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Account of the new Comedy called the few.

cafional twenty from the DEAR PARTNER of his "early love," furnishes a beef steak and a bottle at all feafons of the year, undisturbed by the jealoufies and inceffant difquietudes of a theatre.

HYMEN to protect their domestic
tranquility, which Fame has never
yet been known to fully-A pack
of hounds has long fince con-
ftituted a part of the country ap-
pendage, and we conftantly meet
the happy pair, Sporting their
CURRICLE in the most fashion-
able parades of the metropolis,
(To be continued. )



MAY 9.

NEW comedy entitled The Jew, was performed laft night, and received throughout with warm applause.-The chief characters are

Shebah (the Jew)

Sir Stephen Bertram
Frederick Bertram
Charles Radcliffe
Saunders -


Louifa Radcliffe

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Mr. Bannifter.
Mr. Aikin.

Mr. Palmer.

Mr. Wroughton,

Mr. Maddocks.

Mr. Suett.
Mifs Farren.

NARCISSUS, was one of the handsomeft men in the metropolis, and at a certain period, when good old SIR JOHN FIELDING and Covent Garden were at the height of their popularity, NARCISSUS was the envied favourite of the most beautiful and celebrated nymphs in its environs. To Bartlett, Ward, Godfrey, Brookes, Townsend, and the long lift of blooming et cæteras, he was alternately fubfervient, till a too great adherence to relaxation, and the court of COMUS introduced him to a lift of honourable af. fociates in the Gazette, where he fhone in all the fplendid dignity of a 66 WHEREAS," (but it is fuppofed not without making fuch referves as is customary upon fimilar occafions); for fome time after which, it was neceffary he fhould effect fone degree of indigence," though he had it not;" for a connection with the family foon made him throw off the. The plan of the piece is to exmask, and appear in public with hibit a benevolent Jew, and this more than renovated fplendor, Mr. Cumberland, who, we unand the most fashionable ef- derftand, is the author, has fucfrontery. E. O. and FARO TA-ceeded in delineating with great BLES in the metropolis, a collateral effect. Leffing, the German drafirm in the warm and fertile re-matift, has a character of the fame gions of BATH, with all the hap. caft, but the play before us is not py appendages of HAZARD, BIL- a copy. He has treated his subLIARDS and CARDS magically ject after his own manner, and produced a PHAETON, and the though the plot foon clofes, and tout en femble a lady of fortune, the two laft acts are spun out after who condefcended to accept his the fufpence, and confequently vows at the altar, and fubmitted the interefts have ceafed, yet it is moft liberally her perfon and pro-interfperfed with fo many touches perty to his difcretion. PRU- of fenfibility, that the mind is not DENCE feems to have approved wearied in going with him to the the felection on either fide, and

Mrs. Radcliffe
Mrs. Goodifon

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Mrs. Hopkins.

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Mrs. Both.

Mifs Tidfwell.



Account of the new Opera called Love ana Honour. 97

The fable, in a few words, is The generous idea of refcuing Frederick Bertram, the a people from the wretched prefon of Sir Stephen, a rich mer- judices under which they labour, chant, fecretly marries Eliza, the is worthy the pen of a philofofifter of Charles Radcliffe, who phical writer, and the fuccefs is reduced, for the fupport of his which the play obtained does homother and fifter to be the clerk nour to the feelings and the justice of Sir Stephen. He is difmiffed of the house.' the fervice, and Frederick turned out of doors, on account of the marriage, and the Jew protects them. He gives Frederick 3001. and when he finds that the


MAY 10th.

father expected that his fon LAST night a new operatic fhould receive a portion of piece, in one act, called Love 10,000l. with the woman that he and Honour, was performed, as of the entertainments for married, he fecretly bought for one her 10,000l. confols. He finds Mrs. Martyr's benefit. that Charles Radcliffe had rescued him from the hands of a rafcally mob in the street, and that he is William the fon of a generous man, who Lieutenant Capftern faved him in Spain from the Dick


dreadful horrors


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Mr. Incledon.


Mr. Johnstone.

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Mr. Blanchard.



Farmer Ploughfield

Mr. Townfhend.

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Auto de fe. He therefore leaves him his whole fortune.


Mr. Rees.

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Mr. Cumberland has confined himself to the fingle plot of the fecret marriage, and the benevo- The fubject of this little piece, lent interference of Shebah; he which the writer candidly menhas no novelty of character, tions to have been furnished by no ftriking, bold, whimfical, or Mrs. Martyr herself, may be elegant features in any of the given in a few words. Mary unperfons except the Jew, by which derstanding that her fweetheart, any of the performers but Mr. William, (a failor) was ftationed Bannister could exhilarate the in India, refolved, instead of stayscene by the arts of their talents. ing at home, moping and la

The whole depends on the menting his abfence, to enter on Jew, and Mr. Bannister has an ad- fhipboard, (under difguife of a mirable fcope for the difplay of failor) in purfuit of him. For his incomparable talents. If per- this purpofe the fets off for fect fuccefs be the best criterion Portfmouth, accompanied by her of excellence in a part, he may brother Dick, who endeavours to truly boast of having delineated perfuade her to drop the enterthe Jew with truth, for never was prize, and return back-striving applause more cordial; and yet at the fame time to alarm her we venture to think that his tone fears of being taken and carried had too much of the whine. The into France, or of what he may Jew, though fupple, is not a fyco- fuffer on fhipboard for her idle phant; and the fentiments would pranks. In the mean time, Wilnot fuffer, if delivered with a liam appears to have landed, having juft efcaped from fhipwreck,

firmer tone.

VOL. IV. No. XX,


wreck, but faved his property; The ftory is briefly as follows? and on his return to fee his fa- The fuppreffion of the convents ther, and fweetheart Mary, is in France releases Ifidora, who, taken by a preffgang, a divifion under the arbitrary will of her of which having allo fallen in father, had taken the veil to prewith Mary, is the means of an vent her marrying Woodford; interview being effected between he, in confequence of this meathe lovers, at the critical moment fure, makes the tour of Europe when they might have been with his valet Scamper, to divert feparated for ever.. The lieu- his mind, and is on his return to tenant of the preffgang, who ap- England, when he takes his pafpears alfo to have felt the fhafts fage on board the fame packet in of love, difmiffes William on which Ifidora is returning, under Mary's difcovering herfelf, and the protection of Jacquelina, a permits the lovers to return home female friend, disguised in a mihappy. litary habit for the better fecurity

The piece was very favourably of both. received. Though the dialogue Woodford's picture, dropt from of a one-act opera, neceffarily de- Ifidora's bofom in the packetmands concifeness, there were boat, brought to him by one of the feveral ftrokes that told well-failors in a miftake, brings about particularly fome temporal ones. the difcovery-Jacquelina appoints Most of the mufic is new and of O'Phoenix her lover, an Irish officer, real excellence.-The little pro- to meet on her return, who falls in duction was got up with much at the fame hotel with his old correctness and attention, and in friend Woodford. The hotel be-' which the refpective performers, ing crowded with company, the particularly Incledon, Johnstone, ladies are lodged at the house of Townshend, and Mrs. Martyr, Supple, a receiver of fmuggled exerted themselves with their ufual ability.

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goods, which circumftance is the occafion of fome embarrassment to Woodford, but is foon cleared up by the early arrival of Jacquelina to demand the miniature, which brings matters about to the fatisfaction of all parties.

This piece was received with much applause by a very crowded audience.

Of the acting we need say little after referring our readers to the dramatis perfonæ.

The exertions of the different performersthofe of the first rank-no lefs evinced in what eftimation Mr. Munden is held within the theatre, than did the aduience who were prefent, the popular opinion without.


( 99 )





AT the late affizes at Wor

cefter, a caufe was tried about the foundness of a horse, in which a clergyman, not educated in the school of Tatterfall, appeared as a witness; he was confufed in given his evidence, and the furious bluftering counfellor who examined him, was at laft tempted to exclaim, "Pray, Sir, do you know the difference beteen a horfe and a cow?" I acknowledge my ignorance," fays the grave divine, I hardly know the difference between a horse and a cow; or between a bully and a bull; only that a bull (I am told) has borns, and a bully (bowing refpectfully to the counsellor) luckily for me, has none.


A recruiting ferjeant, who with true military eloquence, was expatiating on the advantages of enlifting at the prefent period, in preference to any that ever was or ever will be, concluded his harangue by stating, that his captain, with unexampled generofity and liberality, had ordered bran-new filver watch to be prefented to every hero who enlists in his company: fo that he may mark the lucky minute which fnatched him from a menial fituation-placed him in the road to riches and honour-enfured him a laurel crown-and entitled him to be praised in the Hiftory of England-and buried in Westmins ter Abbey !

An Irish paper contains a noThe crimps may boaft as they tice," that the fair of Rathfrywill of their extraordinary talents land, on account of the day being in obtaining men for his Ma- bad, is poftponed to Wednesday jefty's fervice; but after all, the the 7th of May, when it will be beft recruiting ferjeant in the held as ufual." world is-Neceffity-for when hunger turns drummer, and beats a tat-too upon an empty ftomach, it fo rattles up a. man's valour, that he becomes a hero in spite of himself, and has no alternative between-Death or Glory.

Mr. Gurney's declaration, that he could not read his. notes at fight, reminds us of one of the Clerks of the Custom house, who when called upon to explain his own hand-writing, obferved, that


Sporting Portraits. No. VI.

he was a cocket-writer, but not a fing down his fence: they were both prudent men, fuch as the world calls niggardly;-and fo, to


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In an Irish provincial paper is fave expence, they hired a horse the following fingular notice:- between them, to carry both to "Whereas Patrick Donnel O'Connor the trial. lately left his lodgings, this is to give notice, that if he does not return immediately, and pay for the fame, he will be advertised.



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Samuel Baldwyn, a gentleman of Hampfhire had, by his will, in the year 1736, ordered, that after his deceafe, his body fhould be Bouvart, the physician, called thrown into the fea beyond the on a certain nobleman, whom he Needles, which was accordingly had attended for fome time paft, complied with. On making in-. during a fevere illness. "Good quiry into his motives for the day to you, M. Bouvart," fays the fingular diftribution of his refick man. "I am glad to fee you. mains, it was discovered, that he I feel quite in fpirits, and I think made it for the purpose of difmy fever has left me. Only appointing a young wife, who judge.""I am fure of it," replied had frequently affured him, by the Doctor; "the very first expref-way of confolation that she should fion you have used, convinces me" dance upon his grave. "How can that be?". "Oh, nothing more easy. In the first days of your illness, when your were in fuch great danger, I was your dear friend. When you began to get better, I was your dear Bouvart; and now, I am M. Bouvart. You may depend upon it that you are quite recovered."

"My love, I fhould like to fee your face fet in pearls."-" And I," faid the youth archly, "should like to fee your's fet in ftones."


No. VI.

a kone of his royal S a ftriking perfonal refem

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relations, who have likewife done us the honour of a condefcending fitting, for the purpofe of forming the collection now before us. During the late rage for minia-R. H. entered into all the blantures, a certain doating old dame difhments of the FIELD, the TURF, thus accofted her fon and heir::and the TAVERN, with even a fuperlative excels of imagination; and with a degree of HONOUR and innate INTEGRITY that will immortalize his name. He no fooner became convinced of the At a public dinner, at which folly of the pursuit, the danger, Lord Howe's health was pro- of a permanant attachment, and pofed, a gentleman obferved, that the duplicity of devotees to fuch he had no objection to the toaft, complication of variegated inbut that he would not drink him confiftencies, than he inftantly in port.



emancipated himself from
fcene of villainous deception that
furrounded him, fhook off the

A man brought an action a-fhackles that fashion fo conftantly gainst his neighbour, for break- becomes fubfervient to, and 18


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