THE CHRISTIAN Common Prayer Book, OR Universal Liturgy: Founded on the true GOSPEL PRINCIPLES OF CHARITY, BENEVOLENCE, and LIBERTY; And adapted to the General Public Use of Every Society of Chriftians. Keep thy Foot, when Thou goeft to the House of God; -Be I will pray with the Spirit, and I will pray with the Under Pure Religion and undefiled before God, even the Father, is LONDON: Printed for A. MILLAR, in the Strand, and W. JOHNSTON in Ludgate Street. To the Reverend the CLERGY Of various ORDERS and DEGREES in the CHURCHES OF ENGLAND and IRELAND, AND גי ALL the PLANTATIONS and COLONIES thereunto belonging, Conforming to the LITURGY by Law established: AND TO The Very Reverend and Honorable The MINISTERS and ELDERS Of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY Of the CHURCH OF SCOTLAND: ALSO ALSO TO THE LAITY and DISSENTERS Of every RANK or DENOMINATION in these DOMINIONS: The following PLAN of CHRISTIAN PUBLIC WORSHIP, calculated to promote a fincere rational and Gospel Union in Faith and Practice, most defireable and requifite, among all the ferious and true Worshippers of God, and the Followers of JESUS CHRIST, is with the greatest Deference and Humility DEDICATED By A Christian. And may the God of Patience and Confolation grant Us to be like-minded one towards another, according to Christ Jesus; That We may with one Mind and one Mouth glorifie GOD, even the Father of our Lord JESUS CHRIST! : Rom. xv. 5, 6. |