief school of arts and tum. ✡
in the 12th century, 71; £14
known application of the

university' to, id.; com; ared wa
that of Ba, 75; tum
character of its early teachin
its early discipline, 75; st
not permitti to vite st,
commencement of its fester.
brity, 77; nat. rs' in 7*
hostility to the pop
its scealar associal as ex
by M. V. Le Clerc, ib.; e.-
with the citizens, in 1.
colleges of, ib.; sixteen
in the 13th century, 1^, n
pression of the smal
129; me lival eitrat
have been regard
unless completed at, th;
of stults at, to murie tu
of the 16th century, 10 da
fnence in the thr

132; tlen's from, at 11.
Caribr. 1, 133; v.

'crical boy always
question, 16 ̧n 1,:. :-
trines forladen at, 14
ence of leadership of th
to Oxford, 213; i
first rufessors to the Unf ri
ciscans, 1. n. 1; re.a ze
ence in the 15th century, 2
tion of its intere

and Cambrige, in ; e
the supreme cralext E
cales of decline of i
made by the popsto.c
prestige, 2×2; but mequent re
of, to the Enoch universi
asistane to bed rived
statutes in studying the
of Oxford ar 1 Cam'r. 1-
them, itical style at, in
tury, 352; reputat a of
inencement of 19th L.
ceases to be European in
ments, 15, n. 2
Parker, Matthew, fel of C-
attended mechings at le
Horse, 573

Parker, Bi h., error in Ls 3o
Cam ride with renent
of the burting of Laimes a
571, n. 5

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Peacock, dean, his observations on
discrepancies in the different Sta-
tuta Antiqua, 110, n. 1; question
raised by, with reference to dis-
pensation oaths, 456; inaccuracy
in his statement with respect to
Christ's College, ib. n. 3
Pecock, Reginald, an eclectic, 290;
mistaken by Foxe for a Lollard,
ib.; really an Ultramontanist, ib.;
his belief in logic, 291; asserts the
rights of reason against dogma,
ib.; repudiated the absolute autho
rity of both the fathers and the
schoolmen, 292; advocated sub-
mission to the temporal authority of
the pope, ib.; denied the right of
individuals to interpret Scripture,
293; disliked much preaching, 294;
his cccentric defence of the bishops,
ib.; offended both parties, 295; at-
tacks the doctrines of the Church,
ib.; his enemies at Cambridge, ib.;
his character by prof. Babington,
ib. n. 2; possibly a political suf-
ferer, 296; his doctrines forbidden
at the university, ib. and n. 4
Pembroke College, foundation of,
236; earliest statutes of, no longer
extant, 237; outline of the revised
statutes of, ib. n. 2; lending fea-
tures of these statutes, 238; scho-
lars, in the modern sense, first
so named at, ib.; grammar first in-
cluded in the college course at, ib.;
limitations of fellowships to differ.
ent counties at, ib.; preference to
be given to natives of France at, 239;
its reputation in the 15th century,
314; early catalogue of the library
of, 324; Fox, bp. of Winchester,
master of, 465
Pensioners, first admitted by statute,


at Christ's College, 459; evils re-
sulting from indiscriminate admis-
sion of, 624

Percival, Mr. E. F., his edition of
the foundation statutes of Merton
College, 159, n. 4; his assertion

respecting Roger Bacon, ib.; quoted,
on Walter de Merton's design in
the foundation of Merton College,
164, n. 1

Persius, lectures on, by Gerbert at
Rheims, 44; nine copies of, in
library of Christchurch, Canter-
bury, 104

Peter of Blois, account attributed to
him of the university of Cam-
bridge, spurious, 66

Peterhouse, foundation of, 228; be-
comes possessed of the site of the
friary De Pænitentia Jesu, 229;
final arrangement between, and the
brethren of St.John the Evangelist,
ib.; prosperity of the society, ib.;
patronised by Fordham, bp. of Ely,
ib; early statutes of, given by Simon
Montacute, 230; early statutes of,
copied from those of Merton Col.
lege, Oxford, ib.; character of
the foundation, 231; azars at, ib.;
all meals at, to be taken in com-
mon, 232; the clerical dress and
tonsure incumbent on the scholars
of, ib.; non-monastic character of,
233; fellowships at, to be vacated
by those succeeding to benefices of
a certain value, 231; its code com-
pared by dean Peacock with those
of later foundations, ib. n. 1;
allowance for fellows' commons
at, in 1510, 251, n. 2; cardinal
Beaufort a ponsioner at, 310; cata-
logue of the library of, ann. 1418,
824; illustration afforded by the
original catalogue of the library of,
370, n. 1; evils resulting from ex-
travagant living at, 460; Hornby
master of, 465

Petition of Parliament against ap
pointment of ecclesiastics to offices
of state, 267

Petrarch, notice of the infidelity of
his day by, 124 and n. 2; com-
pares the residence at Avignon to
the Babylonish captivity, 195; his
interview with Richard of Bury at
Avignon, 201; his reproach of the
university of Paris, as chiefly en-
nobled by Italian genius, 214; scene
in the early youth of, 379; his esti-
mate of the learning of the uni-
versities in his day, 3×2; his in-
fluence, ib.; change in the modern
estimate of his genius explained,
883; his Latin style, ib.; his ser-
vices to the study of Cicero, 384,
385, n. 1; his knowledge of Greek,

385; his instinctive appreciation
of Plato, 386; he initiates the
struggle against Aristotle, ib.; his
position compared with that of
Aquinas, ib.; rejected the ethical
system of Aristotle, 387; succes-
sors of, ib.; his prophecy of the fate
that awaited the schoolmen, 432;
copy of his Letters in the original
catalogue of the library of Peter-
house, 433

Petrus Hispanus, 176; not the ear-
liest translator of Psellus, ib.; nu-
merous editions of his Summulæ,
178; theory enunciated by the trea-
tise, 180; its extensive use in the
Middle Ages, 350

Philelphus, his statement respecting

Greek learning at Constantinople
in the fifteenth century, 175, n. 1;
account given by, of Constantinople
in the year 1141, 300
Philip Augustus, decline of the epis-

copal and monastic schools com-
mences with his reign, 68

Philip the Fair, of France, his strug

gle with Boniface vin, 194
Picot, sheriff, though a Norman,
founds secular canons at St. Giles,
163, n. 1

Pike, regarded as a delicacy in for-
mer days, 374, n. 2

Pisa, council of, representatives
from both the universities present
at, 276

Pisa, university of, founded in the
13th century, 80

Plague, the Great, 241; its effects on
the universities, ib.

Plague, the, often followed upon the
visits of illustrious personages,
542, n. 2

Plato, Timaus of, translated into
Latin by Chalcidius, 41; his theory
of Universals described by Por
phyry as translated by Boethius,
52; Timaus of, probably meant in
catalogues of libraries at Bee and
at Christchurch, Canterbury, 104;
Dialogmes of, brought by Wm. Gray
to England, 397

Pledges allowed to be given by stu
dents, 144, n. 1
Plessis-Sorbonne, Collége de, founda-
tion of, 129

Porno Bracciolini, visits England in
the 15th century, 297; nature of
his impressions, 298; his descrip
tion of the spirit in which the civil
law was studied in Italy, 319, n. 2;

his quarrel with the Frame Ch
serventie, 837; exposes the fru
tions character of the Decreas,

Politian, professor of both Greek al
Latin at Florence, 423; Ls 2.
lanea, ib.; the classical lecturer at
C. C. C., Oxford, ordered to iera
on the work, 521, n. 2
Polydore Vergil, not the sele
of the statement that
death of Stafford to Weise,
sentment, 54, n. 2
Pope, the, reason why kit

was originally sonzut at the f
ation of a Bn.ver.iy. T
Arignon, of posed by the E:
Franciscans, 193; caths
in early codege statutes
dispensations from te
spect to fellow»lin cath,
Porphyry, Isa ne cf, lecture
Gerbert at Rhein 9, 46;
philosophy owes its or
sentence in, 50; the ps
ted, ib.; the passage à
Middle Ages in two tru
51; influen it was ca
exercise on plul mph, da
Prævaricator, the, in arsisene
cises, 356

Pragmatie Sanction, the, we~ D
France independene of a

Prague, university of, 1-
model of Faris, 74, c.
nations at, 79, n. 2 f
connexion with the mo
Oxfor 1, 215; its pres
of study adopted by the wr
of Leipe. 2-2, n. 2.
tained by Paris in eens
the creation of, 344; less
by the non inalistic eat

Prantl, Carl, on the re-

eenragement given be
Frederic to the new AL
n. 1; his cot arribat a
scholastic Art Ge, 104, L
tor's obli, ata na to 1.0 GPA
der Logik, 175; his etsem
on the extensive ar

Byzantine loze, 172, 1.
of Oeram's plikseply is
Preaching, glect of, sa
century, 47

Prichard, Jas, C., on d **

tween use of the fose Iwere lat
Hinemar and Nich-ian, 34, mi

Priories, alien, appropriation of the
revenues of, to endow colleges, 303;
Gough's account of, 304; first se-
questration of their estates, ih.;
act for the suppression of, in 1402,
ib.; confiscation of, by archbp.
Chicheley, 305

Priscian, an authority in the Middle
Ages, 22; numerous copies of, at
Christchurch, Canterbury, 104
Proctors, the two, collected the votes
of the regents, 143; empowered to
call a congregation, ib.; their dif
fereat functions, 144

Professors at the university of Bo-
logna, 73

Provisors, statute of, its operation
nnfavorable to the university,

24; Huber's comments on the
fact, 286; Lingard's ditto, ib., n. 1
Paellus, Michael Constantine, 176;
his treatise on logic, ib.; transla-
tion of the same by Petrus His-
panus, ib.

Public Orator, Richard Croke elected

first, 539; privileges of the oflice,

Pullen, Robt., his work supposed to
have suggested the Sentences, 59,
n. 2; his Sentences compared with
those of Peter Lombard, 83; use
to which his name is put by An-
thony Wood, ib.; account of his
teaching by the same, ib.; a str
dent at the university of Paris,
Pythagoras, the school of,' period
to which it belongs, 332


Quadrivium of the Roman schools,

Queens' College, scholars of, forbid.

den to embrace the doctrines of
Wyclif or Pecock, 297, n. 1; found-
ation of, 312; first founded as
Queen's College in 1418, 315;
statutes of, given by Elizabeth
Woodville in 1475, ib.; first pro-
perly styled Queens' College, 316;
statutes of, given at petition of
Andrew Doket, ib.; studies and
lectureships at, ib.; early catalogue
of the library of, 324; bp. Fisher
appointed to the presidency of, 416;
residence of Erasmus at, 472
Questionist, the, meaning of the term
explained, 352; ceremony observed
by, 353

Quintilian, Institutes of Lupus of
Ferrières writes for a copy of, 20;
studied as a model under Bernard
of Chartres, 57; style of, imi-
tated by Croke, 529; preferred by
Linacre to that of Cicero, ib. n. 1
Quirinus, his lament on the destruc-
tion of the literary treasures of
Constantinople, 400


Rabanus Maurus, pupil of Alcuin at
Tours, 54; gloss by, on Boethius,
erroneously quoted by Mr. Lewes,
ib.; the gloss quoted, ib. n. 2; his
commentary on Boethius, accord-
ing to Cousin, proves that the dis
pute respecting Universals was
familiar to the ninth century, 55,
n. 1; sustains the tradition of
Alcuin's teaching, 69; according
to bp. Fisher, educated at Cam-
bridge, 450

Rancé, De, his attack on the study of
the classics, 18
Ratramnus, opposes doctrine of real

presence maintained by Paschasing,
40; Ridley's testimony to his in-
fluence, ib. n. 3

Bealism, doctrines of, favored a be
lief in the doctrine of the Trinity,

Reason, the, inadequacy of, accord-
ing to Aquinas in attaining to
truth, 111

Rectors at the university of Bologna,


Rede, sir Robt., fellow of King's
Hall, 518

Rede lectureships, foundation of,

Reformation, the, took its rise in Eng-
land, partly from opposition to the
canon law, 36; its relations to the
new learning in Italy and in Ger-
many compared, 414; different
theories respecting the origin of,
553; began in England at Cam
bridge, 554; not a developement
from Lollardism, 555; to be traced
to the influence of Erasmus's Greek
Testament, ib.; its spread in the
eastern counties, 5€3, n. 3
Reformers, the Cambridge, meetings
of, 572; chief names anong, 573;
character of the proceedings of,
ib.; not all young men, 574; their
meetings reported in London, 575;

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